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        1 - Change of Academic Regulation and Systems, the Necessity for Improvement of Iranian National Technology and Industries Relation Development
        For years Iranian thinkers and managers try to improve the relation between universities and industries to use the scientific results of academics centers in national technology development. Some years ago after changing the name “Culture and advanced education ministry More
        For years Iranian thinkers and managers try to improve the relation between universities and industries to use the scientific results of academics centers in national technology development. Some years ago after changing the name “Culture and advanced education ministry” to “ministry of Science, research and Technology” the ministry tried to have important roles on national technology and knowledge based development. Though much trying, there is needed to essential planning and organizing works to lead the ministry to have beneficial output for the goals of technology development which is in constitution. To reach to the goals which coming in the constitution it is needed some rectification and modification in organization structure, rules and process of execution. In other hand there are some science and technology organizations parallel to each other with more budget and low responsibility in the government. So grinding and dispersion of research possibilities is one of the barriers to technology development in Iran. This paper notices to the Change of academic regulation and systems as a necessity for improvement of industries relation and national technology development for country. Improvement of technological universities instruction systems is one of the other items emphasized in this paper for national technology development Manuscript profile