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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Poetic Word Selection of Gheisar Aminpour by Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
        پریسا  صالحی
        Each artist may picture his/her political, social and cultural attitude in a different way, so Gheisar Aminpour was not an exception. He was one of the early revolutionary poets, who had involved in a number of ideological and religious values and had a stable belief on More
        Each artist may picture his/her political, social and cultural attitude in a different way, so Gheisar Aminpour was not an exception. He was one of the early revolutionary poets, who had involved in a number of ideological and religious values and had a stable belief on revolution’s principles and public ideality, to the extent that his poetry world was conceivably produced through a certain profound ideology. The interaction between the poet, Aminpour, and the political and social transformation in his society could make any individual study his poetry world by discourse analysis approach. Since any language could be supposed as a mirror of the thought (words as the mirror of the meaning), and the words’ role as well as their selection may certainly be significant in the process of analysis, this research is specified to the study of word selection of Aminpour’s poems by critical discourse analysis. Furthermore, it has focused not only on the study of Aminpour’s poetry world in terms of historical, political and social renovation of his era but also on his words’ selection, studied here, on three descriptive, interpretive and explanatory levels. In conclusion, the hidden meaning of the words are supposed to be revealed by critical discourse analysis tools to illustrate, more or less, the ideological attitude of the poet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Structural Sameness of the Poetry of Nima and Some Contemporary Poets
        Mohammad خسروی شکیب GHsem Sahrai
        Being attributed to an especial and autonomous style, every literary genre – poetry, short story, novel, and prose – is considered as a writing system, that relies on the structural relations and expectations, linguistic arrangements, and in general, its own backgrounds More
        Being attributed to an especial and autonomous style, every literary genre – poetry, short story, novel, and prose – is considered as a writing system, that relies on the structural relations and expectations, linguistic arrangements, and in general, its own backgrounds of literary theories. Obviously, any style owes its newness to the autonomy and newness of the pre-structural theories which guarantee its reality as a special stream of the capability to be followed and continued. To offer an autonomous structure with mature and innovative ways of expression and a world-view capable of receiving new dimensions is basically a presupposition and a precondition for every new style to attain its autonomy. Contemporary poetry under the leadership of Nima and his followers – Sepehri and Forouq – relies on the ontological and aesthetic features conveying its reality as a deeply rooted stream of the capability to be followed and continued, and the most important of all, as a stream of autonomy and identity. The present article evaluates the structural sameness of the poetry of Nima, Sepehri and Forouq which distinguishes their poetry from the classical one. Demythologizing of the constructions, centralism in formal systems, innovative endings, innovative realism, avoiding the meaning totalitarianism, abstractionism in language, agitation through language, and commitment to humanity are the evidences of structural sameness of their poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Transformation of Symbols in Contemporary Poetry
        حسن  شاهی‌پور Mohammad خسروی شکیب
        The symbols have the potential to change through time and history and revolve in concept and meaning. Symbolic tendency in the domain of contemporary literature is a result of the tyrannical situation and the dictator governments, added to the cautiousness and fear of m More
        The symbols have the potential to change through time and history and revolve in concept and meaning. Symbolic tendency in the domain of contemporary literature is a result of the tyrannical situation and the dictator governments, added to the cautiousness and fear of media censorship, and stylistic transformations. All this can be furthermore combined with the delicate attempts taken for artistic enrichment; known as ‘ambiguity’, while it also intends to make the reader participate in the reading process and literary creativity in order to gain further enjoyment. Poets who are capable of independent thinking and are innovatively creative, protect the symbols; and save them from daily obscenity and even gradual death and decadence. Nima and the followers of his literary theory emphasized two words; that is “balance” and “naturalness” in using the symbols. They made an effort to utilize the repetitive, old and obsolete symbols within new concepts in order to enrich poems; in addition to enriching their own stylistic theory. Some of the symbols enjoy a particular entity and internal value, due to their history or flexibility in conveying multiple meanings and also being more influential in different artistic levels; therefore we can regard them as super-symbols. For gaining a proper semantic concept of a literary work demands an appropriate interpretation and understanding of such super-symbols. “Water”, “ wind”, “ night”, “ wall”, “ mirror” etc are some of such symbols; frequently used in contemporary poetry. The transformation of these super-symbols is the main question of the present article. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Lexical archaism in Akhavan Saleth’s works
        فروغ  صهبا
        Akhavan Saleth poetry link to ancient persian language and literature. Using its words, combinations and expressions in a various way and scattered is clear cut to any one. It is one of his poetic arts giving his language epic and fixed form and appearance. This feature More
        Akhavan Saleth poetry link to ancient persian language and literature. Using its words, combinations and expressions in a various way and scattered is clear cut to any one. It is one of his poetic arts giving his language epic and fixed form and appearance. This feature is one of the ways toward defamiliarization with the past archaic element of the language called archaism as one of the most important feature of Akhavan’s poetry. This article tries to study and describe Akhavan’s poetry word related elements having ancient form and style and make his poetry prominent. The result of the study shows that Akhavan’s poetry archaism can be divided into two groups: A-The first one concerns the words not used today or used rarely including general, B-epic science related words such as the words used in medicine, musician and the like. The second one concerns the words experienced in archaic way some changes such as aphesis, heightening, mutation and inversion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Reviewing and criticizing the formal aspects of language in the works of main poets in the movement of speech poetry
        ساناز  رحيم‌بيكي غلامحسين  غلامحسين‌زاده قدرت‌ الله  طاهري
        In the process of creating poetry, all the elements involved are formed in the language. So, the language is one of the most basic factors in creating the poetry. Speech poetry is a new branch of Iranian modern poetry in 1370s and 1380s. While the speech poets argue tha More
        In the process of creating poetry, all the elements involved are formed in the language. So, the language is one of the most basic factors in creating the poetry. Speech poetry is a new branch of Iranian modern poetry in 1370s and 1380s. While the speech poets argue that they use all capacities of language used among the mass, reviewing the form aspects of language in this branch of Iranian poetry is very important. Introducing and explaining the forms and contents of this branch is an important step in knowing the contemporary literal evolution, while the branch has not been explored in academic literature. For this purpose, in this paper we try to define the speech poetry, its history and its linguistic aspects by focusing on the works of Reza Baraheni, Ali Babachahi, Merdad Fallah, Hafiz Musavi and Seyed Ali Salehi. The method of research is based on the style-linguistic study; the main aspects of language are reviewed in three formation: vocal, lexical and syntactic of public language. The poets of this branch use the voices of periphery, in addition to the terms, expressions, metaphor, proverbs, to enrich the language of their poems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Study of the Semantic Parallels of the Concept of Love throughout Persian Poetry using Qualitative Content Analysis
        masoume mohammadi Asghar Daadbeh Hormoz Rahimhan
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether th More
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether through these transformations, the concept of love remains constant in the ever-changing semantic system or it undergoes dissociative fluctuations. Furthermore, this article tries to answer this question by approaching the poetry of different time-periods in their original form and focus on the interpretations that may arise from them. This matter gains further importance when we consider the decisive role that the concept of love plays in touching the reader’s emotions and its corresponding cultural influence throughout time. Hence, this research aims to arrive at the audience’s emotional involvement and the importance of cultural occasions by studying the concept of love in canonical works of poetry extending to different time-periods. Since the cultural occasions must correspond to their semantic parallels of the concept of love, we seek to extract these parallel meanings from the concealed concepts of Persian poetry. To arrive at these hidden components of poetry, this article views the Qualitative Content Analysis method in direct contact with thought centered content analysis. Therefore, two extensive stylistic schools of ancient and contemporary Persian poetry are studied to illustrate the semantic process that the concept of love undergoes and the scope contains some of the most important approaches of Qualitative Content Analysis such as: concealed and apparent meaning, semantic units, interpretive units, regional contents, theme and motif. This research concludes that through this process, the original semantic structure of this concept has been kept by remaining in close contact with its fundamental parallel meanings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Looke of educational moral and teching in Forough Farrokhzad and Nazek Almalaek,s poem
        farideh salamatnia saeid kheirkhahbarzaki Abdolreza modarres Zadeh
        In the "Age of Friction of Metals," contemporary humans need more than ever the didactic teaching. With all the benefits of this era, one can see that today man is searching for ways to fill the vacuum created by the lack of spirituality and the result of this explorati More
        In the "Age of Friction of Metals," contemporary humans need more than ever the didactic teaching. With all the benefits of this era, one can see that today man is searching for ways to fill the vacuum created by the lack of spirituality and the result of this exploration is his unconscious return to spiritual and moral values. Perhaps this is because the didactic and moral texts were considered from ancient times by Iranian poets and writers and expresses the important role of literature in the development of didactic and moral teachings. The poetic aspect of teaching poetry is very prominent in Persian literature; such poems are more lyric in our country because the poet's passion and emotion are evident in their ethical, didactic, social, mystical, and religious issues. The author of the present article analyzes and evaluates the poetry of two prominent and influential ladies from Iran and Iraq, Forough Farrokhzad and Nazok al-Malaeke, using the descriptive-analytical method. And concluded that both poets have paid attention to the teachings and moral education and concepts such as kindliness (love), impoverishment and defending the deprived, idealism, justice in their poems are widely used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - An Investigation of Humanism of Contemporary Poets from the Point of View of Epistemology
        mohsen Izadyar
        This research aims to take an epistemological outlook towards humanism in modern poetry, from Persian constitutional revolution up until the Islamic revolution in Iran. By taking a pathological stance, the survey shows how from the constitutional period in Iran, which i More
        This research aims to take an epistemological outlook towards humanism in modern poetry, from Persian constitutional revolution up until the Islamic revolution in Iran. By taking a pathological stance, the survey shows how from the constitutional period in Iran, which is the commencement to modernism and accordingly to the flow of western philosophical thoughts, humanism has always been combined with personal partisan and westernized conceptions, and on the other hand always inattentive to religion and the realities of the sociopolitical structures of Iranian society. Insistence on the transference of such a culture and literature, without paying attention to the cultural and literary infrastructures of the country of the origin, has been the problem in works of modern poets. Another concept that this paper insists on is that many poets have only tried to imitate the humanist thoughts in modernist poetry. On the other hand, because of the lack of intimacy, absence of visual experience and also generalization, there is no real alignment to be found between the alleged modernist poet’s poetry and its audience. This is more than anything because of the luxurious and imitative outlook that poets have towards this specific type of poetry. Manuscript profile