• List of Articles Shaykhism

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Impact of Intellectual Schools on Sheikh Ahmad Ahsāei: A Review
        Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei could be considered as one of the prolific authors who had a special school of thought. Many debates on his beliefs and ideas is still on desk and some are extremist and others deal with him leniency. Sheikh Ahmad's eminent characteristics is his div More
        Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei could be considered as one of the prolific authors who had a special school of thought. Many debates on his beliefs and ideas is still on desk and some are extremist and others deal with him leniency. Sheikh Ahmad's eminent characteristics is his diversity and variety of works. The main objection of his contemporary scholars to him was the contradiction of his thoughts to the Kitāb and Sunna and the religious incontrovertible belief, which returns to his methodology of study. Although Sheikh Ahmad introduced Qur'an and Hadith as the criteria of evaluation of Islamic belief and even his own ideas, he did not refuse to exert philosophical and mystical phrase and in many cases tried to reconcile the Qur'anic thoughts with them. In fact, he interpreted the religious facts with the human sciences such as astronomy and philosophical naturalism. He unintentionally was impressed by various human science and explained the Divine beliefs by them, which in turn was condemned by himself. It could be traced the influence of Suhriwardī's Ishrāq philosophy, Mānī beliefs, Isma'ilite esotericism, and Tasawwuf (Islamic mysticism) in his works. Also, abnormalities and ambiguities of his thoughts, cause in deviation of Bābism Manuscript profile