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        1 - Migration crisis caused by short-term droughts in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization More
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization so far, the drought has always been considered one of the natural disasters and catastrophic impact human activities have on. This paper describes a method of analysis to assess the drought and its relationship with the inhabitants of Sistan and Baluchestan Province migration. To understand the different effects on rainfall, water resources, leading to the return of the SPI to be used to evaluate the drought in Sistan-Baluchistan province. Data monthly precipitation (mm), the years 2005 to 1985 for four stations in Sistan and Baluchestan (Zahedan, Zabol Iranshahr, Chharbhar, Konarak) were studied. Results indicate that water shortages in drought affected areas are the result of increased immigration flora. The occurrence of severe in the region, has left the economic and social adverse effects due to the economy's heavy reliance on agriculture people in Sistan and Baluchestan this crisis has led to the phenomenon of origin and demographic balance, the economic, social and ... unbalanced and lead to regional and underdevelopment of the region. Manuscript profile