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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Redefinition of geopolitics of shia (by emphasizing on demonstration of Arba'een)
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on More
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on regional and international changes and policies. Main hypothesis of the research seeks to respond to this question that what position demonstration of Arba'een as one of symbolic teachings and elements of sect of shia has in geopolitical weight and power sources of shias? Several factors such as supreme situation of shias in the region, maximum hegemony of shias on energy sources of the middle east, capability of threatening Israeli regime, regional power of Iran, democratic nature of shia governments and in short, events of the region during these four decades (from Iranian revolution) provided field of establishing power of shias in the region. Although power basics of this geopolitics have caused and cause always to image fear of Shia from western– Arabian governments in the region, existing realities state geopolitical power of shier. The present research seeks to redefine geopolitics of Shia. Hypothesis is this, when a true understanding of geopolitics of shia is possible that a true cognition of root and real origin of power of shia is done .here, thoughts and beliefs and in other sense, shia ideology (Ashura, the pond of Khumm, Mahdiism, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, etc.) are the same infrastructure and real power of shia. In other sense, in fact real power of shia is due to these values and beliefs. One of these values that today, has been converted into dislpay of faith, unity and power of shias in the region and the world, is huge demonstration of Arba'een. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Philosophy of Imāmah and its Place in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy with an Emphasis on Sharḥ Uṣūl al-Kāfī
        Abdollah Mirahmadi Mona Amanipoor
        A study of the discussions of the book Sharḥ uṣūl al-kāfī reveals that Mullā Ṣadrā has tried in this book to interpret Imāmah (leadership) and its nature – as a position appointed by God – based on the truths in the words of the Infallible Imams. In spite of the rationa More
        A study of the discussions of the book Sharḥ uṣūl al-kāfī reveals that Mullā Ṣadrā has tried in this book to interpret Imāmah (leadership) and its nature – as a position appointed by God – based on the truths in the words of the Infallible Imams. In spite of the rational and shar‘ī nature of the concept of Imāmah and the different approaches to it, Mullā Ṣadrā has never provided a human-oriented and non-divine interpretation of this position. Rather, through granting principliality and attending to the narrative and Kalāmi beliefs in Shi‘ism, he emphasizes the ultra-human and divine status of this position when explaining the narrations in kitāb al-ḥujjah as a section of al-Kāfī. When discussing the concept of Imāmah and while posing and criticizing the views of various Islamic sects regarding the problem of appointment, Mullā Ṣadrā acknowledges that the existence of Imam is necessary based on the principle of the noblest possibility. Moreover, he refers to certain features and privileges in order to demonstrate that Imām is the proof of God. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Critical Study of Haeri Yazdi’s View of the Sadrian Semantic Function of “Possibility” in Explaining the Sinan Argument of the Righteous
        Hamidreza  Khademi
        The argument of the righteous (Burhān al-Ṣiddīqīn) demonstrates the essence of the Necessary Being without resorting to an intermediary. This title was chosen for the first time by Ibn Sīnā in order to provide a new interpretation of an argument that Fārābī had previous More
        The argument of the righteous (Burhān al-Ṣiddīqīn) demonstrates the essence of the Necessary Being without resorting to an intermediary. This title was chosen for the first time by Ibn Sīnā in order to provide a new interpretation of an argument that Fārābī had previously adduced. The argument of the righteous is one of the best and most concise philosophical and rational arguments on demonstrating the existence of God.This argument reasons from “being” to the “Necessary Being” so that none of God’s acts, such as motion or origination, functions as the middle term. Haeri Yazdi has tried to respond to the problems of this argument by explaining the meaning of possibility in the Peripatetic and Transcendent Schools of philosophy. Given his accurate analysis of the meaning of possibility, he believes that it can be used as a basis for proving the existence of the Necessary Being; therefore, it is not necessary to resort to the impossibility of infinite regression. Following an analytic comparative method and based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s valid criteria for the truth of the argument of the righteous, the present paper analyzes and examines Haeri Yazdi’s interpretation and shows that his view is not immune to criticism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Relationship between Daemon in Ancient Greek and Div in Zoroastrian Wisdom and Jinn in Islamic Philosophy
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the More
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the challenge of how ancient Greek gods gradually turned into div and Satan during the Christian period and after that. In the same vein, there is not only a distinction but also total contrast and opposition between Divine gods and divs in Zoroastrian wisdom. The former is divine and good while the latter is evil and satanic. There is also an existent called “jinn” in Islamic worldview and teachings that is neither angel-like nor of an absolute evil nature. On the one hand, it is close to the world of immateriality and angels and can perform supernatural and superhuman acts; on the other hand, it is the origin of evil and wicked affairs in several cases, thus deserving the name of Satan. However, it is possible to explain the challenges related to ancient Greek daemons more accurately based on Muslim philosophers’ approach in classifying spiritual and immaterial existents and the distinctions that they make among angels, good jinns, and evils. This endeavor plays an important role in understanding the roots of the ideas held in ancient schools of philosophy, particularly in ancient Greece, so that one can clarify the role of daemons in ancient Greece more effectively. Manuscript profile