• List of Articles Travertine

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Evidence of multiple origin for calcareous springs in the Abe Ask region (Southeast of Damavand volcano) using isotopic data, water geochemistry and Remote Sensing studies.
        Somayeh Rahmani Safyeh Omidian nasibeh zarei
        There are several calcareous springs and travertine deposits on Southeast flanks of Damavand volcano in Abe Ask area (85 km northeast of Tehran, Central Alborz zone). In this study, based on carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures on travertine deposits, the source of s More
        There are several calcareous springs and travertine deposits on Southeast flanks of Damavand volcano in Abe Ask area (85 km northeast of Tehran, Central Alborz zone). In this study, based on carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures on travertine deposits, the source of spring water was evaluated. Isotopic signatures show that δ13C and δ18O values enrichment in travertines gradually away from the springs. According to the primitive value of δ13C(CO2), travertine was deposited from a hydrothermal metasomatic fluids. Concerning to the linear trend between the δ13C– δ18O of travertine, the main hydrothermal metasomatic fluid (that was responsible for travertine deposition) was probably mixed with fluids of different origins. According to the isotopic analysis, the mantle-sea origin is suggested for the dissolved CO2 of water springs, in addition, the results of water geochemical data also confirmed a deep source for the Abe Ask water springs. According to the remote sensing investigation on satellite images, the distribution of travertine and faults lineation and drainage pattern, suggest the strong effect of surface and tectonic processes, in controlling the placing and distribution of the travertine. Finally, geochemical data on water springs and isotope investigations on travertine reveal both surface and deep-water source contribution in formation of the Abe Ask water springs.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Structural controls on the hydrogeochemistry of Azarshahr travertine springs, NW Iran
        Karim Taghipour Mohammad Mahdi Khatib Mahmod Rez Heyhata Abdol Rez Vaezihir Esmail Shabanian
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and struct More
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and structural characteristics of travertine springs. Results of in-situ measurements and type of travertine deposits, demonstrate that the springs are of thermogenic type with hydrothermal sources. Hydrogeochemical diagrams and ionic ratios represent that the type of spring waters are calcium carbonate, with increased sodium and chloride ions levels due to mixing with brine waters. Geophysical studies showed that these brines originated from the Urmia Lake or related brines, which are intruded through fracture systems to relay zones of faults and mixed with hydrothermal bicarbonate-saturated fluids. This phenomenon shows that hydrochemistry of travertine springs are affected by Urmia Lake or related brines. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - An investigation on sedimentary facies and hydrochemistry characteristics of carbonate deposits in the Ab-e Ask region, Southeast of Damavand volcano
        S.  Rahmani Javanmard Mohsen Ranjbaran V. Amiri
        Calcareous springs of Ab-e Ask are located 85 km northeast of Tehran, in the southern range of the Damavand volcano. Microscopic studies represent the existence of four abiotic and two microbialite facies in the Ab-e Ask travertines. The travertines are the main deposit More
        Calcareous springs of Ab-e Ask are located 85 km northeast of Tehran, in the southern range of the Damavand volcano. Microscopic studies represent the existence of four abiotic and two microbialite facies in the Ab-e Ask travertines. The travertines are the main deposit types of these springs. Based on sedimentation sequence and lithofacies these travertines are categorized as first type (vent and channel), second type (pound, dam, and cascade), and third type (laminated) travertines. On a δ18O versus δ13C plot (VPDB), these travertines are plotted in the oncoid and crystalline crust lithofacies fields. These facies show the character of hydrothermal spring and set the spring in the thermogenic group. Positive values of the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) for Pashnak, Nadaali, and Zagh springs indicate that these water samples are supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate, which leads to considerable sedimentation around the springs. In contrast, a negative LSI value at the Sare Pole spring indicates the water is undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate. Therefore, this spring has a lesser role in travertine deposition compared to the other springs. Also, the position of the samples on the modified Gibbs and Van Wirdum diagrams, suggests that the interaction of water with carbonate and to some extent silicate rocks is considered as the most important source of Ca and Na. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Carbon and oxygen stable isotope study of the Majdar travertine deposits, southeast of Ardabil
        َAli Lotfi Bakhsh
        Freshwater carbonates differ from each other according to isotopic geochemical properties. The study of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes is one of the most important study tools for carbonates, including travertine deposits. In Majdar area, which is located in the west More
        Freshwater carbonates differ from each other according to isotopic geochemical properties. The study of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes is one of the most important study tools for carbonates, including travertine deposits. In Majdar area, which is located in the western Alborz-Azerbaijan tectonic zone, Quaternary travertine deposits are located in the Eocene porphyry andesite volcanic units. Based on mineralogical studies, travertines are mainly composed of aragonite. The mean values of δ13C and δ18O isotopes of travertines in the study area are + 6.47 and -8.77, respectively, which indicates the thermogenic origin of travertines. Also, the mean value of δ13C (CO2) is -2.73, which suggests an inorganic and endogenic origin for CO2. It is thought that CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids have provided the calcium bicarbonate ions needed to form travertine after circulation within the calcareous unit in the area and reacting with it. Then, these fluids ascended through the fault systems and deposited travertine on the surface. Manuscript profile