• List of Articles Seizure

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The legal status of possessions in the parliament
        Javad  Vahidizadeh seyyedeh maryam asadinejad
        Although sale contract is a binding and uncancellable contract, if the seller and buyer sign the sale contract in a meeting place, as long as they are in the meeting place they can cancel the contract without explanation of their reason. In fact, it is the application o More
        Although sale contract is a binding and uncancellable contract, if the seller and buyer sign the sale contract in a meeting place, as long as they are in the meeting place they can cancel the contract without explanation of their reason. In fact, it is the application of the meeting place contract that creates such a right for the parties. Nevertheless, the buyer and seller can exclude the “meeting place option” through including a condition in the contract or by leaving the meeting place or separation of the parties or the seizure of the sold item/price. As there is a difference of opinions among the jurists as regards the mode of dissolution that is the goal of “meeting place option”, the jurists are also divided on the the seizure of the sold item/price of the option because the separation of parties and the seizure of the sold item/price are two sides of the same coin. Some jurists believe that the seizure of the sold item/price may result in the cancellation of option but some others would even imply the implementation of the option of meeting place and the bindingness of the contract. In the present essay, after the analysis of the concept of “metting place option”, we discuss the conditions of the realization of metting place option as well as those occasions that lead to the cancellation of the meeting place option and the finalization of the sale contract. Moreover, our study of the public notion of the seizure of the sold item/price renders it clear that option belongs to the contract not to the exchanged items. Also the material seizures that takes place being informed of the existence of the option leads to the cancellation of the meeting place option but such modes of seizure like selling or leasing the sold item by the seller might be understood as an act of actual cancellation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Resale of Goods in Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Possibility of Its Justification based on Property Seizure of Debtor in Iranian Law and Jurisprudence
        Elham Shariati Najafabadi Abbas  Karimi
        Resale of goods, by virtue of the Article 88 of UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is a non-judicial practice and an exception that in addition to preventing incurrence of losses, is a solution to the undecided state of contracts witho More
        Resale of goods, by virtue of the Article 88 of UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is a non-judicial practice and an exception that in addition to preventing incurrence of losses, is a solution to the undecided state of contracts without having to nullify the previous contract. This paper intends to study the possibility of justification of this practice based on Iranian law. The author has applied an analytical, descriptive and comparative method to first understand the resale of goods according to the Convention, and identify similar institutions in Iranian law and jurisprudence. Seizure of property of debtor is among the cases that can justify resale of the property accordingly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating and analyzing the confinement of names and attributes of god in Sa'adi s works
        anvar zieaee
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides be More
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides believe that God should be named and described only by the names and attributes in the book and the tradition, and that they know the names and other attributes of heresy. From the Mu'tazilite point of view, the divine attributes and attributes are not forbidden, and the name and attribution of transcendence to the names and attributes not mentioned in the Qur'an and traditions is valid, while mystics and Sufis and many close to them believe that God Any good name can be read. Saadi, inspired by the Ash'arites' beliefs, repeatedly reads God in the names and descriptions mentioned in the book and tradition. Therefore, in this research, considering the Ash'arism of Saadi's professionalism, we will examine descriptive-analytic method by extracting nouns and attributes in general, to see to what extent Sa'adi's thoughts and beliefs regarding the arrest of Asmau are discussed. The traits correspond to the Ash'arites. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Automatic Detection of Grand-Mal Epileptic Seizure and Recognizing Normal Activities in Video by a Combination of Machine Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
        A. Hakimi Rad N. Moghadam Charkari
        The most relevant method to detect epileptic seizures is the electroencephalogram (EEG) based signal processing method which, due to the need for installing some electrodes on different places of the person's head, causes many movement problems. The aim of this research More
        The most relevant method to detect epileptic seizures is the electroencephalogram (EEG) based signal processing method which, due to the need for installing some electrodes on different places of the person's head, causes many movement problems. The aim of this research is to automatically and intelligently detect grand-mal epileptic seizures and also to recognize normal activities of a person suffering from the disease by video surveillance. In this paper we have used the combination of machine vision and machine learning techniques to automatically detect grand-mal epileptic seizure when the person is lying on the ground or on the bed. After subtracting the background from video frame sequences and extracting the image silhouette, appropriate geometrical features have been extracted and fed to the multi-class support vector machine as the input for automatically classifying the videos and assigning proper activity label. All the implementations have been done on MATLAB R2011a. In this intelligent system the accuracy of detecting and recognizing activities is 90.21%. Using this system in addition to reducing the number of human observers is very helpful for the on time and constant detection of the condition. The need for just a conventional video camera and a computer system makes it affordable for people with different incomes. Because it needs not to be in contact with the person's body, there is no movement problem too. High accuracy verifies the optimal performance of the system. Manuscript profile