• List of Articles coinage

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Criticism of the Forty Words Translated by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature with Proposed Alternatives and Correction Methods
        اميد  مجد
        One of the urgent needs of Persian language is to translate and oppose thousands of emerging technical foreign terms, entering and invading it through confronting with various branches of science and technology. It is obvious that satisfying such a need requires the tra More
        One of the urgent needs of Persian language is to translate and oppose thousands of emerging technical foreign terms, entering and invading it through confronting with various branches of science and technology. It is obvious that satisfying such a need requires the translators’ knowledge and practice. In addition to coining new words, on the other hand, it is necessary for them to study the words already coined by the others so that, finding their strengths or weaknesses, inappropriate words can be abandoned. The present article follows this objective. Having introduced general theories of word coinage, it criticizes the translations of forty foreign words and finally offers alternatives for the majority of them. The revised words have been translated by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, and the Foundation of Culture (in the time of Pahlavi regime, with the same function as the Academy of Persian Language and Literature has today). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - An Analysis of the Efficiency of the Theory of Coining Words for the Spirits of Meaning
        Abdollah Mirahmadi Mona Amanipoor
        One of the useful views regarding the expansibility of meaning in the Qur’an is rooted in the theory of “coining words for spirits of meaning”. This view originates in a gnostic principle based on which the vertical levels of the meanings of words have a single spirit t More
        One of the useful views regarding the expansibility of meaning in the Qur’an is rooted in the theory of “coining words for spirits of meaning”. This view originates in a gnostic principle based on which the vertical levels of the meanings of words have a single spirit that applies to all referents in the real sense of the word. Through expanding sensible and material concepts to meta-gnostic meanings, the advocates of the principle of the spirit of meaning maintain that the features originated in the referents of words cannot affect the real meaning because the signified objects of words are general. Accordingly, the truth of words can be applied to all levels of meaning from the level of hidden truth to a lower level which is comprehensible to all. The followers of this theory consider “expanded concept” to be a level of word meaning without rejecting the common understanding of the lexical meanings of words. In this paper, the writers have examined the defects of the theory of the spirit of meaning through an accurate analysis of its nature and extracting its principles from the various interpretations provided by its advocates. The disagreement with predicating predicate adjectives on metaphoric expressions, concentration on objective affairs in word semantics, and lack of attention to new linguistic views are among the most important defects of this theory. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Ontology of the Spirit of Meaning in the Holy Qur’ān in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View and its Impact on the Discussion of the Quality of Coining Words
        Maryam  Kashefi Atiyeh  Zandieh
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words More
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words and, thus, the quality of attaining the knowledge of them. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the world, the Qur’ān, and the holy prophetic existence are three dimensions of the world that share a single and simple existence at the level of their “unfolded existence”, “immediate divine word”, and “Mohammedan truth”. They have dispersed at the level of the lower kingdom and are manifested in the form of the world of particular Ideas, the verbal Qur’ān, and the existence of the Holy Prophet (ṣ), respectively, and then descend to the world of matter. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that each lower level is an example of a higher level, and words are not an exception to this rule. In order to access the highest level of divine words, one should employ the principle of coining words for different types of meanings (absolute and general). Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition of spirit of meaning conforms with his definition of the natural universal and Platonic Ideas. The application and generalizability of the spirit of meaning in comparison to the natural universal originates in the limitedness of quiddity, while, in comparison to Platonic universals, it originates in existential amplitude. A comparison of the spirit of meaning and natural universals indicates that coinage of words is a human phenomenon, and the criterion for coining each word is the truth. Manuscript profile