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        1 - Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Zargoli granodiorite in Sistan suture zone (South East Iran)
        Shahryar Keshtgar Mohammad Boomeri Ali Kananian Mahbobeh Nazari
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli More
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli granodiorite shows negative anomaly of Ta, Ti, Nb, Eu and positive anomaly of Rb, Ce, La, Ba, Sr in spider diagrams suggesting that these rocks have been derived from the partial melting of lower crust. This magma was contaminated with flysh- type sediments during emplacement in Sistan suture zone. Discriminative diagrams indicate a volcanic arc (VAG) and active continental margin (ACM) tectono-magmatic setting for this pluton. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Petrology and geochemistry of Siahjangal ophiolite, northeastern Taftan volcano
        saeideh Nikbakht حبیب بیابانگرد Sasan Baghari
        Siahjangal ophiolite is located in the North and Northeastern part of Taftan volcano in the Sistan Suture Zone (SSZ). This ophiolite (Upper Cretaceous) is exposed in the Flysch rocks (Eocene). Harzburgite, lherzolite, serpentine, spilite and gabbro are major rocks in th More
        Siahjangal ophiolite is located in the North and Northeastern part of Taftan volcano in the Sistan Suture Zone (SSZ). This ophiolite (Upper Cretaceous) is exposed in the Flysch rocks (Eocene). Harzburgite, lherzolite, serpentine, spilite and gabbro are major rocks in this ophiolite. Ultramafic units have olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene minerals. Mafic units have clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Ultramafic rocks have mainly granular and gabbro rocks have ophitic, sub-ophitic and granular textures. Geochemical verities of major, minor and rare earth elements in the Siahjangal ophiolite revealed that the ultrabasic and basic rocks were formed due to partial melting than crystal differentiation. REE elements diagrams normalized to the Chondrite and MORB and their comparison with the normal and enriched MORBs, chemical differentiation diagrams, the ratios of accessory elements and changes of Zr, Nb, Y, U, Ti elements against Zr / Nb ratio all indicates the similarity to N-MORB. Transition elements diagrams (V, Co, Cr, Ni) against La / Ce ratio and the ratio of (La / Yb) N, La / Yb, La / Ce versus (La / Sm) N, show that these ratios compared with N-MORB and E-MORB represent enrichment and geochemical similarities to N-MORB. Tectonomagmatic diagrams show Siahjangal ophiolite belongs to supra-subduction zone.   Manuscript profile