• List of Articles defense

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis of urban vulnerability passive defense in regional Cities a case study in Gorgan
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defens More
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defense, as well as to apply these measures can be used to reduce risk to natural hazards and man-made helpful. However, due to our country's geographical and political situation is always at risk of natural hazards and man-made threats (war) has been and heavy human casualties and financial losses incurred. Therefore and considering the importance of research, the aim of this study was to assess the vulnerability of utility with passive defense approach in Gorgan is the purpose of descriptive - analytical and field studies and subsequent zoning and overlay data layers ( IndexOverlay) software is used GIS spatial analysis. In this study, using five criteria of access, population density, dispersion police stations 10+, building density and spatial distribution of critical facilities Gorgan and delineate them and finally made use of overlapping layers, It was found that the northwestern city of Gorgan to focus on vital installations such as electricity distribution companies Province, the national broadcast of petroleum products and the District of vulnerability is more in need of measures, planned in the framework of passive defense is . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Urban Shelter Site selection with Passive Defense Approach
        Nowadays “Passive Defense” is very important in urban management and Militarism, because we can reduce damages from enemies attack by complying with its rules. Making urban shelters is one of important actions to reduce human casualties. Making urban shelters have its r More
        Nowadays “Passive Defense” is very important in urban management and Militarism, because we can reduce damages from enemies attack by complying with its rules. Making urban shelters is one of important actions to reduce human casualties. Making urban shelters have its rules. Finding the best place in city is one of these rules which should be complied. The shelter must be created in place that people can reach very fast in the crisis. In this paper urban shelter site-selecting implemented using multi criteria decision making algorithms with passive defense approaches. In the first step, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used in order to determine the weight of each criterion. Then, we use fuzzy logic functions to produce fuzzificated factor maps. Finally, we utilize TOPSIS algorithm to evaluate all the points of city and create assessment map. Zahedan (in the southeast in Iran) is chosen as case study. In this paper 39 layers (map) gathered and categorized into 15 factor. Most weight is dedicated to “Distance from important points” (23 %) and lowest weight is dedicated to “slope” (1 %). The results shows most areas in the east and the north and center of the city are not suitable places to build urban shelters since several inappropriate factors like “Distance to fault” , “Distance to Old buildings” , “Distance to dangerous area” , “Distance to rivers” , “Distance to under waters” and “Distance to high voltages power lines” are focused in these areas and intensify the effect of each other’s. And the west area in the city (and some small limited areas in northeast and southeast) is suitable for urban shelter. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Investigating the Effect of Surface Water in Sacred Defense Operations on the South Front
        usef hemati علی امیری hamed abaci
        One of the wars that have occurred in Iranian history is the extensive attack of the neighboring country, Iraq, which lasted from 1980 to 1987. In this period, which is mentioned in Iranian sources under the title of the Holy defense, there are offensive and defensive o More
        One of the wars that have occurred in Iranian history is the extensive attack of the neighboring country, Iraq, which lasted from 1980 to 1987. In this period, which is mentioned in Iranian sources under the title of the Holy defense, there are offensive and defensive operations in the western border of Iran that can be divided into three Northern, Middle and South fronts. The most important and decisive operations of the war parties took place on the southern front, which is extended from the south of Mehran to Abadan and Ras al-Bisheh. Since the hydrological and geomorphological conditions of this front are such that it is possible to use water tactics or hydraulic warfare, this research has been developed to study the effect of surface water on the operations carried out there. How to collect information this research is based on its nature. That is, according to its historical nature, it has been compiled with library and documentary methods. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive-analytical method. The results showed that surface waters such as rivers, Hores and canals of water and dams in all phases of offensive operations, including designing, implementation and support, and especially defensive operations have had influential role and in each operation, have influenced several principles of nine principles of war. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Passive defense, the secret of security in the range of of urbans and rurals country (With emphasis on rural and urban architecture)
        Nasr Allah Fallah tabar  
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore More
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore, we must be prepared for each of them and defense of our Islamic homeland. Because there were more than 220 wars in the twentieth century with more than 200 million casualties for people. Then, this is a warning to us to be prepared. The research uses a descriptive-analytic approach to take advantage of the practical results. Because the subject is tied to the past, the historical method is employed. The research hypothesis raises that; our Islamic homeland has been faced with several important wars. On the other hand, facing with Islamic Revolution is one of the strategic objectives of the global arrogance. Iran is capable of as eight years of sacred defense to give the necessary training to all sections of society in the field of passive defense to defend the nation and the country. The result is that Imam Khomeini (God's mercy be upon him) in a part of his thoughts says: " In all circumstances, the vigor of the defense must be in the best condition. Over the years of war and conflict, people have touched the hatred and cruelty of the enemies of the God and themselves... ". Therefore, by considering this remark and the necessity of securing and preparation, the principles of passive defense will be reviewed and analyzed for urban and rural architecture respect to building strength and the public safety. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Sustainable development of small bio-complexes in aspect of passive defense (A case study on Buin Zahra City)
        Cities are one of the most important and densely populated human habitats and require the physical safety and security of the infrastructure as well as sustainability and resistance in counter with natural disasters and enemies threats. Passive defense subject is one of More
        Cities are one of the most important and densely populated human habitats and require the physical safety and security of the infrastructure as well as sustainability and resistance in counter with natural disasters and enemies threats. Passive defense subject is one of the issues that has been considered by planners and Iranian cities planners in recent years. Urban planning has a variety of dimensions, which, considered with regard to their protection and sustainability therefore will be a great benefit in critical situations, The present research conducts to use the inactive principles of urban planning, with emphasis on residential and critical uses in small-scale cities and protecting urban spaces by providing them by defensive role also, how to protect and defend people and their places of life by enforcing the rules and considerations of passive defense in present and future. In addition, it provides grounds for the better security and stability of the city with the least possible damage during the time of the foreign invasion and even terrorist operations. In the present research, analysis have been done using GIS tools on distribution strategic locations of Buin Zahra city as a small town scale where is located in the vicinity of the Iran capital and as result and central areas of the city and Southwest margins were detected as unsafe and critical areas threats. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - National and Religious Mythological Symbols in Holy Defense Poetry
        Mohammad قربانی
        Myth had inspired poets and authors in all cultures and they had applied it based on their contemporary circumstances and up to an acceptable level. Due to this, Myths were sometimes respected and sometimes disrespected and despicable. One of these periods is the perio More
        Myth had inspired poets and authors in all cultures and they had applied it based on their contemporary circumstances and up to an acceptable level. Due to this, Myths were sometimes respected and sometimes disrespected and despicable. One of these periods is the period which is often called Holy Defense Period and or War Literature. Poets and writers of this period had used national and religious myths to awaken resistance and persistence morale against enemy. Symbols and myths were like a media in this period. Motivating audience to participate in war fields is indebted to these symbols and myths. The current article is to discuss about national and religious myths in Holy Defense Poetry and their view toward Myths and attempts to clarify how much these mythical names were effective in motivating audiences to war against enemy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Reviewing Protest Current in Poetry and Cinema of Holy Defense Case Studies of “Alireza Qazve” and “Ibrahim Hatami-Kia”
        ساجده  تقی‌زاده Gholamreza Kafi
        The Great Event of Holy Defense not only affected all life aspects of Iranians, but also it explained and determined a special value system by its entrance into literary and artistic works; and Holy Defense artists believe that their duty is to preserve and custody this More
        The Great Event of Holy Defense not only affected all life aspects of Iranians, but also it explained and determined a special value system by its entrance into literary and artistic works; and Holy Defense artists believe that their duty is to preserve and custody this value system. Therefore every kind of change and transmutation in these values caused reactions of these artists and gradually made a movement named “Protest”; meanwhile, Holy Defense poetry and cinema has made “Protest” its main content. This convergence is shown in two kinds of social and political Protests in this interdisciplinary article. To review the Protest element in Holy Defense art, not only we named different famous faces in its poetry and cinema, but also we focused on works of one of the most famous Holy Defense cinema artists named “Ibrahim Hatami-Kia” and poets named “Alireza Qazve”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Analyzing Some Realist Novels in Holy Defense Literature (Focusing on 3 Novels: Burnt Land, Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree and Journey to Heading 270 Degrees)
            hossain hasanpouralashty Zahra مقدسی
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Re More
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Reviews show that most Realist Holy Defense authors have applied components like real characters, narrative sequence, single point of view (First Person and Third Person), plot based on cause and effect relations, tangible and real time and place to increase truthfulness and realism mode of works and communicate their message to the intended audience. Methodological approach of the current study is Descriptive-Analytic and Unit of Analysis is composed of structures of Realist novels in Holy Defense Literature, case studies of 3 novels: 1- Burnt Land (Ahmad Mahmud), 2- Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree (Akbar Khalili) and 3- Journey to heading 270 Degrees (Ahmad Dehqan) and it also focuses on fictional elements of character, narration and point of view, plot, time and place. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analyzing the Contrast of Women Approaches in Story Literature; Focusing on Holy Defense Stories
        حمید رضایی jahangir safari ابراهيم  ظاهري روح‌الله  كريمي
        Women, as composing half of society population, have significant roles in contemporary period’s social and cultural changes and their effective presence in society is manifested in many stories. Using Descriptive-phenomenological approach, this article attempts to analy More
        Women, as composing half of society population, have significant roles in contemporary period’s social and cultural changes and their effective presence in society is manifested in many stories. Using Descriptive-phenomenological approach, this article attempts to analyze four groups of women, i.e. traditional women, Iranian culture-advocate women, westernized women, and wandering women in five contemporary novels. Traditional women are usually those homemakers or housekeepers paying attention just to domestic matters. Iranian culture-advocate women are those involved in social and political activities outside home and consider supporting and defensing Iranian culture ideals and doctrines as their own duties. Another group, i.e. westernized women, make claims about internal matters of country, support western culture, seek basic and fundamental reformations and protest against the current situation. Wandering women are not interested in western culture and do not follow and support Iranian domestic culture, but they are wandering in-between these two cultures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Figures of Speech in the Poetry by Farid (Ghader Tahmasbi)
        محمود  براتي مريم  نافلي
        Figures of speech are substance of poetry and the criteria for evaluating it. The term poetic style of the period of Islamic Revolution and Sacred Defense (the 1980-81 war between Iraq and Iran) is new, about three decades. This labeling is somehow ambiguous; it may be More
        Figures of speech are substance of poetry and the criteria for evaluating it. The term poetic style of the period of Islamic Revolution and Sacred Defense (the 1980-81 war between Iraq and Iran) is new, about three decades. This labeling is somehow ambiguous; it may be more accurate if we call it the style of Republic, following the style of Constitutionalism. Studying the works of the poets of Revolution and Sacred Defense, such as Farid, can help better know the characteristics of this style. In the present article Farid’s poetry is being studied regarding figures of speech used in his poem collections of ‘Pari-Setare-ha’ (fairy stars), ‘Pari-Bahane-ha’ (fairy excuses), and ‘Pari-shode-gan’ (turned into fairies). The result is shown in tables and diagrams. His use of Simile, metaphor, irony, and symbolism is remarkable in them. The use of similes here not only serves to concise writing in the field of imagination, it also approaches to identification, and causes some kind of exaggeration in the field of simile. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Place of Poetry in Plato’s and Aristotle’s Sense
        One of the interesting and significant discussions in the history of literary criticism in Greek classical literature is Plato’s oppositions to poetry and Aristotle’s defense of it. Although their assumptions were based on common grounds and both considered art as a t More
        One of the interesting and significant discussions in the history of literary criticism in Greek classical literature is Plato’s oppositions to poetry and Aristotle’s defense of it. Although their assumptions were based on common grounds and both considered art as a type of mimesis, but they were not of the same view on the value of poetry and the concept of mimesis. Their special philosophical thought system and genius which undoubtedly shaped and influenced philosophy and literary criticism through decades, has always been open to study and criticism. this article is an attempt to investigate the bases of their intellectual and ideational systems according to which they evaluate poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Appearance of Naturalistic Components In the Fiction works of the Sacred Defense (Case study: "Zemestan-e 62" (The winter 62) and "Safar be Geray-e 270 Darajeh" (Journey to 270 degrees))
        Mahboubeh Banimahjour manouchehr akbari
        Naturalism is a literary perspective that considers the behaviors, attitudes and thoughts of humans originated from inner instincts and natural urge. According to the theory of naturalists, all the facts and phenomena in nature are in the field of scientific knowledge a More
        Naturalism is a literary perspective that considers the behaviors, attitudes and thoughts of humans originated from inner instincts and natural urge. According to the theory of naturalists, all the facts and phenomena in nature are in the field of scientific knowledge and can be justified by the laws of natural sciences.in the other words, naturalism is the formula for the application of modern science in literature.Naturalism emphasizes aspects of inheritance, environment, definitive fate, see life away from idealism and negating supernatural issues in literature,and in this way draws details which are generally ugly and disgusting. After the constitution, literary naturalism entered the field of Persian fiction through the translation of literary works and influenced writers such as SadeghChobak, SadeghHedayat, Ahmad Mahmoud, Mohammad Masoud, Ismail Fasih, etc.Examining the literary works of holy defense shows the existence of some prominent elements of naturalism such as objectivism, pessimism, black thinking, extensive description of war disasters, rare use of some unconventional expressions about warriors, attention to the science of physiology, and so on taht are seen in some of such works.This research has analyzed some of the characteristics of naturalism in the two novels "Zamestan 62" by Ismail Fasih and "Safar be Geray-e 270 Darajeh" by Ahmed Dehghan using a descriptive-analytical method and with the help of library sources.The result of the investigation based on the textual evidence shows that some naturalistic elements are prominent in these two works.It can be said that what distinguishes naturalistic works from other writings can be identified in these two novels. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Theory of Resistance in New Constitutional Thought
        mohammadreza tajik aref masoudi
        The concept of Resistance as a "right", or as a theory in new tradition is from the rudiments of new constitutional ruling system. However, some consider application as right to be a norm and not a base for political undertaking. Its role as a normative principle remini More
        The concept of Resistance as a "right", or as a theory in new tradition is from the rudiments of new constitutional ruling system. However, some consider application as right to be a norm and not a base for political undertaking. Its role as a normative principle reminisces political power limits to rulers, and makes citizens manned with utilities to influence their decisions. The origin of this theory can be traced to the ideas of the most important political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Hobbes in his theory, de facto, realizes the existence of "focus and some points of resistance" to be sublimating the spirit, but Locke considers the power of the government to be conditioned by the obedience and the practice of rules; in case of disobedience may legitimize the rights of people to revolt and dissolve. Therefore, resistance used to be the natural, ethical, and fundamental right of citizens that can only be resorted in case of breeching or dissolving of the basic principles, or the acquiescing of the majority. This study accounts for the processes of organizing the theory of resistance, based on the "right of resistance" of every member of the society, and considers the thought of constitutional quest as its first theoretical carrier. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Strengthen lawyer intervention in the preliminary investigation phase From the point of view of subject matter rights and ethical requirements
        amir vatani Hossein  Aghaei Jannat Makan Mohammad Amin  Darvish
        In the criminal proceedings, the preliminary investigative phase, considering the features and features of this phase, is of particular importance in the subsequent proceedings, in particular the rights of the accused, and the legal influence of the lawyer in guaranteei More
        In the criminal proceedings, the preliminary investigative phase, considering the features and features of this phase, is of particular importance in the subsequent proceedings, in particular the rights of the accused, and the legal influence of the lawyer in guaranteeing and protecting these rights. The presence of a lawyer in the preliminary investigation phase provides both legal and ethical requirements, respecting the rights of individuals, and equipping them with the opportunity to defend and to exercise their rights. The Criminal Procedure Code adopted in 2013 has effective innovations on the right of the accused to have a lawyer in the preliminary investigation stage, and the presence of a lawyer in the supervised phase, unlimited attendance, the right to study and access to the case, and the need to appoint a lawyer. , From the point of view of guaranteed subject matter rights, and obtaining the latest defense of the lawyer, admonition of the lawyer to the interrogator, maintaining the dignity and dignity of the individual, and segregation from the prosecution to facilitate the intervention of the lawyer in the light of ethical requirements, including the most obvious signs of strengthening the intervention of the lawyer. is considered. In this article, about the right of the accused to have a lawyer during the preliminary investigation phase, with emphasis on the drafting of this law, its specific rules and provisions are analyzed and described. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Value Orientated and Resistance Culture in the Modernist Poetry of the Post-Sacred Defense Era from 1991 to 2011
        علی  ترحمی Ali  Eshghi Abolghasem AmirAhmadi
        Although the roots of Resistance literature in Iran return to pre-Islamic era, the contemporary works are not comparable with the previous era in terms of the plurality, quality and the audience attention. The sacred defense poetry is one of the value orientated and res More
        Although the roots of Resistance literature in Iran return to pre-Islamic era, the contemporary works are not comparable with the previous era in terms of the plurality, quality and the audience attention. The sacred defense poetry is one of the value orientated and resistance works produced in this period and afterwards. Therefore, the current paper aims at analyzing the value orientated and resistance culture in the modernist poetry of the post-sacred defense era from 1991 to 2011. Following the conceptual explanation of the research subject, the paper addresses the value orientated and resistance culture in the modernist poetry of the post-sacred defense era. This is a descriptive-analytical paper, given the thematic documents. Data was collected using library sources. The findings indicate that, firstly, the post-war conditions seem to have led the poets to combine templates and poetic themes to promote the value orientation and resistance culture. Secondly, post-war literature should be taken into account as the period of rehabilitation and flourishing of the resistance literature, which manifests itself in the documents of the sacred defense, and can be regarded as the source of inspiration and the motive of resistance and the prevalence of value orientation cultural. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - A Review on Peaceful Approach of Prescribing Jihad in Islam
        hamidreza hanan
        Nominating Islam as brutality is among the most important accusations and it is the axis for numerous objections have been and are related to Islam. One of the positions intruduced as brutal and was the aim for many objections was Islamic prescription and legitimacy of More
        Nominating Islam as brutality is among the most important accusations and it is the axis for numerous objections have been and are related to Islam. One of the positions intruduced as brutal and was the aim for many objections was Islamic prescription and legitimacy of jihad. A look upon the peacefulness of Islam in terms of its opposit position in friendly human rights which is regarded as the pillar for powers' belicosity and attention to establishment of religious legislation based on defense, and on the contrary, prescribing the initiation of war in humane conflicts, and also preserving the message of peace and friendship and advising it even toward the non-Muslims, along with the role of unifying the sects and tribes are among the reasons which prove the invalidity of the mentioned objections. The present survey, through descriptive-analytical method and enlightenment of Islamic peaceful positions, tries to show tjat Jihad is legitimated within the reasonable frame of defense and it is prescribed within borders without which preserving and progress of human life is not possible Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Comparison of the Brain/Behavioral Systems and Defense Mechanisms in Participants with Depression and Anxiety Traits
        Marzie Pahlevan Mazandarani Parviz Azadfallah Seyyed Mojtaba Jazayeri
        In this research investigates the biological and non-biological dimensions of personality in order to differentiate depression and anxiety in a more exact way and present an integrative and comprehensive view of the two dimensions.
        In this research investigates the biological and non-biological dimensions of personality in order to differentiate depression and anxiety in a more exact way and present an integrative and comprehensive view of the two dimensions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Reflection on the content of the Holy Defense Poetry
        Yousef Karami CHemeh
        Abstract In every work of art, there are two components: form and content. This is also true poetry and studies-by the poetry, the two components will be given. Look at the history of Persian literature shows that poets also those that consider both the form and conten More
        Abstract In every work of art, there are two components: form and content. This is also true poetry and studies-by the poetry, the two components will be given. Look at the history of Persian literature shows that poets also those that consider both the form and content of his poetry and the other one to win it had gone down. In this study, overall vision and comprehensive content of the imposed war is studied. What was at first a kind of poetry known as the Sacred Defense poetry, concept and content of the poem was similar. The author uses library resources and content analysis has tried to unsubscribe and similar roots in the lyrical content is determined war. The most important themes and concepts presented in Sacred Defense poetry, martyrs and martyrdom in Karbala event and the culture of Ashura, hope for the future and expect the Messiah, patriotism, ranting and epics, appealed to the decline of values, and so on. The themes in the teachings Iranian poets - have taken advantage of Islamic and indeed a large part of the content of Sacred Defense poetry, ritual. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Organizational Entrepreneurship and its Role in Resistance Economy Using Factorial Analysis and Structural Equations
        According to the significant and increasing role of knowledge in economy, business, and managerial processes, studying organizational entrepreneurship and its role on resistance economy and its measurement are getting increasingly important. Realizing the supreme leader More
        According to the significant and increasing role of knowledge in economy, business, and managerial processes, studying organizational entrepreneurship and its role on resistance economy and its measurement are getting increasingly important. Realizing the supreme leader’s orders, considering the special political and economic conditions and unjust sanctions as well as avoiding mono-product economy, this paper aims at studying organizational entrepreneurship and its role on resistance economy in a reliable manufacturer in Semnan province. The research goal is applied and the gathering method is descriptive-correlational. Gathering the data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used and in analyzing them, Lisrer software and structural equations were used. In this regard, 21 factors as indices of organizational entrepreneurship were formed from the views of experts and the research design. The findings show that restorative economy with 0.78 has the most influence in this model and focusing on the internal manpower, risk-taking and use management have been the most effective indices in the model Manuscript profile
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        20 - Detection and Mitigation of a Combined Cyber Attack on Automatic Generation Control
        Tina Hajiabdollah H. Seifi Hamed Delkhosh
        Recent advances in power system monitoring and control require communication infrastructure to send and receive measurement data and control commands. These cyber-physical interactions, despite increasing efficiency and reliability, have exposed power systems to cyber a More
        Recent advances in power system monitoring and control require communication infrastructure to send and receive measurement data and control commands. These cyber-physical interactions, despite increasing efficiency and reliability, have exposed power systems to cyber attacks. The Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is one of the most important control systems in the power system, which requires communication infrastructure and has been highly regarded by cyber attackers. Since a successful attack on the AGC, not only has a direct impact on the system frequency, but can also affect the stability and economic performance of the power system. Therefore, understanding the impact of cyber attacks on AGC and developing strategies to defend against them have necessity and research importance. In most of the research in the field of attack-defense of AGC, the limitations of AGC in modeling such as governor dead band and communication network transmission delay have been ignored. On the other hand, considering two cyber attacks on the AGC and proposing a way to defend against them simultaneously, have not been considered. In this paper, while using the improved AGC model including governor dead band and communication network transmission delay, the effect of two attacks - data injection attack (FDI) and delay attack which are the most important cyber attacks on AGC - has been investigated. Also, the simultaneous effect of these two attacks is discussed as a combined cyber attack. The Kalman filter-based three-step defense method has been proposed to detect, estimate and mitigate the impact of the attacks and its effectiveness has been tested on the two-area AGC system. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Dual contrasts in sacred defense poems
        ziba  Esmaeili Massoumeh Khojaste
        Dual contrasts are among the linguistic factors that, by influencing the syntactic and intellectual level of a work, make its structure more artistic and in semantic and structural studies are the fundamental elements of achieving the structure, world of thought and tho More
        Dual contrasts are among the linguistic factors that, by influencing the syntactic and intellectual level of a work, make its structure more artistic and in semantic and structural studies are the fundamental elements of achieving the structure, world of thought and thought of literary works. In this research, which has been conducted by library method and with the aim of better understanding the poetic world of holy defense poets, it has been tried to investigate the poems of this period with a descriptive-analytical approach based on double contrasts. were extracted in the poetry of three prominent poets of this period (Qaisarminpour, Abdoljbarkaei and Alireza Quzouh) and classified according to different types of confrontations. Data analysis showed that different types of contrasts (graded, complementary, ambivalent, directional, etc.) are found in the poetry of this period and complementary and implicit confrontations have the highest frequency. Another result in the study of these poems is that at the content level, concepts and thoughts are at odds with each other, and it can be said that the application of confrontations to the process of meaning and highlighting the concepts related to war, sacred defense and political, social, cultural issues considered by poets has helped and has been able to convey the mental concerns of poets through highlighting. Another noteworthy point in the application of contrasts is that they have a great effect on the imaginary structure of poems and are the basis of some literary industries .such as allusion, simile, pun, metaphor, etc Manuscript profile
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        23 - Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces in the Mirror of Holy Defense
        Behrouz  kheshtzar
        After the Iraqi army launched a nationwide invasion of the holy land of Islam, the revolutionary and Muslim people of Iran, who saw part of their country in danger, invaded the battlefields from all over the country and built a huge barrier against the equipped Iraqi ar More
        After the Iraqi army launched a nationwide invasion of the holy land of Islam, the revolutionary and Muslim people of Iran, who saw part of their country in danger, invaded the battlefields from all over the country and built a huge barrier against the equipped Iraqi army from the very first days. In addition to sending their youth to the battlefields, the Muslim people, with their cash and non-cash donations, took care of some of the needs of the battlefields. Political scientists believe that the socio-political life of any society owes to the active participation of all members of society, and social development depends on the use of potential and actual capacities of all human resources and their conscious and committed participation in all social arenas; But the same role-playing and participation depends on the attitude of members of society towards their identity and status, their social acceptance to play a role, their self-confidence and the availability of grounds for participation. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Advance on the European Common Foreign and Security Policy, from Kosovo to Ukraine
        Yousef Molaei Issa  Adeli
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisi More
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisis occurred five years after the Lisbon treaty, likewise the Kosovo crisis happened five years after the Maastricht treaty. By comparing the EU reaction to these two crises, the achievements can be evaluated. The focus is mainly on restrictive measures like economic and diplomatic sanctions. The study shows that considering all differences, the Ukrainian crisis was a success story and the EU drew a more cohesive and more efficient response. This conclusion was reached by the number of reactions and their efficacy. However, there are some qualifications, especially when positive peace is explored, the outcome did not satisfy the expectations. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Designing an Integrated Management Model of Passive Environmental Defense for Drinking Water Supply in Rasht Metropolis
        Seyed Abbas Asadi mozhgan zaeimdar Seyed Ali Jozi
        Protecting the drinking water supply chain of metropolises is one of the important issues that all countries should always pay attention to, because any incident in this supply chain can cause irreparable damages. The purpose of this study is to design an integrated man More
        Protecting the drinking water supply chain of metropolises is one of the important issues that all countries should always pay attention to, because any incident in this supply chain can cause irreparable damages. The purpose of this study is to design an integrated management pattern of passive environmental defense in the field of drinking water supply. The current research is in the category of fundamental studies based on the purpose, and used integrated management of passive environmental defense to investigate the integrated management of passive environmental defense of supply sources, treatment plants, transmission lines and drinking water storage tanks in Rasht metropolis. Data collection was done through interviews with experts, and finally, 14 experts were selected among environmental management professors and water experts by snowball sampling method so that the views reach theoretical saturation. MAXQDA 2020 software was used for text analysis, coding (open, central and selective) and categorization and generation of categorical networks. Evaluating the views regarding solutions to reduce and deal with environmental threats in different stages of water supply in Rasht metropolis showed that the solutions can be considered from five aspects of infrastructure, policy making, cultural, technical and human. Finally, according to the data base theory and Strauss and Corbin’s model, the final model of the integrated management of passive environmental defense of drinking water supply in Rasht metropolis including causal conditions, main category, intervening conditions, background factors, strategies and consequences were presented. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Investigating and analyzing the irreplaceable role of Basij in holy defense
        Behrouz  Kasht Zar Seyed Sadif  Danshi
        According to the Supreme Leader, the eight-year era of holy defense is "the pinnacle of the honor of the Iranian nation". Therefore, in order to preserve and transmit the values of holy defense and the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom to the future generation, this cu More
        According to the Supreme Leader, the eight-year era of holy defense is "the pinnacle of the honor of the Iranian nation". Therefore, in order to preserve and transmit the values of holy defense and the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom to the future generation, this culture must be seriously implemented in the cultural, social and economic planning of the country in question. be placed According to the Supreme Leader, "If we want the revolution and the country to be safe, we must strengthen this enthusiasm, this general movement and mobilization of the nation day by day." Undoubtedly, we must accept that although Basij itself is the guardian of the achievements of the Islamic Revolution, it is also a great achievement. An achievement that, as a precious legacy of Imam Khomeini (RA), can be the source of great changes in the world today, the same model that anti-oppression and justice-seeking resistance groups in every corner of the world use, and the mention of the role of the Basij in the sacred defense actually refers to a corner of The function of this institution is sacred. Focusing all eyes on this type of performance is actually ignoring the huge and valuable potential of this noble tree. Although the sacred defense is a golden leaf of the proud history of the Iranian nation, which was turned over by the most popular forces defending the Islamic revolution, but today, the way and method of those great forces has become a thought. which he refers to as "mobilization thinking". Therefore, although the role of mobilization in holy defense is always mentioned, the higher and higher goal is that this thinking should always be current in the society. The result of this will be the continuity of victories and successes. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Human dignity and weapons of mass destruction
        Mohosen Reza  Mosaddegh,khah Morteza  Bayat Hasan Soleimani
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today it More
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today its reputation has gained global fame and has become an adornment of human rights discourses at the world level. More than all legal systems and before them, the holy school of Islam, respect for the dignity of human beings is emphasized as a fundamental principle. He has given and refrained from insulting and humiliating people and even massacre without accounting. Islam, if not more than all the schools, at least among the other schools, considers the right to dignity and social respect of the human being valid and necessary, so that even the persons themselves are prohibited from attacking their human dignity, which is a gift of God. It is because the scene of war can become the scene of the manifestation and fall of human dignity, ignoring human dignity and fighting has the most ugly and abominable face, because this is the heavenly call of the Holy Qur'an, which says: "And peace is good", peace is the best and the ideal of the Prophet. The seal, may God bless him and grant him peace, for humanity; The realization of world peace is, therefore, the Islamic government and the rulers of the Islamic society who care about the affairs of Muslims are worthy of secondary rulings and also according to the provisions of international law sources such as the Treaty (NPT), the United Nations Charter and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, which is an explicit reason for prohibiting There has been no use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country has been considered permissible. In order to preserve human dignity and advance military and defense goals, such as preventing the military attack of the enemy or defending against attacks against Islam, the Islamic government and Muslims, and especially to protect Human dignity, by forming full preparedness mechanisms, by all-round military preparation or acquisition of strength and jihadi preparation, has put fear and terror in the hearts of unbelievers and enemies, which prevents them from any military action against Islam and Muslims, and even insulting the human dignity of the people of this planet. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Investigating weapons of mass destruction with a focus on moral values in jurisprudence and international law
        Mohsen Reza  Mosaddegh khah Morteza  Barati Hasan Soleimani
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, amo More
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, among the secondary headings that will change the verdict is the rule of necessity, the prohibition of prohibitions, with its occurrence, the obligation is removed from the duty of the obligee, and the result of that is the permission to commit a forbidden act. Among other secondary headings is the rule of countering with like in legitimate defense. According to the results of the research, the use of weapons of mass destruction under secondary headings is also not allowed. However, in the sources of international law, such as the NPT, the United Nations Charter, and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, there was no clear reason to prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country was allowed. Therefore, based on the arguments of Arbaah and the general provisions of international law treaties and for the purpose of legitimate defense and neutralization of modern weapons of war, with research and development and the acquisition of modern technology in order to create a suitable platform for the prevention of treatment, preservation and protection from the Islamic government, ensuring national security, human dignity, for example "Wa'adolham Mastatetam Potential" has taken action so that the Islamic homeland is mastered and equipped with modern weapons of war and relevant antidotes in special circumstances, especially in the form of legitimate and obligatory defense. Also, what can be inferred from Islamic ethics is that based on the teachings of Islam, from the Holy Book to the traditions, there are documents in the field of weapons of mass destruction, all of which emphasize the prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction and the use of such weapons in any The face is inhuman and immoral. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A look at the category of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the poetry of Qaisar Aminpour
        shahrbano hoseinzadeh ahmad reza keikhay farzane mostafa salari
        <p>Among the various themes that can be seen in the poetry of revolution and stability, the beautiful theme is martyrdom and self-sacrifice. This subject has been present in classical poems since ancient times, the most beautiful manifestation of which can be seen in As More
        <p>Among the various themes that can be seen in the poetry of revolution and stability, the beautiful theme is martyrdom and self-sacrifice. This subject has been present in classical poems since ancient times, the most beautiful manifestation of which can be seen in Ashura poems and the description of the Ashura event and the martyrs of Imam Hussein (AS). This theme remained in the poems until the time of the imposed war in Iran and eight years of holy defense. The poets of this period tried to immortalize the memory of these martyrs in various forms and pure and beautiful descriptions. Qaisar Aminpour is one of the prominent poets of the revolution who has developed the concept of martyrdom and self-sacrifice in the most subtle way in his poems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate this special theme in the poems of Qaisar Aminpour so that we can know more about the frequency and attention of Qaisar Aminpour to this category. Methods: The present research is a theoretical study that has been done by library research method and descriptive-analytical method. Scope and community studied, three books by Qaisar Aminpour entitled "Grammar of love, morning breathing and a complete collection of poems" published by Sokhan Publications. Findings and Results: With the studies that were done, we came to the conclusion that the main trick of the emperor to talk about martyrdom and self-sacrifice was to talk about Ashura and Imam Hussein (AS) and the events related to that event. In fact, in order to keep philosophy alive, the emperor has chosen the theme and motive of eight years of defense, the theme of martyrdom and self-sacrifice.</p> Manuscript profile