• List of Articles Wetland

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Effects of Karoun Pipeline Transfer Projects on Creation or Expansion of Khouzestan Riverside Centers Using GIS & RS Technologies
        Atefeh Bosak Hourie Aarabi Moghaddam zahra hejazizadeh meysam toulabi nejad
        This study was carried out to investigate the impacts of Karoun water branches transference projects on creation or intensification of Khuzestan dust points. For this purpose, daily climatic parameters (temperature, precipitation, horizontal view, moist and wind) and re More
        This study was carried out to investigate the impacts of Karoun water branches transference projects on creation or intensification of Khuzestan dust points. For this purpose, daily climatic parameters (temperature, precipitation, horizontal view, moist and wind) and required water debit for 9 synoptic and hydrometric stations within a 30-year statistical period were collected. Missing data were recovered and sorted by using Matlab,Minitab and Excel software. Also satellite data and images were used to study vegetation, soil moist and dust particles conditions in the specific area. According to the greenhouse gas procedures during 1985 to 2015, the studied period was broken into two periods, one before global warming (1985-1995) and the other after intensification of global warming (1996-2015). Then by using statistical methods and remote sensing the mentioned periods were investigated. The results from investigating long term debit of Karoun river showed that there is 171 m3/s decrease in second statistical period than the first one. During the second period, local dust has increased in comparison with the first period but vegetation index (NVDI) has 13% decrease. Also the vastness and value of soil moist in east of basin have increasing trend and the role of dam construction is evidently influential. This trend has been decreasing around Shadegan wetland in west of basin, as the result, with passing flows over this area, because of adherence reduction, soil particles disserve from the ground and cause most of the dust in Khuzestan and Karoun riverbasin. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The hydrogeological water balance of Barm-e-Shour wetland in the Haftkel city, Khuzestan province
        Farzad Akbari rahim bagheri Arash Nadri
        Wetlands are the most important and yet vulnerable environmental resources which are vital as water resources to agriculture, springs, ground water recharge and ecology. Therefore, the management and restoration of the wetlands are of great importance and require hydrog More
        Wetlands are the most important and yet vulnerable environmental resources which are vital as water resources to agriculture, springs, ground water recharge and ecology. Therefore, the management and restoration of the wetlands are of great importance and require hydrogeological scrutiny. Barm-e-Shour is one of the most important wetlands in Khuzestan province and is utilized for drinking and agricultural purposes. The wetland is situated on Gachsaran evaporate formation. There are no permanent surface inflows, yet the wetland maintains a steady reservoir, despite the recent drought and water supply limitations. Water and recharge origin which require calculating hydrogeological balance have not been studied so far. To achieve this goal, the iso-depth map, annual water level fluctuation, catchment area and different parameters of water balance were determined. The maximum depth during the dry season was about 3 meters. According to hydrogeological surveys the water balance was positive so that the yearly inflow of water was about 10912 m3 indicating the main role of ground water in wetland recharge. Considering the karst development and isotopic results, carbonates of the Asmari anticline is the most probable source of Barm-e-Shour wetland water. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigation of birds' density and species diversity of Amir-Kelayeh international wetland during a 10-year period (2007-2016), based on winter census
        Hadi Pourmosa shaykhAlikelayeh Saeid  Naderi
        Amir-Kelayeh international wetland is as one of the important wintering habitats for birds. In present study, the density and diversity of bird species (waterbird, wader and terrestrial bird dependent to the wetland) has been studied in Amir-Kelayeh international wetlan More
        Amir-Kelayeh international wetland is as one of the important wintering habitats for birds. In present study, the density and diversity of bird species (waterbird, wader and terrestrial bird dependent to the wetland) has been studied in Amir-Kelayeh international wetland based on the semi-winter birds census data, over a 10-year statistical period. During this ten-year period, the total number of 334776 birds from 46 different birds species was recorded in this wetland. Among the studied years, the highest number of 72188 birds in 2008 and the lowest number of 1877 birds in 2015 have been counted. In terms of quality and food items, this wetland and it's around paddy fields is a good refuge for the Anatidae and Rallidae family that with 64.86 and 50.06 percent of frequency depending on their diet, have the most abundant among the identified family. The biodiversity indexes showed a relatively high amounts, but with a declining trend, and also the index of species evenness indicated a stable trend during this 10-year period in Amir-Kelayeh Wetland. Considering the decreasing trend of biodiversity indexes in Amir-Kelayeh wetland in recent years, increasing the wetland ecological conservation through the management plans such as habitat structure conservation, and illegal hunting and pollution control is recommended. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Flora, life form, geographical distribution and wetland indicator plants in international Anzali wetland
        mokarram ravanbakhsh
        Anzali Wetland is one of the 10 most valuable and international wetlands in the world. this wetland With an area of about 20,000 hectares is a habitat for a wide range of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and, rodents. The study of plants species provides one of the requir More
        Anzali Wetland is one of the 10 most valuable and international wetlands in the world. this wetland With an area of about 20,000 hectares is a habitat for a wide range of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and, rodents. The study of plants species provides one of the required criteria for distinguishing a wetland area and is used in the process of ecological demarcation of the wetland. The vegetation in the water body and it’s around was studied by 42 sampling plots and its species were identified. 180 species belonging to 124 genera and 48 families were identified. The Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae and, Caryophyllaceae were the most abundant families, respectively. Classification of plants based on biological form showed that the highest biological form was related to therophytes with 43%. After that, hemicryptophytes with 18% and, geophytes with 16% had the highest ferequency, respectively. The plants in terms of geographical distribution, mainly belong to the cosmopolitan elements. 35% of species belonged to the obligate. The facultative upland with 32%, facultative wetland with 15%, facultative with 14% and Upland with 4% consisted other wetland indicator plants, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating of environmental impact assessment of mechanical and biological control in order to control the biomass of aquatic plants in Anzali Wetland (Case study: West Wetland)
        طوبی عابدی shamim moghadami
        The purpose of environmental impact assessment is to identify, analyse and evaluate project activities. Environmental Impact Assessment ensures the environmental concept of sustainable development by providing the necessary environmental information to determine the env More
        The purpose of environmental impact assessment is to identify, analyse and evaluate project activities. Environmental Impact Assessment ensures the environmental concept of sustainable development by providing the necessary environmental information to determine the environmental friendliness of a proposed project. Mechanical harvesting of aquatic plants along with biological and reed harvesting in the whole area of West Wetland and opening the entrance of Chafrud River were the main activities that could be implemented in this project. Mechanical harvesting operations are performed with a Harvester machine and reed harvesting is done with a motor saw or manually. The most important activities of the project are mechanical harvesting (reed harvesting and immersion of aquatic plants floating with the Harvester machine), restoration and cleaning of waterways (Chafrud River), dewatering and rehabilitation of West Wetland, biological control and operation of wooden bridge and bird watching station. Environmental parameters, consequences and nature of the effect, impact time, magnitude of the effect and the scope of the effect were investigated and the positive and negative effects of the design were determined. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Assessment of trophy status of wetlands in Lorestan province based on Carlson TSI index( Case study: Poldokhtar wetlands, Borujerd corridor and Tanodar Doroud wetlands)
        mehdi mehdinasab
        Determining the trophy status is one of the assessment and analysis methods of the ecological balance of wetland ecosystems, because the sustainability and continuity of productivity based on these unique ecosystems requires proper monitoring management and control thei More
        Determining the trophy status is one of the assessment and analysis methods of the ecological balance of wetland ecosystems, because the sustainability and continuity of productivity based on these unique ecosystems requires proper monitoring management and control their environmental conditions because increasing nutrients affect all levels of aquatic ecosystems, including changes in species abundance, migration, reduction of biodiversity, and changes in the structure and composition of communities. Therefore, a suitable method should be used to determine the trophy status, or in other words, the production capacity of an ecosystem. Conventional methods for determining the amount of trophy are based on three physical, chemical and biological parameters. Lorestan province due to its unique construction has unique wetlands, including 11 Poldokhtar wetlands with an area of 142.7 hectares, Bishe Dalan wetland with 913.5 hectares and Tanodar wetland with an area of 1000 hectares. In this study, to evaluate the trophy status, sampling of phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) concentration or Carlson trophy index (TSI) was used in Poldokhtar, Bishe Dalan and Tanodar for summer and winter of 2019. Based on the annual average of Carlson index, Poldakhtar and Bishe Delan wetlands are in mild mesotrophic trophy conditions and Tanodar wetland is in the eutrophic category. In the wetlands of Lorestan province, the sediment load of suspended solids and water turbidity have been exceeded these wetlands limits and has had destructive effects on the unstable wetlands` body due to the annual entry of large amounts of sediment from the catchment, development of gardens, various recreational withdrawals in Boroujerd and Doroud, increasing the level of river water pollution caused by municipal and industrial wastewater, also, wastes from city and rural recreation centers and wastes from point sources of pollution such as warm water fish breeding ponds. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Study on biodiversity of birds in Tanodar Doroud wetland
        mehdi mehdinasab
        Tanodar wetland with an area of 1000 hectares is one of the largest wetlands in Lorestan province, which is located 10 km northwest of Dorud city. In this study to investigate the biodiversity of wintering birds in Tanodar wetland in 2017-2020 from species diversity ind More
        Tanodar wetland with an area of 1000 hectares is one of the largest wetlands in Lorestan province, which is located 10 km northwest of Dorud city. In this study to investigate the biodiversity of wintering birds in Tanodar wetland in 2017-2020 from species diversity indices (Shannon-Wiener and Simpson photo), species uniformity ( Smith-Wilson and Simpson dominance indices were used. During the study period 41 species of birds were recorded in Tanodar wetland, which belong to 10 orders, 13 families of birds in Iran. The results of biodiversity indices of birds in Tanodar wetland showed that in 2020 the highest species diversity, and 2017 had the highest uniformity of bird species. The trend of biodiversity indicators in Tanodar wetland is sinusoidal. The species of social gypsy rooster (Vanellus gregarius), which is in the highest conservation category (CR), was observed and recorded in this wetland in 2019 with 400 individuals as winter crossing migrants. In terms of bird survival in Tanodar wetland, 53.65 Percent were wintering birds, 29.26 Percent were migratory birds, and 17.09 Percent were normal (four seasons). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Protection of ecosystem services in Amirkelayeh international wetland strategic management plan
        mokarram ravanbakhsh
        Wetlands are among the most important and endangered global ecosystems and provide a set of ecosystem services to society. Wetland management is an active process of supporting ecosystem services, because human activity simultaneously extracts economic and social benefi More
        Wetlands are among the most important and endangered global ecosystems and provide a set of ecosystem services to society. Wetland management is an active process of supporting ecosystem services, because human activity simultaneously extracts economic and social benefits from ecosystem services, so in order to maintain these services for a long time and sustainably, quick balance through planning and decision appropriate selection is required. In Iran, based on the 4th, 5th and 6th development plans of the country, the Environmental Protection Organization has been obliged to implement the ecological management program in cooperation with other organizations and main stakeholders. The Integrated management plan is a strategy for the integrated management of water, land and livelihood resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in a balanced manner. Integrated management plan of Amirkelayeh international wetland has been prepaired in the form of an international plan for the protection of Iran's wetlands. The method used is strategic planning system. This management plan has been prepared based on the results of educational and consultative workshops and with the participation of representatives of major local and provincial groups. In this research, the general framework of the prepaired plan, including strategic and special objectives, and priority actions to achieve the final goal and vision, has been examined. Manuscript profile