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        1 - A Comparative Study of the Imamate Problem in Al-Manar's Commentary and Tasnim's Commentary
        Taghi  Bourbour Ajdari jafar taban Reza  Kohsari
        Imamate and velayat are among the keywords of the Quran and one of the most fundamental theological discussions between Shiites and Sunnis. Shiite commentators and theologians believe that the verses of the Qur'an are proof of the Imamate of Ali (AS) and Ahl al-Bayt (AS More
        Imamate and velayat are among the keywords of the Quran and one of the most fundamental theological discussions between Shiites and Sunnis. Shiite commentators and theologians believe that the verses of the Qur'an are proof of the Imamate of Ali (AS) and Ahl al-Bayt (AS), and according to the rational arguments and authentic narrations of the Prophet (PBUH), they believe that the Imamate is an appointed matter by the Almighty. And the earth will never be devoid of divine authority. The Sunni scholars have cast doubt on the Shia interpretation of these verses. Mohammed Abda and Rashid Reza (the owners of the commentary on al-Manar) have been influenced by Ibn Taymiyyah and the Wahhabi theology. Shi'ite commentators, including Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in Tasnim's commentary, have attempted to respond to these doubts and find strong evidence to prove the verses of the Imamate. Since the issue of Imamate is one of the most controversial among the Islamic doctrinal disputes, the aim of this study is to compare the views of theologians and the lesser commentators. The purpose of this study is to compare the two views and to express the disagreement between the two interpretations of Sunni and Shiite indexes. After quoting seven verses and quoting authentic narrations from the hadith assemblies of Farrqin, the views of al-Mannar (as an example of contemporary Sunni scholars) and the views of Tasnim (as an example of contemporary Shiite scholars) are outlined. This research is organized in a descriptive-analytical manner, relying on library data. Manuscript profile