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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Heuristic algorithms for pseudo-triangulation random point set in the plane
        mona naghdeforoshhs fahime taherkhani ali norollah
        Finding algorithms for the diverse issues proposed in Computational Geometry including pseudo-triangulation of point set is among the scientific subjects, which has already attracted the attention of computer scientists'. A pseudo-triangle is a simple polygon in the pl More
        Finding algorithms for the diverse issues proposed in Computational Geometry including pseudo-triangulation of point set is among the scientific subjects, which has already attracted the attention of computer scientists'. A pseudo-triangle is a simple polygon in the plane with exactly three convex vertices, called corners. Three reflex chains of edges join the corners. A pseudo-triangulation for point set is a partition of the convex hull of point set into pseudo-triangles whose vertex set is point set. Many possible optimality criteria have been investigated for pseudo-triangulations which are often based on edge weights or angles in which computing a minimum weight pseudo-triangulation for a point set is among the open problems. A pseudo-triangulation is called minimum if it consists of exactly n-2 pseudo-triangles and the minimum number of edges needed for it is 2n-3. Every vertex of a minimum pseudo-triangulation is pointed. A vertex is pointed if it has an incident angle greater than π. With respect to the proposed cases, the aim of this thesis is to present new methods for pseudo-triangulation of point set in the plane, so that it can open new algorithmic reflections in this field. This research shows that the generation of convex hull layers for point set and their pseudo-triangulation, using two new algorithms which have been considered in this research, minimizes pseudo-triangulation. Also a new algorithm has been considered to generate spiral simple polygon such that the generation of random simple polygons has two main areas of application: testing the correctness and evaluating the CPU-time consumption of algorithms that operate on polygons Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Polar Diagram of Points with Moving Pole
        Bahram Sadeghi Bigham fateme rabani
        Polar diagram is a generalization of Voronoi diagram in which the angle is used as the metric. This Problem has many applications in visibility, image Processing, telecommunication, antenna, and Path Planning Problems. In recent years two kinds of Polar diagram have bee More
        Polar diagram is a generalization of Voronoi diagram in which the angle is used as the metric. This Problem has many applications in visibility, image Processing, telecommunication, antenna, and Path Planning Problems. In recent years two kinds of Polar diagram have been proposed and appropriate algorithm have been Presented for some types of sites. Also, some algorithms has presented for kinetic data and dynamic states. In this Paper, it is assumed that the Pole is moving and an algorithm is presented that updates near Pole Polar diagram of sites with moving pole efficiently and in a sub linear time. In this approach, the Preprocessing time is 〖O(n^4 log〗_2⁡〖n)〗 and updating time for diagram with each successive movement is 〖 O(log〗_2⁡〖n +k)〗 that k is the number of sites in region T which its site’s regions may be changed Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Ontological Place of Divine Names in Theoretical Gnosis
        Reza  Safari Kandsari
        Gnostics believe that only the Truth exists, and multiple existents are His manifestations and determinations. However, while accepting the principle of the oneness of being, the question is what the place of names is in the philosophical system of gnostics, and, if the More
        Gnostics believe that only the Truth exists, and multiple existents are His manifestations and determinations. However, while accepting the principle of the oneness of being, the question is what the place of names is in the philosophical system of gnostics, and, if they exist, what the quality of their existence is, and, if they do not exist and are non-existent, what the meaning of their non-existence is. Divine names mediate between the emergence of the Truth at the levels of invisibility and visibility. In the first determination (the first invisibility level), they are identical with the essence of the Truth; however, in the second determination, they experience cognitive appearance, and the relationship between the names and archetypes appears at the second invisibility level. At the level of visibility, the names grant external existence to archetypes based on their potentials, and existential relation (external entities and names of acts) appears. Nevertheless, the names themselves – since they indicate the appearance of existence – lack independent external existence and, rather, enjoy existential existence and external appearance based on manifestations (one side of the relation). Whenever manifestations possess the least potential for receiving objective appearance, the names (the other side of the relation) appear as well, and if there is no potency, the names refer to their own source (level of invisibility). In fact, names lack objective existence and exist through their effects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Transition from Monarchical Rule to Innovative Governance Based on the Techniques of Transparency and Control (From Abbas Mirza to Amir Kabir)
        hadi keshavarz
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspect More
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspective, are discussed. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and documents, the governance process is examined from the perspective of Michel Foucault's governmentality framework, and the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of a new rationality in governance in Iran is explored. The research question is: "How did the formation and establishment of new governance mechanisms and techniques in Iran after the Iran-Russia wars take place, and what impact did it have on the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of new governance innovations in Iran? " The study argues that "with an awareness of the failure of governance based on the monarchy system, reformists gradually exposed society to the power of control and guidance of the population by creating new techniques and institutions, and established new governance innovations. " In general, two strategies can be identified in the administration of the territory after the Iran-Russia wars: the traditional strategy of the monarchy based on divine-political obligation and the strategy of new governance innovations based on new techniques, each leaving a different form of the relationship between the environment and politics in terms of the mode of exercising power, the scope of power, and the control perspective. Manuscript profile