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        1 - The effect of self- awareness on the creation of life quality in the architecture of religious places (case study: DezfulJam’e Mosque)
        Ahmad Sarrafzadeh Minou  Ghareh Baglou Mohammad Ali  KayNejad
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential More
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential nature and affects the quality of life. The goal of the research can be considered to evaluate the biological aspects affecting the internal relationships of self- knowledge between human and the architectural body. Biological quality is created at different levels and shapes the environment in interaction with humans. The method of this research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative factors. So that, in the qualitative review, the topic is addressed using descriptions, observations and library studies, and in its quantitative aspect, it benefits from numerical data and analysis using the scientific method of Codas. The findings of the research show the formation of an internal relationship that has affected the quality of life and architectural environment. so that in each of the senses affecting self- awareness, Different quality levels are created. In this regard, it can be concluded that the purposeful design of architecture in order to shape the quality of life is influenced by the common senses of faith and time with the greatest impact, the sense of unity, presence and place with an average impact, and the sense of safety and awareness with the least impact. So that it is formed in a direct relationship between independent components (spatial physical perception, collective behavior, psychological) and connected components (common senses) and is a platform for achieving a desirable life. Therefore, this issue can be considered as a result of the internal relationship between three aspects of self- awareness, common senses and architecture, which is formed according to the relationship between independent and dependent components in architecture. Manuscript profile