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        1 - Study Of Theoretical Philosophy Of History In Nahj Al-Balagha; Case Study Determinism And Authority
        سید مهدی  حسینی شیروانی   Mohammad 
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs More
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs And Destiny And The Will Of The People And Will Closely Tied. The Question That Arises Here Is Whether The Views Of Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Human Beings Or Force And Whether This Autonomy Is In Contradiction With God's Will? Accordingly, The Findings Indicate That Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Balagha Does Not Believe In Coincidence And Historical Determinism And Believed In The Cause And Effect Of Events And Historical Events. So That Human Philosophical Insight Of Imam Ali (As) A Victim Helplessly Against The God Of History, But Their Own History And Its Manufacturer And Can Be Across The Divine Decree, Lead To Welfare. Imam (AS) And The Traditions Of The Human Will To The Will Of God And Not The Dominant Force On The Date. Accordingly, Autonomous Being, Is One Of The Most Important Features Of The Nahj Al-Balagha. The Research Method In Collecting Library - Documentation And Analytical Judgment Is In Place Manuscript profile
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        2 - Comparatively Surveys the Issue of "Determinism" and "Free Will" among Abraham Religions
        This article comparatively surveys the issue of "determinism" and "free will" among holy religions. According to the heavenly religions, we want to distinguish the stand of free will in human being; moreover, whether Allah has created him in determinism or thoroughly gi More
        This article comparatively surveys the issue of "determinism" and "free will" among holy religions. According to the heavenly religions, we want to distinguish the stand of free will in human being; moreover, whether Allah has created him in determinism or thoroughly given him free will is in the question. Separately surveying these issues in all three religions, this article distinguishably circulates theirs experts' verdicts; furthermore, it compares and adapts their verdicts to each, considering the differences, and finally it selects the appreciated and complete one. Initially we took a look at the verdicts of Ash'arīyūn, Mu'tazilah, and Shiite in the school of Islam, then the verdicts of jewish experts such as Sa'dīyā, Ibrāhīm ibn 'adhrā, and Ibrāhīm ibn dāvūd have been discussed. The verdicts of christian experts like Saint Augustines, Pelagius, and their companions have been examined at the end Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Problem of Predestination and Free Will and Mulla Sadra’s Innovative Solution
        Akbar  Faydei
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in More
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in the formation of the problem of predestination and free will and the rise of three major kalami and religious views of predestination, entrusting, and amr bayn al-amrayn (neither predestination nor entrusting, but something between them). Through explaining the problem of predestination and free will and rejecting the views of determinists and the followers of entrusting, the writer of this paper tries to demonstrate the consistency of the Divine Decree and Ordinance with man’s will based on the teachings of the Shi‘a school of thought and the truth of the theory of intermediate position and Mulla Sadra’s innovative interpretation of the issue. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Nature and Realm of Responsibility of Human from the Perspective of Sartre and Islamic View of Action
        The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the nature and the realm of responsibility from the perspective of Sartre and Islamic view of action. In order to do this, two methods of conceptual analysis and comparative analysis were used; using the method of conce More
        The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the nature and the realm of responsibility from the perspective of Sartre and Islamic view of action. In order to do this, two methods of conceptual analysis and comparative analysis were used; using the method of conceptual analysis, the nature of human responsibility, regarding to the nature of human and its freedom in both views, was examined and then, their similarities and differences were comparatively analyzed. The comparison was analyzed from four aspects of the origin of responsibility and the criteria (nature of responsibility), absolute/bounded responsibility and individual/social responsibility (realm of responsibility). First, despite the initial similarities between the two perspectives on the origins of responsibility, these are distinct by considering the concept of abandonment. Second, these two views, according to two aspects of the objective/subjective and absolute/relative of the responsibility criteria, are naturally different. Being absolute/ bounded, as the third component, makes the two views closer together in the responsibility realm. Fourth, individual/social responsibility of acts deals with the comparative study of this realm from another perspective. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Development of the Concept of Free Will in the View of Modern Philosophers
        Roohollah Karimi
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the More
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the modern period that the role of free will in the interpretation of the world was more highlighted in the thoughts of each philosopher more than those of the previous one. It seems as if the role of rational knowledge has become gradually less important in this process while the role of free will has become more significant. Inspired by Heidegger, the author has tried to strengthen his standpoint by yielding more proofs than he has offered in order to examine the development of the concept of free will. In doing so, he starts with Descartes and, by investigating the views of Espinoza, Leibniz, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche, aims to analyze the quality of the development of this concept, particularly the relationship between the free will and knowledge in the modern period. The purpose is to show that the significance of free will for Schopenhauer and Nietzsche is not accidental, and the preliminary contexts of such a development had been previously and gradually paved by modern philosophers. The findings of this study indicate that, unlike the previous comments and interpretations, Nietzsche’s “will to power” is not a complement to a Schopenhaurian project but, rather, a complement to German idealism. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Locus of Control in Quran’s View, with an Emphasis on Concept of Determinism & Free Will
        Man’s health in all areas is deeply affected by his lifestyle. On the other hand, lifestyle and actions and conducts originate from man’s mental and psychological processes and his style of thinking. The locus of control of man’s character is among personality traits More
        Man’s health in all areas is deeply affected by his lifestyle. On the other hand, lifestyle and actions and conducts originate from man’s mental and psychological processes and his style of thinking. The locus of control of man’s character is among personality traits that significantly affect the way one thinks and behaves. Research findings show that many of men’s problems and troubles are rooted in a belief in external control on individuals. But what affects does internal control have on individuals? Does external control not have any positive effects? A study of Quranic concepts, especially those related to the issue of determinism and free will point to the fact that Quranic discourse rules out absolute free will on the one hand and considers limited effects from external determinism on individuals, on the other. Hence, Quran’s view of the locus of control is something in the middle of internal and external control. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Role of Free Will Versus Taghdir (Destiny) in View of Quran, Psychology and Neurology
        AKRAM jahangir farzaneh maftoon
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying More
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying “La jabr wala ikhtiar, bal amr-i bayn al-amrayn” (There is no free will or predestination, but the station in between) we have received from the Infallible Imams (AS) has been proven to be true in specialized neurology labs. In this paper, neurological studies about free will, related Quranic verses, and other psychological and neurological views related to the issue have been taken into consideration. Benjamin Libet is a neurophysiologist who discovered a new understanding of consciousness during his studies on the brain. He writes that the brain begins responding to an external stimulus before making a conscious decision (i.e., the response is already there, and this is what we call predestination). This paper cites from verses of the Quran, views of Carl Jung, and interpretations of poets Rumi and Hafiz on the issue of sublime predestination and destiny and then investigates neurology of transcendence in neuroscience. One can develop humanity’s horizons in terms of religious understandings by reflecting on them and their relation with new sciences. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Critical Study of the Definition of Practice in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Fatemeh Sadat Ketabchi Keramat Varzdar
        Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that the distinction of practice from other acts pertains to its “intentional” nature. In his view, “intention” includes the free will accompanied with the second level of consciousness acting based on the purpose of practice. Therefore, not each v More
        Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that the distinction of practice from other acts pertains to its “intentional” nature. In his view, “intention” includes the free will accompanied with the second level of consciousness acting based on the purpose of practice. Therefore, not each voluntary act is called “practice”; rather, practice is a voluntary act that emerges along with the second level consciousness based on the purpose of act. The results of this study, which was conducted following a descriptive-analytic method and through the analysis of conceptual concomitants of practice, indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition is not mutually exclusive. This is because, based on the example of “self-conscious” robot, one can assume an agent that enjoys free will and consciousness but its act is not intentional. Therefore, to complete the definition of practice, in addition to free will and consciousness, one needs a third element or the same “choice”. Mullā Ṣadrā does not officially recognize “choice” as the third element of practice and reduces it to the same consciousness and the free will. Nevertheless, the present study demonstrates that he is wrong, and “choice” in the sense of “the freedom to use the free will” must be added to the definition of practice. This study mainly aims to examine the quiddative structure of “practice” in the Transcendent Philosophy and distinguish “practice” from other similar affairs. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Rumi's rational methodology in order to prove human free will in Masnavi
        Abolfazl  Afsharipour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy More
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet; it has been followed different and sometimes contradictory interpretations; to the extent that each of the intellectual societies, including the Ash'arites and Mu’tazilites, have been in constant search to prove their beliefs according to their own intellectual and ideological basis. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, including Maulana Jalaluddin, due to his great work, Masnavi, mentions one of the strong and convincing reasons in order to prove free will and human will that the use the rational method of the thought power is in absorbing desires and seeking phenomena which is referred to as "common value". By the rational methodology, Rumi seeks to prove the subject of free will and the negation of determinism, and in the light of human free will, he proves the power of thought. The findings of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library and documentary studies, show that the power of thought in human has been considered as a force to prove the power of free will in Rumi's theology. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Criticism and review of the views of theologians about the creation of actions based on the theory of Sadr al-Mutalahin Shirazi
        Ozra  Yousefi Seyyed Hassan  Bothaie Mohammad Reza  Motaqian Rohollah  NadAli
        The issue of "deterrence and free will" is one of the important theological and philosophical issues of human voluntary actions. The thinkers tried to explain the truth and dimensions of this issue based on their religious, scientific and epistemological foundations and More
        The issue of "deterrence and free will" is one of the important theological and philosophical issues of human voluntary actions. The thinkers tried to explain the truth and dimensions of this issue based on their religious, scientific and epistemological foundations and assumptions. Some were inclined to the theory of determinism and others to the theories of free will. Acknowledging the monotheism of verbs, Ash'ari theologians believe that all the verbs of the servants are God's creation and man is the only current acquirer that God creates by man's hand. Mu'tazila, motivated by the negation of evils from God, have denied the issuance of the verb ``Abd'' from God, and consider ``Abd'' as the origin of optional verbs. Sadr al-Mutalahin, by using rational reasons and revealed principles, has sought to gather the will of man and monotheism of actions. In this research, the Ash'areh principles and Mu'tazila principles about the voluntary actions of man are explained and the analysis and criticism of Mulla Sadra's principles about the voluntary actions of man are explained and its relationship with the monotheism of verbs is analyzed and researched according to rational and narrative reasons. It will be said that the authentic view of Imamia is Mulla Sadra's view. Manuscript profile