• List of Articles Yemen

      • Open Access Article

        1 - United Nations Ethics Mediation Position in the Syria-Yemen Crisis
        Sajad  Ehrami Ali  Tavakkoli Tabasi Asgar  Jalalian
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such More
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such as negotiation, mediation, compromise, Jamila and arbitration). When it comes to resolving conflicts, there are often attempts to put an end to the state of war, the state of war, or the existence of a strong conflict-based probability. In this paper, the ethical settlement of international disputes through ethics of mediation by international organizations, and in particular the United Nations and the Security Council, is studied with the approach of recent developments and crises in both Syria and Yemen. The moral role of the United Nations in ending international disputes and crises is indisputable, but the question is how is the UN's moral attitude to ending these crises and to what extent are major global governments effective in UN decisions? The question is being addressed in this thesis by considering all aspects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Protection of Right to Life of the Child in Viewpoint of Islam and International Instruments with a Look at the Children of Yemen
        Mahdi Rahmani Fatemeh Piri Amirhajiloo
        The right to life is the most important right of any human being, especially the child. This right is the cornerstone of all human rights and any violation of it is a gross and grave violation of fundamental human rights. According to the teachings of Islam and many Int More
        The right to life is the most important right of any human being, especially the child. This right is the cornerstone of all human rights and any violation of it is a gross and grave violation of fundamental human rights. According to the teachings of Islam and many International Instruments, the child, as a human being, has the right to a decent living and life under any circumstances. Today, with armed clashes waged by global arrogance to achieve their economic and political interests in some countries, including Yemen, the inherent rights of children, including the right to life, the right to health, the right to education, have been clearly threatened and violated and every year thousands of Yemeni children die as a result of these clashes. Theis study is a descriptive-analytical and comparative study that examine the fundamentals of the right to life of child in Islam and international Instruments and the effects of armed conflict on child rights. In addition, the right to life of children in Yemen has been discussed and stated that it is essential for all people, national and international institutions and governments to provide mechanisms to secure this right and prevent violence against children in armed conflict. In addition, it is imperative that those who endanger the life of children in armed conflict be charged with war crimes, prosecution, trial and punishment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Comparative Study of UNSC’s Performance vis-à-vis Developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain (2011-12) from Viewpoint of International Law
        رضا  موسی‌زاده رضا  رنجبر
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’ More
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’s dictatorship and soon spread to other countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. In Egypt, Libya and Yemen, they overthrew dictators in those countries. In other countries like Bahrain and Syria, the conflicts are still going on. This phenomenon can be viewed from various political, social and legal aspects. The present research aims to study measures taken by the United Nations Security Council vis-à-vis developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain from a legal standpoint. The researchers believe that the Security Council has adopted double standards in its treatment of those countries in line with the interests of big powers. This issue will become clearer through comparative study of the world body’s performance with regard to developments in those countries. Manuscript profile