• List of Articles Revelation

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        1 - Poetic Inspirations
        مهرانگیز  اوحدی
        There are at least two viewpoints upon the poetry inspiration: 1- inspiration is a phenomenon beyond the nature and outside the poet existence, 2- inspiration is a power originated from the poet unconscious self. Theorisians and poets have spoken a lot on these two th More
        There are at least two viewpoints upon the poetry inspiration: 1- inspiration is a phenomenon beyond the nature and outside the poet existence, 2- inspiration is a power originated from the poet unconscious self. Theorisians and poets have spoken a lot on these two theories to accept for and against them. As the human being mind structures are not the same, naturally their treatments toward and conceptions about the same experience, be it objective or abstract, will be different. In other words, each poet, in special situation, understand the message more or less ambiguous. He does not know the origin of it. These new and to some extend ambiguous messages are mixed with the poets presuppositions in such a way that separation of “God given inspirations” or “mind made ones” is generally impossible. In this article tries to study this mind complex procedure which was generally subject of a lot of poets and art theorists’ discussion. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Revelation Magic
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered More
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered by some of the intellectuals as the differences in language structure and know the meaning related complexity originated in the especial features of that language. Opposed to the mentioned viewpoints, this essay brings the priority of the concept and meaning over the language in mystical texts into sharp focus and reveals that revelation, understanding, interpretation and explanation of the meaning have priority over the terms and appropriateness of the language. Although the new findings based on revelation of meaning and concept creates a new language, it will be different from the other languages. In this regard, the understanding and interpretation by the general interpreters upon a the Holy Quran verses as well as the Khorasan mystics and Ibne Arabi’s ones in Fososelhekam, have been studied. The result of this essay and study have shown that meaning has priority over the terms and thought, in mystical texts. It also shows that the complementary development of the mystics’ understanding of the Holy Quran till the period of Ibne Arabi and their effects and interplay on each other. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The investigation of the educational training application of the verse in the holg Quran
        Creator of the universe ، infinite rays of the essence and Jamil their names through the mirror verses traits and legislation development in the field of souls ، made manifest and people always comment that I hesitate to see hundreds of thousands had been the hundreds o More
        Creator of the universe ، infinite rays of the essence and Jamil their names through the mirror verses traits and legislation development in the field of souls ، made manifest and people always comment that I hesitate to see hundreds of thousands had been the hundreds of thousands effects ، in this paper an attempt has been made to the divine revelations of academic perspectives ، philosophical، spiritual ، artistic ، educational ، and desired to be considered and the results of each of these attitudes ، to be presented before the Lord of wisdom Manuscript profile
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        4 - The position of Text and person in conjunction of Islam and Christianity
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question More
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question in this context that: is there any difference between divine religions and non divine religions? Religion can be divided,, Considering the role that the "scripture" or "saint" have in human salvation,, to "person-centered religions" and "Text-based religions". Religions "pantheism" Since not believe in God distinguished and distinct from the world, belief of divine connection with the temporal, through the divine message, is not significant. This Religions based on their funder and and knows him duct Allah. In this respect called them "person-centered. But the revealed religions believe in God distinguished and distinct from world and the other side believes the relationship between the temporal world with the divine through the divine revelation. But they all have not same interpretation of Revelation. These religions can be divided to"person-centered" and "Text-based" according to their interpretation of divine revelation. Islam believe that God's revelation is in the category of message and promise. The center of gravity revelation in Islam, is Qur'an, and in Christianity, is Christ. That's why can called Christianity ,,from a different direction with "pantheism",,a religion "person-centered". There is emphasizing on saint in some Islamic groups such as Shi'ism and Sufism, but substantly the nature of this emphasis, is different with Christianity. So it should be said on the one hand "person-centered" in religions pantheistic is different with "person-centered" in Christianity, and on the other hand "person-centered" in Christianity is different with "person-centered" in Shi'ism and Sufism Manuscript profile
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        5 - “FATRAT” in the table criticis
        Abdol Majid  Taleb Tash
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This More
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This research performed through Descriptive and analytical method. Three views as theological problems obtained. The famous promise is believed that time of FATRAT is three years. The second promise says that Gabriel’s downfall did not stop. The third promise says: Gabriel’s descending was stopped for three till forty days. Reference of the first group, that was the source of blame of Orientalists, and has concluded that the Prophet hesitated, was week. The second view was not correct either. The third view is acceptable which is agreeing with the narrative and historical reasons and in the process of descending is normal. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Re-reading the definition of revelation in terms of miracles, knowledge and infallibility of the prophets
        Reza Najafi Ali Ahmad  Naseh seyed mohammad taghi mosavi keramati
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered arou More
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered around revelation; Which, of course, is the goal of this article. First, the possibility of revelation has been done by recognizing the prerequisites of its cognition, such as anthropology and prophecy. After that, the characteristics of the container of revelation, ie the building blocks of the structure of prophecy, which are miracles, knowledge and infallibility, have been studied. The study of the three axes of positive, negative and imposed dialogue about the definitions of revelation is not hidden from view, which has been evaluated by descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The analysis of the problem shows that the category of revelation is completely different from concepts such as religious experience. In addition, human genius can not deprive him of a revelatory relationship. Therefore, revelation will be achieved only with the full realization of the building blocks of prophecy. Manuscript profile
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        7 - An Explanation of Critical Thinking in Constructivist Approach (a Qur’ānic Deconstructive Analysis)
        Heydar Ismailpour
        Theories of critical thinking are generally divided into two groups: theories that describe the positive and negative characteristics of various phenomena, such as human beings, and the Qur’ānic theory indicating that critical thinking should be based on believing in th More
        Theories of critical thinking are generally divided into two groups: theories that describe the positive and negative characteristics of various phenomena, such as human beings, and the Qur’ānic theory indicating that critical thinking should be based on believing in the open, creative, and infinite knowledge of God. Challenging the content of the first approach paves the way for introducing the creative and variable approach to knowledge. In this way, education adopts a religious and unlimited nature more than ever before. The non-restrictive aspect dominates knowledge and, as a result, the content of educational courses based on critical thinking and is developed under the influence of other dimensions of a philosophical system, including values and knowledge. The open and unlimited process of Qur’ānic critical thinking leads to the priority of creative approaches and their effective incorporation into education. The present study aims to explain a kind of critical thinking based on a constructive approach to the open and unlimited Qur’ānic critical knowledge. Deconstruction means analyzing and reviewing each subject through decentralizing it and discovering some of its new other dimensions that are usually neglected. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Critique of Montgomery Watt's theoretical foundations and assumptions about the revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet (PBUH)
        fatemeh javadiyan asl Abdorreza Farhadian Fatemeh  Khalili
        Every science has principles and foundations. Quranic scholars are aware of the fact that understanding the Quran requires certain principles, and ignoring them will lead to misunderstandings. By comparing and criticizing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic More
        Every science has principles and foundations. Quranic scholars are aware of the fact that understanding the Quran requires certain principles, and ignoring them will lead to misunderstandings. By comparing and criticizing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic research, it is possible to achieve the growth and expansion of Quranic studies and to recognize the greatness of revelation. Based on the theoretical foundations of Muslims, revelation is the divine word. Revelation has a divine origin and is far from controversy, contradiction and distortion. According to the theoretical foundations of Orientalists such as "Montgomery Watt", the revelation did not have a divine origin and was made by the Prophet, who took it from the holy books of the Covenants and was a genius who wrote the Qur'an and influenced others according to his environment and time. Is. In examining this view, it should be said that there is no valid historical evidence on these claims. Applying the theoretical foundations and personal assumptions of the researcher in areas in which he does not have sufficient scientific mastery leads the wrong path of research. In this research, by criticizing Watt's views on revelation and prophecy, he has criticized and studied it, and by citing reliable sources, he has correctly answered the doubts and cleared the Qur'an of these deviations. Manuscript profile