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        1 - Government's Civil And International Responsibility For The Damages Caused By The Internet
        Rasoul Malakooti Mona Khalilzadeh
        Internet space is a territory in which time and place are meaningless in the conventional sense, so government sovereignty and control are not perfect. However, the government (in a sense) as the sole originator of the international (internet) point of contact in the More
        Internet space is a territory in which time and place are meaningless in the conventional sense, so government sovereignty and control are not perfect. However, the government (in a sense) as the sole originator of the international (internet) point of contact in the country, for the primary oversight of the licensing and provision of Internet services to legal entities such as ISPs or the transfer of sovereignty to some Attendees in cyberspace, including their agents and employees, or duties to ordinary citizens or to certain corporate actions, may have civil liability for damages resulting from the use of the Internet stewardship or retaliation. Also in international crimes that endanger world peace and security, the government will also have international responsibility as a result of acts of harm done personally or by private actors. Cyber-attacks as a Wrongful international act by the government with government bodies have been greatly reduced due to their ability to identify and attribute to the government, and governments are seeking to curb the These nongovernmental actors carry out such attacks in order to avoid responsibility. Manuscript profile