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        1 - Freedom of will from view of Immanuel Kant and Mulla Sadra
        Batoul Yarali Mohsenn Fahim mojtaba jafari
        This essay in the field of philosofy of athics is a comparative research about freedom of will. According to Mullah Sadra, human actions are both voluntary and coercive. In his philosophy, the opposition of causal necessity to free will is one of the most important an More
        This essay in the field of philosofy of athics is a comparative research about freedom of will. According to Mullah Sadra, human actions are both voluntary and coercive. In his philosophy, the opposition of causal necessity to free will is one of the most important and ambiguous issues. He proves the freedom of will through practical reason .He accepts a middle way in this case and calls his theory a theory of who are firmly grounded in knowledge. From this point of view, human actions are attributed to themselves on the one hand, and on the other hand, according to monotheism, actions are attributed to God. From Kant's point of view that free will is one of the fundamental foundations of his athics philosophy. He considers the desire for freedom to be inherent in human beings and man, as a rational being, has free will. According to Kant, the human will is a dependent will, but the will of God is a completely independent will. He considers theoretical reason incapable of proving the free will of man, but presupposes it in practical reason. Manuscript profile