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        1 - Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Family Gavelinellidae in Sanganeh and Aitamir Formations at the Kopeh-Dagh basin
        Maryam Motamedalshariati Mahmoud Jalali
        The sedimentary basin of Kopeh-Dagh is located in the northeast of Iran. This sedimentary basin has been of interest for a long time because of hydrocarbon materials. Gavelinellids are the most abundant and dominant groups of benthic foraminifera in epicontinenal seas d More
        The sedimentary basin of Kopeh-Dagh is located in the northeast of Iran. This sedimentary basin has been of interest for a long time because of hydrocarbon materials. Gavelinellids are the most abundant and dominant groups of benthic foraminifera in epicontinenal seas during Cretaceous period which belong to Rotaliinacean foraminifera. They have shown a wide biogeographical distribution and dispersion in many areas of Tethys. Their evolutionary trend during the Cretaceous time was success. The high concentration of marine sedimentary rocks and the absence of igneous activities in the Kope-Dagh sedimentary basinhave caused it to be considered the most suitable basin for the formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons after the Zagros sedimentary basin. This basin has suitable layers of carbonate rocks and porous sandstones to store hydrocarbon materials, also thick layers of shales in this basin can act as suitable source and cap rocks. In this research some genera and species from this family in Sanganeh and Aitamir Formations at five stratigraphic sections including Marave Tappeh, Takal kuh, Sheykh, Gadvecanlou and Kalat from point of biostratigraphical and paleoecological applications have been investigated. In this study, four biozones including Gavelinella flandrini-Gaudryina cf. praedividens assemblage zone, Berthelina intermedia assemblage zone, Berthelina cenomanica Assemblage Zone, Berthelina intermedia-Osangularia schloenbachi Assemblage Zone have been introduced. Based on the reported genera and species of the Gavellinidae family, it can be stated that the studied formations were deposited in the middle and outer part of the continental shelf to the upper part of the continental slope and in aerobic to semi-aerobic environments. The presence of more planktonic foraminifera than benthic foraminifera in the Aitamir Formation, the depth of the basin increases. Manuscript profile