• List of Articles dualism

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Explaining the Political and Governmental Obstacles of Productive Private Sector Investment in Iranian Economy Using the Hodgson Institutional Approach1
        Productive investment is one of the main variables of macroeconomics. Creating favorable conditions for formation and growth of productive investment is one of the essential requirements for the achievement of the country's economic goals, to fix issues and economic pro More
        Productive investment is one of the main variables of macroeconomics. Creating favorable conditions for formation and growth of productive investment is one of the essential requirements for the achievement of the country's economic goals, to fix issues and economic problems and increasing the political and economic power of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, using Hodgson's institutional approach, the main problems and obstacles in the political system and governance structure in the process of formation of productive investment by the private sector is identified and analyzed. In Hodgson's theoretical approach, the existence of dichotomies and contradictions is the factor for the formation of social evolution and economic change. The institutional and environmental conditions of community indicates that these dualities lead to the development or rebound of the community. In this study, four institutional contradictions in Iranian economy have been investigated. These are the preference for short-term programs on long-term plans, the existence of contradictions in the structure of bureaucracy and sovereignty, the value-ideological decision-making and the destructive competition of the commercial sector with the industry sector. Then, their role and influence on economic productive investment are investigated. The study of the contradictions formed in political background and governance structure of the Iranian economy shows that the investment climate in the Iranian economy is inadequate and this has led to the continued economic downturn. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Pedagogical Narrative of Embodied Consciousness in the Post-Reductionist Era: The Inseparability of Mind-Body-Environment (MBE)
        Zeinab Mahdavi Bakhatiar shabanivaraky Tahereh Javidi Calate Jaafar Abad
        To narrate the pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness is the primary purpose of the paper. To reach it, firstly, the analytical account has offered the main consciousness streams which took a reductionism position about the phenomenon and, then, according to the More
        To narrate the pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness is the primary purpose of the paper. To reach it, firstly, the analytical account has offered the main consciousness streams which took a reductionism position about the phenomenon and, then, according to the shortcomings they have created, we criticised them. On the one hand, dualism held that mind and matter are distinct substances and preferred the mind as a non-material entity, leading to explanatory gab and the hard problem of consciousness later. The eliminativist's argument about consciousness is that "there is no such a thing." Therefore, mental states and awareness are exclusively confined only to the brain and neuroscientific subjects. On the other hand, neurophenomenology takes a holism position and, by refusing the explanatory gap, believes that there is no split between the mind-body and the world. Varela introduced the embodiment as a feature of consciousness which means that the integrated experience is intimately connected to situations and arise from contexts. Thus, we are active in the world and show a reaction, rather than isolated Cartesian minds that consist of pure thought or generally eliminated consciousness. The idea demonstrates even better in the pedagogy field due to embodiment consciousness by identifying students' first-person experience and emotional aspects and recovering Cartesian subjective preference. Moreover, bypassing traditional, static and dogmatic structures, pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness endeavor to conquer elimination problems and explain that human beings do not live inactively in a society with a set of predomination stuff like morality which has already existed just in neural system and the brain biologically. Therefore, embodiment consciousness has been suggested as an alternative to the previous streams. Here, the pedagogical stream is non-linear, emergent, and chaotic, in which monologue turns to dialogue. In these circumstances, the pedagogic connection refuses to follow static, linear, and predetermined regulation but avoids pursuing blindness and imitation. Manuscript profile