• List of Articles Surmeh

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Role of the depositional environment and diagenetic effect on reservoir quality of the Upper Surmeh Formation in Salman Field
        Ebrahim Sefidari Abdolhossein Amini Mohamad Reza Yousef-Pour Seyed Mohad Zamanzadeh
        The Upper Surmeh Formation (Upper Jurassic) consists of limestone, dolomite and interbeded anhydrite equivalent to the Arab Formation in the southern Persian Gulf. This succession is the main producing reservoir of the Jurassic system in the Arabian plate. This research More
        The Upper Surmeh Formation (Upper Jurassic) consists of limestone, dolomite and interbeded anhydrite equivalent to the Arab Formation in the southern Persian Gulf. This succession is the main producing reservoir of the Jurassic system in the Arabian plate. This research was carried out based on core (thin section, porosity - permeability, capillary pressure data) and well log data to study the depositional environment and diagenetic effects on reservoir quality of the upper part of the Surmeh Formation. Petrographic investigations led to recognized nine microfacies which were classified in four facies belt including supratidal, intertidal, lagoon and shoal which were deposited in an arid homoclinal carbonate ramp. Diagenetic processes affected reservoir quality of identified microfacies. Among them, dolomitization, anhydritization and cementation are the main effective processes. Dolomitization increased reservoir quality but the anhydritization and cementation decreased reservoir quality. It is important to note that relevant reservoir quality is improved by development of shallow marine facies associations and secondary diagenetic events. Based on the porosity, permeability and mercury injection pressure data, anhydrite and anhydrite bearing mudstone have very low reservoir quality whereas ooid and bioclastic pack ston to grainstone have the best reservoir quality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Facies, thickness variations and reservoir characterisation of Arab formation (Surmeh) in the Eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich o More
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich overlies the Arab reservoir constitutes the cap rock,wich just to the east gradually pinches out and form a N-S feather adge. The study reveals that Arab zones form a massive to interbedded anhydrite with varying proportion of limestone and dolomite and generally have regressive units which was deposited on a broad carbonate platform .This formations are thick in center (Salman field) and mostly consist of intertidal pack/grainstones with high porosity/permeability,good cap rock and also close to the source rock,which has the most hydrocarbon potential, but towards east the layers getting thinner with unsuitable cap rock and are away from source rock ,so as a result Arab formation in this part of the Persian Gulf doesn,t seem to be attractive. This study reveals that there is still some undrilled structure within this area which could be attractive for further Exploration drilling. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Source rock characterization of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations in giant Gachsaran oilfield
        Majid Safaei-Farouji Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab Buyuk Ghorbani
        The aim of this study is geochemical evaluation of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations as possible source rocks in Gachsaran oil field using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis manner. All of the studied samples possess migration index amounts lower than 1.5 showing indigenous n More
        The aim of this study is geochemical evaluation of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations as possible source rocks in Gachsaran oil field using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis manner. All of the studied samples possess migration index amounts lower than 1.5 showing indigenous nature of their hydrocarbons. TOC versus S2 and TOC against S1+S2 diagrams suggest fair hydrocarbon generation potential for the Fahlian and Surmeh formations and fair to good potential for the Gadvan formation. for the Fahlian and Surmeh formations type III kerogen and for the Gadvan formation mixed type II and II-III kerogens were identified. So, the Fahlian and Surmeh formations contain organic matter with terrigenous source (gas prone) and the Gadvan Formation possess both of marine and terrigenous organic matter (oil and gas prone). According to the cross plot of Tmax versus Hydrogen index (HI), the Gurpi formation is capable of mixed gas and oil, and gas generation and the Fahlian and Surmeh formations considered only gas prone formations. In terms of organic facies type, the surmeh, Fahlian, and Gurpi formations located in CD, C and CD, and BC and C zones of jones diagram, respectively. So, the Gadvan formation in compare to the Fahlian formation and the Fahlian formation in compare to the Surmeh formation, deposited under more anoxic conditions. In terms of thermal maturity, All of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations located in oil window zone, but the Surmeh formation possess higher maturity than the Fahlian formation and the Fahlian formation have highr maturity in compare to the Gadvan formation. Manuscript profile