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        1 - Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the foram and diatome layers equivalent deposits based on calcareous nannofossils in the Gorgan Plain: A reference to evolution and paleogeography of the South Caspian Basin
        M. Sharafi N. Mousavi M. Moradpour B. Beiranvand A. Bayet-Goll F. Taati
        Paleocene-Miocene sediments in the central part of the Gorgan Plain were studied to evaluate lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and reconstruction of the paleogeography of the South Caspian Basin (SCB). Based on nannofossils distribution in the studied interval, the fol More
        Paleocene-Miocene sediments in the central part of the Gorgan Plain were studied to evaluate lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and reconstruction of the paleogeography of the South Caspian Basin (SCB). Based on nannofossils distribution in the studied interval, the following points were identified: Foram layers equivalent sediments have Thanetian –Eocene age and Upper Maykop- Diatom equivalent sediments have Middle-Late Miocene age. Evaluation of the nannofossils distribution in the studied interval has clarified a major unconformity between lower Paleocene-Eocene sediments and the upper Middle-late Miocene sediments. This unconformity is coincident with collisional event of the Afro-Arabia and Eurasia Plates and rising of the surrounding mountain ranges around the Caspian Basin including Alborz and Kopet-Dagh Mountains. Nannofossils distribution of the studied succession displays that the SCB was connected to the Black Sea and Mediterranean Basin in the lower Middle Miocene and was isolated in the Middle-Late Miocene. The interpreted east-west running seismic lines displays a clear increase in the sediment thickness and accommodation space from eastern to western part of the Gorgan Plain. The higher available accommodation space from east to west of the Gorgan Plain led to a delay in the subaerial exposure in the western part of the Gorgan Plain due to rising of the Kopet-Dagh and Alborz Ranges. This interpretation is consistent with the lack of the Paleocene-Eocene sediments and presence of the Cretaceous sediments below the major unconformity in the eastern part of the Gorgan Plain and presence of the Paleocene-Eocene sediment below the unconformity in the studied area. Manuscript profile