• List of Articles abortion

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The AbortionDue to the Mother's Hardship, in the "Family and Youth of the Population's Protection" Act
        Sadegh  Shariati Nasab
        For the first time, by the single article (Act) of the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" approved in 2005, abortion was conditionally prescribed due to "fetal disease which causes Hardship to the mother, due to fetal retardation or deformation". With the approval of the "Famil More
        For the first time, by the single article (Act) of the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" approved in 2005, abortion was conditionally prescribed due to "fetal disease which causes Hardship to the mother, due to fetal retardation or deformation". With the approval of the "Family and Youth of the Population's Protection Act" in 2021 and the abrogation of that single article, Hardship-based abortion, has been released from merely fetal disease or defect, and generally has been expanded to "severe unbearable Hardship for the mother". This change is considered a big leap in Iran's legislation and needs to be analyzed and investigated. The purpose of this article is to analyze and explain the conditions, criteria, effects, and efficiency of Hardship-based abortion in the new law. Its method is Descriptive and Analytical. It seems that: 1. Limiting abortion to fetal disease or defects is not logically justified. 2. In some cases, the social and psychological (not physical) Hardship caused by pregnancy, is much more severe and impactful than the fetal diseases. 3. Every dissatisfaction and excuse cannot be considered as a case for a mother's Hardship; rather, the definition, criteria, and examples for Hardship, must be carefully explained. 4. The special procedure in the new Act, guarantees a thorough and comprehensive proceeding to each case. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - What are the characteristics of abortion and its types
        Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh  Nik Farjam Fariba  Pahlevani Abbas  Samavati
        Peace in the word means: kindness, friendship and communication, and it means "mercy" of relatives and friends, in other words, love and behavior with relatives and friends. Abortion means hurting and hurting relatives and friends, and not helping or grieving with the More
        Peace in the word means: kindness, friendship and communication, and it means "mercy" of relatives and friends, in other words, love and behavior with relatives and friends. Abortion means hurting and hurting relatives and friends, and not helping or grieving with them in worldly wealth and comfort and charity while they need it. And the cause is either enmity or stinginess. Apparently, there is an intermediary between amputation and reconciliation of the uterus, because every benevolence, even if his relative does not need it and he himself needs it, is called reconciliation, while the absence of this benevolence is not expropriation. The worst kind of abortion is the expulsion of the parents, so that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “All Muslims will see me on the Day of Resurrection, except the expulsion of my parents, and the drunkard, ». And it is enough for the separation of parents that: The Prophet of God cursed him and said: "Gabriel said Amen to the curse of that Imam." In the correspondence attributed to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) to his deeds, it is as follows: The late Naraghi writes in the description of this sentence in Ascension of Happiness: Command the relatives to go to see each other but not to be neighbors, what neighborhood will cause hatred, envy and abortion. Manuscript profile