• List of Articles Surveillance

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Comparative Study Of Realm Of Civil Liability Of A Minor Guardian In Iranian, England And French Law
        Maryam  Tafazoli Mehrjardi Behshid Arfania
        The principle of personal responsibility is accepted by different sharia and legal systems. Therefore, no one can bear the burden of another sin, and this principle is in the law of civil liability. Therefore, with the evolution of human social life and the development More
        The principle of personal responsibility is accepted by different sharia and legal systems. Therefore, no one can bear the burden of another sin, and this principle is in the law of civil liability. Therefore, with the evolution of human social life and the development of civilization and urbanization and moving away from tribal life, the principle of collective civil responsibility has been shaken, and whoever causes harm to another must compensate the loss himself.In Iranian, England and French law, Civil liability resulting from a minor harmful act is one of the examples of liability resulting from a non-harmful act. Therefore, in Iranian law, those who are in charge of caring for, care or educating a minor, if they fail in this task and as a result, the minor harms another, are guilty according to Article 7 of the civil liability law, and they will be obliged to compensate the damage and if he has not failed, he will be examined according to Article 1216 civil law. This rule is an exception to the principle of personal civil liability. Therefore, the purpose of civil liability in all three countries is to compensate the victims; If the terms and conditions of minor civil liability are met, the injured party has the right to seek redress from the guardian. The minor guardian, like any other civil liability, is only liable for damages attributable to himself resulting from the minor act. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Public Participation of Users and the Survivability of Spaces in Urban Parks to Improve the Level of Children's Safety (a Case Study of Shafaq Park in Tehran)
        Saeed Azemati Kimia Jamshidzadeh
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significant More
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significantly to enhancing security in urban spaces. The ability to comprehend and observe the surrounding environment, as well as being visible to others, fosters a sense of security. The current research employs a blended quantitative and qualitative approach, involving a research community comprising 25 experts. These experts were selected through an open interview framework, utilizing a purposeful sampling method with the snowball technique. The gathered opinions were subsequently analyzed using SPSS26 software. According to the coefficients obtained from the variables, graphs were generated by Gefi software. Ultimately, the indicators extracted from the first and second stages of the survey underwent analysis using Depth Map software. The integration of the plan analysis with the generated graphs from the previous stage was deliberated using AGraph software. Based on the results, users are mostly looking for spaces that are efficient in attracting people when choosing urban parks for the safety of their children. Especially adults, and allow parents to monitor the space. Cultural spaces with a rating of 4.46 in urban parks are the main factor in attracting people for public participation.</p> Manuscript profile