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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Wideband Low-Noise Downconversion Mixerwith Positive-Negative Feedbacks
        Hadi Naderian Ahmad Hakimi
        This paper presents a wideband low-noise mixer in CMOS 0.13-um technology that operates between 2–10.5 GHz. The mixer has a Gilbert cell configuration that employs broadband low-noise trans conductors designed using the negative-positive feedback technique used in low-n More
        This paper presents a wideband low-noise mixer in CMOS 0.13-um technology that operates between 2–10.5 GHz. The mixer has a Gilbert cell configuration that employs broadband low-noise trans conductors designed using the negative-positive feedback technique used in low-noise amplifier designs. This method allows broadband input matching. The current-bleeding technique is also used so that a high conversion gain can be achieved. Simulation results show excellent noise and gain performance across the frequency span with an average double-sideband noise figure of 2.9 dB and a conversion gain of 15.5 dB. It has a third-order intermodulation intercept point of -8.7 dBm at 5 GHz. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A New Capacity Theorem for the Gaussian Channel with Two-sided Input and Noise Dependent State Information
        Nima S. Anzabi-Nezhad Ghosheh  Abed Hodtani
        Gaussian interference known at the transmitter can be fully canceled in a Gaussian communication channel employing dirty paper coding, as Costa shows, when interference is independent of the channel noise and when the channel input designed independently of the interfer More
        Gaussian interference known at the transmitter can be fully canceled in a Gaussian communication channel employing dirty paper coding, as Costa shows, when interference is independent of the channel noise and when the channel input designed independently of the interference. In this paper, a new and general version of the Gaussian channel in presence of two-sided state information correlated to the channel input and noise is considered. Determining a general achievable rate for the channel and obtaining the capacity in a non-limiting case, we try to analyze and solve the Gaussian version of the Cover-Chiang theorem mathematically and information-theoretically. Our capacity theorem, while including all previous theorems as its special cases, explains situations that can not be analyzed by them; for example, the effect of the correlation between the side information and the channel input on the capacity of the channel that can not be analyzed with Costa’s “writing on dirty paper" theorem. Meanwhile, we try to exemplify the concept of “cognition" of the transmitter or the receiver on a variable (here, the channel noise) with the information-theoretic concept of “side information" correlated to that variable and known at the transmitter or at the receiver. According to our theorem, the channel capacity is an increasing function of the mutual information of the side information and the channel noise. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Ethical Analysis of a Comparative Study of the Rulings of Traditional and Electronic Contracts in Iran and Antitrust
          mahmoud erfani  
        commerce (electronic-commerce) is, in principle, a financial transaction in the context of interconnected electronic devices; therefore, it is not a new financial contract, but includes traditional transactions and contracts. Interference with electronic devices has onl More
        commerce (electronic-commerce) is, in principle, a financial transaction in the context of interconnected electronic devices; therefore, it is not a new financial contract, but includes traditional transactions and contracts. Interference with electronic devices has only changed the pillars of this contract. United Nation’s Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has provided three important documents on e-commerce as follows: “ANCITRAL Sample Law on E-commerce”; “ANCITRAL Sample Law on E-signature”; “The United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts”. ANCITRAL sample law on e-commerce, major changes in communications, and in particular, in electronic and computer-based communications on trading, led ANCIRTAL to put the issue of electronic commerce on an agenda from the early 1980s. E-commerce consists of series of legal issues which finding an answer to them, in legal systems, is an irrefutable necessity. One of these issues is the termination of electronic contracts. Since the traditional contracts, in our country, are in their early stages, it is desirable to take advantage of the patterns that international institutions have put forward in this regard. Offering functional suggestions in relation to the topic can be considered as the goals specified in this study Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A New Method for Ripple Reduction of DC Voltage Using Active Filter
        S. M. Dehghan A. Yazdian Varjani M. Mohamadian
        Fluctuations and ripples in voltage or current of DC power systems cause different malfunctions in operation of equipments and systems which are supplied by low quality distribution power systems. Therefore ripple reduction of voltage or current in DC power systems is v More
        Fluctuations and ripples in voltage or current of DC power systems cause different malfunctions in operation of equipments and systems which are supplied by low quality distribution power systems. Therefore ripple reduction of voltage or current in DC power systems is very important. In this paper a new method is proposed to reduce ripple of DC voltage in high power system using an active power noise cancellation filter (APNCF). In the proposed method a hybrid system including series and parallel active filters for ripple reduction of load voltage and source current is used. Simulation and experimental results show the performance of the proposed method in dynamic and static states. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Problem of Immortality of the Soul in ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s Philosophy
        Ghasem  Pourhasan Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari Alireza  Kolbadinezad
        ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s view of the immortality of the soul is based on his monotheistic worldview. He has tried to respond to the most challenging discussions and objections in relation to the immortality of the soul regarding the problems of essential happiness and affl More
        ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s view of the immortality of the soul is based on his monotheistic worldview. He has tried to respond to the most challenging discussions and objections in relation to the immortality of the soul regarding the problems of essential happiness and affliction, cancellation, excommunication, and immortality in chastisement. Relying on rational principles and the Transcendent Philosophy and through benefitting from some principles including the principiality of existence, the graded trans-substantial motion, the unity of the truth of the soul and gradation of existence, ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī has provided a new interpretation of the resurrection and eternity of the soul. Through propounding the problem of eternity, the present paper aims to explain its relation to human purposes and ultimate goals, which are the same as the realization of the true totality of human beings in the light of the soul’s resurrection and eternity. In line with this purpose, the authors have discussed the innovative aspects of his view concerning immortality as well as its epistemological consequences and outcomes. They have also tried to respond to some of the objections raised against the immortality of the soul based on ‘Allāmah’s principles. Manuscript profile