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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Geo-discourse of Takfiri IS group and its Media Representation- with emphasis on digital media
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating More
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating ideational concepts that construct the positions of Self and Other and give them a hegemonic status is possible via virtual networks and with enjoying of media ploys. In this regard the main question of this essay is about the evaluation of the level of efficacy of these media arenas for IS and assesing the opportunities or by contrast the threats offered by them for IS’s activism. Our hypothesis is that virtual space is useful for IS and this group thanks to a professional approach to social networks and knowing the function of media, can establish a media terrorism by psychological operation and therefore complete its geopolitics actions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Television and National Identity: Representation of Historical and Political Features of National Identity in The ‘A’ grade Historical Serials on Television during Three Decades after the Islamic Revelation of Iran
        Mansour  Sa'i
        The main objective of the present article is to study the frequency and ways of representing features of national identity in A grade historical serials on television during the three decades after the Islamic Revolution (1359-1388). 15 ‘A’ grade historical serials, out More
        The main objective of the present article is to study the frequency and ways of representing features of national identity in A grade historical serials on television during the three decades after the Islamic Revolution (1359-1388). 15 ‘A’ grade historical serials, out of 50, produced and broadcasted through channels One and Two during the last three decades (5 serials per decade) were analised. The findings of the study shows that under the influence of media and culture policies, the representation of features of national identity has got an ideological status. Linguistic and imagery construction of TV in representing historical and political dimensions is based on creating a negative picture of Iranian historical and political heritage, neglecting national symbols such as national flag and anthem, and taking positive attitude towards historical figures of religious status. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A New Recursive Algorithm for Universal Coding of Integers
        Mehdi Nangir Hamid Behroozi Mohammad Reza Aref
        In this paper, we aim to encode the set of all positive integers so that the codewords not only be uniquely decodable but also be an instantaneous set of binary sequences. Elias introduces three recursive algorithms for universal coding of positive integers where each c More
        In this paper, we aim to encode the set of all positive integers so that the codewords not only be uniquely decodable but also be an instantaneous set of binary sequences. Elias introduces three recursive algorithms for universal coding of positive integers where each codeword contains binary representation of the integer plus an attachment portion that gives some information about the first part [1]. On the other hand, Fibonacci coding which is based on Fibonacci numbers is also introduced by Apostolico and Fraenkel for coding of integers [2]. In this paper, we propose a new lossless recursive algorithm for universal coding of positive integers based on both recursive algorithms and Fibonacci coding scheme without using any knowledge about the source statistics [3].The coding schemes which don’t use the source statistics is called universal coding, in these universal coding schemes we should use a universal decoding scheme in the receiver side of communication system. All of these encoding and decoding schemes assign binary streams to positive integers and conversely, without any need of use to probability masses over positive integers. We show that if we use Fibonacci coding in the first part of each codeword we can achieve shorter expected codeword length than Elias Omega code. In addition, our proposed algorithm has low complexity of encoding and decoding procedures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study on Clustering for Clustering Based Image De-noising
        Hossein Bakhshi Golestani Mohsen Joneidi Mostafa Sadeghi
        In this paper, the problem of de-noising of an image contaminated with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is studied. This subject is an open problem in signal processing for more than 50 years. In the present paper, we suggest a method based on global clustering of i More
        In this paper, the problem of de-noising of an image contaminated with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is studied. This subject is an open problem in signal processing for more than 50 years. In the present paper, we suggest a method based on global clustering of image constructing blocks. As the type of clustering plays an important role in clustering-based de-noising methods, we address two questions about the clustering. The first, which parts of the data should be considered for clustering? The second, what data clustering method is suitable for de-noising? Then clustering is exploited to learn an over complete dictionary. By obtaining sparse decomposition of the noisy image blocks in terms of the dictionary atoms, the de-noised version is achieved. Experimental results show that our dictionary learning framework outperforms its competitors in terms of de-noising performance and execution time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A new Sparse Coding Approach for Human Face and Action Recognition
        Mohsen Nikpoor Mohammad Reza Karami-Mollaei Reza Ghaderi
        Sparse coding is an unsupervised method which learns a set of over-complete bases to represent data such as image, video and etc. In the cases where we have some similar images from the different classes, using the sparse coding method the images may be classified into More
        Sparse coding is an unsupervised method which learns a set of over-complete bases to represent data such as image, video and etc. In the cases where we have some similar images from the different classes, using the sparse coding method the images may be classified into the same class and devalue classification performance. In this paper, we propose an Affine Graph Regularized Sparse Coding approach for resolving this problem. We apply the sparse coding and graph regularized sparse coding approaches by adding the affinity constraint to the objective function to improve the recognition rate. Several experiments has been done on well-known face datasets such as ORL and YALE. The first experiment has been done on ORL dataset for face recognition and the second one has been done on YALE dataset for face expression detection. Both experiments have been compared with the basic approaches for evaluating the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method can significantly outperform previous methods in face classification. In addition, the proposed method is applied to KTH action dataset and the results show that the proposed sparse coding approach could be applied for action recognition applications too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A New VAD Algorithm using Sparse Representation in Spectro-Temporal Domain
        Mohadese  Eshaghi Farbod Razzazi Alireza Behrad
        This paper proposes two algorithms for Voice Activity Detection (VAD) based on sparse representation in spectro-temporal domain. The first algorithm was made using two-dimensional STRF (Spectro-Temporal Response Field) space based on sparse representation. Dictionaries More
        This paper proposes two algorithms for Voice Activity Detection (VAD) based on sparse representation in spectro-temporal domain. The first algorithm was made using two-dimensional STRF (Spectro-Temporal Response Field) space based on sparse representation. Dictionaries with different atomic sizes and two dictionary learning methods were investigated in this approach. This algorithm revealed good results at high SNRs (signal-to-noise ratio). The second algorithm, whose approach is more complicated, suggests a speech detector using the sparse representation in four-dimensional STRF space. Due to the large volume of STRF's four-dimensional space, this space was divided into cubes, with dictionaries made for each cube separately by NMF (non-negative matrix factorization) learning algorithm. Simulation results were presented to illustrate the effectiveness of our new VAD algorithms. The results revealed that the achieved performance was 90.11% and 91.75% under -5 dB SNR in white and car noise respectively, outperforming most of the state-of-the-art VAD algorithms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - SGF (Semantic Graphs Fusion): A Knowledge-based Representation of Textual Resources for Text Mining Applications
        Morteza Jaderyan Hassan Khotanlou
        The proper representation of textual documents has been the greatest challenge in text mining applications. In this paper, a knowledge-based representation model for text documents is introduced. The system works by integrating structured knowledge in the core component More
        The proper representation of textual documents has been the greatest challenge in text mining applications. In this paper, a knowledge-based representation model for text documents is introduced. The system works by integrating structured knowledge in the core components of the system. Semantic, lexical, syntactical and structural features are identified by the pre-processing module. The enrichment module is introduced to identify contextually similar concepts and concept maps for improving the representation. The information content of documents and the enriched contents are fused (merged) into the graphical structure of semantic network to form a unified and comprehensive representation of documents. The 20Newsgroup and Reuters-21578 dataset are used for evaluation. The evaluation results suggest that the proposed method exhibits a high level of accuracy, recall and precision. The results also indicate that even when a small portion of information content is available, the proposed method performs well in standard text mining applications. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - An Experimental Study on Performance of Text Representation Models for Sentiment Analysis
        Sajjad Jahanbakhsh Gudakahriz Amir Masoud Eftekhari Moghaddam Fariborz Mahmoudi
        Sentiment analysis in social networks has been an active research field since 2000 and it is highly useful in the decision-making process of various domains and applications. In sentiment analysis, the goal is to analyze the opinion texts posted in social networks and o More
        Sentiment analysis in social networks has been an active research field since 2000 and it is highly useful in the decision-making process of various domains and applications. In sentiment analysis, the goal is to analyze the opinion texts posted in social networks and other web-based resources to extract the necessary information from them. The data collected from various social networks and web sites do not possess a structured format, and this unstructured format is the main challenge for facing such data. It is necessary to represent the texts in the form of a text representation model to be able to analyze the content to overcome this challenge. Afterward, the required analysis can be done. The research on text modeling started a few decades ago, and so far, various models have been proposed for performing this modeling process. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of a number of commons and famous text representation models for sentiment analysis. This evaluation is carried out by using these models for sentiment classification by ensemble methods. An ensemble classifier is used for sentiment classification and after preprocessing, the texts is represented by selected models. The selected models for this study are TF-IDF, LSA, Word2Vec, and Doc2Vec and the used evaluation measures are Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F-Measure. The results of the study show that in general, the Doc2Vec model provides better performance compared to other models in sentiment analysis and at best, accuracy is 0.72. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Deep Transformer-based Representation for Text Chunking
        Parsa Kavehzadeh Mohammad Mahdi  Abdollah Pour Saeedeh Momtazi
        Text chunking is one of the basic tasks in natural language processing. Most proposed models in recent years were employed on chunking and other sequence labeling tasks simultaneously and they were mostly based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Conditional Random F More
        Text chunking is one of the basic tasks in natural language processing. Most proposed models in recent years were employed on chunking and other sequence labeling tasks simultaneously and they were mostly based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Conditional Random Field (CRF). In this article, we use state-of-the-art transformer-based models in combination with CRF, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-CRF as well as a simple dense layer to study the impact of different pre-trained models on the overall performance in text chunking. To this aim, we evaluate BERT, RoBERTa, Funnel Transformer, XLM, XLM-RoBERTa, BART, and GPT2 as candidates of contextualized models. Our experiments exhibit that all transformer-based models except GPT2 achieved close and high scores on text chunking. Due to the unique unidirectional architecture of GPT2, it shows a relatively poor performance on text chunking in comparison to other bidirectional transformer-based architectures. Our experiments also revealed that adding a LSTM layer to transformer-based models does not significantly improve the results since LSTM does not add additional features to assist the model to achieve more information from the input compared to the deep contextualized models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - “DANA”- An Agent with Understanding Persian Sentences and Performing Actions Abilities
        M. Davoodabadi M. Palhang
        The process of the comprehension of written natural language texts is usually called text understanding. Text understanding includes different processes and has many applications. One of the applications of natural language understanding systems is executing the imperat More
        The process of the comprehension of written natural language texts is usually called text understanding. Text understanding includes different processes and has many applications. One of the applications of natural language understanding systems is executing the imperative sentences which has a wide usage in dialog based systems and robotics. Numerous works have been done in processing of Persian language but a few of them has considered the subject of Persian text understanding and performing actions after it. In this paper reports an implementation of a Persian understanding system called DANA. DANA accepts an imperative sentence or a question, applies morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis on it and creates a meaning representation. This system is able to understand some simple Persian sentences, responds to a few orders issued in Persian and answers some of user questions. The results of this project can be used for developing other types of natural language processing systems such as machine translation or question answering systems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Self-Learning Single Image Super-Resolution by Considering Consistency in Adjacent Pixels
        M. Habibi A. Ahmadyfard H. hassanpour
        In this paper, we propose a self-learning single image super-resolution. In our proposed method, adjacent pixels information in smooth area is used. Low and high-resolution pyramids are built by applying up-sampling and down-sampling techniques on input image, as traini More
        In this paper, we propose a self-learning single image super-resolution. In our proposed method, adjacent pixels information in smooth area is used. Low and high-resolution pyramids are built by applying up-sampling and down-sampling techniques on input image, as training data. In training phase, we apply support vector regression (SVR) to model the relationship between the pair of low and high-resolution images. For each patch in the low-resolution image, sparse representation is extracted as a feature vector. In this paper, in order to reduce the edge blurring effects, we first separate edge pixels from non-edge pixels. In the smooth area, because of the similar colors around the each pixel, the center pixel value is determined by considering the reconstructed adjacent pixels. Experimental results show that the proposed method is quantitatively and qualitatively outperform the competitive super-resolution approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Visual Distractors Detecting in Images Using Weighted Two Phase Test Sample Sparse Representation Method
        F. Sabouri F. yaghmaee
        The image observer usually wants to receive the message and the main subject of the image in the shortest time. Hence, assuming there is useful information in the salient regions, the human vision system unconsciously guides visual attention towards them. This assumptio More
        The image observer usually wants to receive the message and the main subject of the image in the shortest time. Hence, assuming there is useful information in the salient regions, the human vision system unconsciously guides visual attention towards them. This assumption is not always correct in practice, and in some cases, salient regions merely cause visual distractions. Therefore, in different applications, a mechanism is needed to identify these regions. To prevent from distracting observer’s attention from the main subject, these regions are eliminated. Furthermore, neglecting these regions could be of considerable assistance to the methods that function base on salient regions recognition. So, in this paper, Based on the methods of the class imbalance challenge each segment of training images in the dataset is a partition to 9 classes according to the relevant mask in the dataset, that the number of each class is proportional to its disturbance intensity. Then, segment-based features are extracted and determining the class of each segment is determined according to WTPTSSR method, which is based on the Sparse Coding and Representation system.Finally, in order to precisely analyzing the proposed method and comparing it to other approaches, four analysis criteria with different performances are presented. According to results, despite being time-consuming, the proposed method has a higher accuracy than the previous ones. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Freedom, authenticity, intimacy and charm: Representation of travel influencers’ photos in Instagram
        hoda davari hamed bakhshi
        Created on a social network basis, Instagram pages effectively contribute to shaping our mental perception regarding various topics. On the other hand, those Instagram pages dedicated to travel have highly been welcomed by viewers in recent years. Actually, the represen More
        Created on a social network basis, Instagram pages effectively contribute to shaping our mental perception regarding various topics. On the other hand, those Instagram pages dedicated to travel have highly been welcomed by viewers in recent years. Actually, the representations made by the relevant influences concerning the travel process, travel destination, and travel meaning construct some explicit and implicit meanings. Therefore, this study sought to identify the semantic system governing the popular Instagram pages of travel influencers. The conceptual framework of the study is based on John Fisk's semiotic approach and his social reality codes, including social reality, representational reality, and ideological reality. Social reality codes address physical characteristics such as speech, environment, and clothing. Moreover, representational reality codes deal with the sender's creative power, including framing, colors, companionship and substitution, and characterization. Finally, ideological reality codes examine the concept that gives coherence to such categories. The findings of the study indicated that naturalism, intimacy, liberation in social relations and individual lifestyle, availability and ease of travel, charm-seeking, desire for freedom, travel as a lifestyle, and responsible travel are the pivotal values represented by travel influencers at the level of ideological codes, representing such a special type of tourism that seeks changes in daily routines, acquisition of new experiences, the quest for authenticity, and returning to the true self. This travel style represents a conscious or non-conscious effort against the homogenization of the modern world and a kind of resistance against daily routines, rationalization, and social order. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Semiotics of Popular Social Documentaries of Aparat program BBC Persian Network
        azam deh soufiyani
        Today, media is an integral part of people's lives. People are interested in hearing and seeing social issues through the media in order to be aware of the dangers that threaten their lives. Social documentaries are an opportunity to inform and raise awareness about soc More
        Today, media is an integral part of people's lives. People are interested in hearing and seeing social issues through the media in order to be aware of the dangers that threaten their lives. Social documentaries are an opportunity to inform and raise awareness about social issues, and on the other hand, they provide an arena for showing the country's issues and problems in foreign media. The main question in the current research is, what image of Iran is represented in documentaries about Iran does the BBC Persian program broadcast? Social semiotics method and the "Idema" approach applied as the research method three films "And the Spider Came", "Iranian Kidney Auction" and "It's always late for freedom" were analyzed. According to the findings, the main topics of the documentary films of the Aparat program about Iran are women and children with the theme of absolute inferiority; Religion as the cause of society's problems and combined with superstitions; Inefficient and weak government institutions; culture and customs express a very traditional and petrified society. The discourse of opposition and confrontation with the Islamic Republic in this network, not only in news and analytical programs but also continues in the form of a completely believable narrative documentaries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Apparent Representation And Its Effects In Iran's Jurisprudential Legal System And Common Law
        Ebadollah   Rostami Chalkasari Ali Jamalzadeh
        "Apparent representation" originates from English law and does not fall under the usual definitions of representation. In this theory, the first person through his behavior has caused the other to be recognized as his representative, and the third to imagine and acknowl More
        "Apparent representation" originates from English law and does not fall under the usual definitions of representation. In this theory, the first person through his behavior has caused the other to be recognized as his representative, and the third to imagine and acknowledge the representation, while there is no representative relationship between them in the way that is usually expected. Therefore, the first person cannot deny the representation. In Imami jurisprudence, the special word "apparent representation" has not attracted the attention of jurists and there are no rulings around it, but this does not indicate the absence of a similar opinion and its inadmissibility in Imami jurisprudence. The purpose of the research is to compare this theory and its works with similar institutions in Imami jurisprudence. It is thought that the mentioned theory is sometimes effective in facilitating legal practices, so according to the scope of jurisprudence, comparative research in this regard may be effective in Islamic business. In this research, it is expected that the effects of apparent representation and its similar institutions are different in nature, but there is no significant conflict between them. The research method is searching and collecting sources (books, articles,...) and taking notes from them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Survey on the Applications of the Graph Theory in the Information Retrieval
        Maryam Piroozmand Amir Hosein Keyhanipour Ali Moeini
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph- More
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph-based information retrieval algorithms have shown to be efficient and effective, this paper aims to provide an analytical review of these algorithms and propose a categorization of them. Briefly speaking, graph-based information retrieval algorithms might be divided into three major classes: the first category includes those algorithms which use a graph representation of the corresponding dataset within the information retrieval process. The second category contains semantic retrieval algorithms which utilize the graph theory. The third category is associated with the application of the graph theory in the learning to rank problem. The set of reviewed research works is analyzed based on both the frequency as well as the publication time. As an interesting finding of this review is that the third category is a relatively hot research topic in which a limited number of recent research works are conducted. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Urban representations in contemporary stories with a focus on war stories
        Maryam  Akhbari Arash  Moshfeghi hosein dadashi
        The purpose of this article is to examine the image of the city and its features and appearances in five fictional works of the war. For this purpose, five fictional works in the field of war literature were selected. Their content was examined in terms of urban element More
        The purpose of this article is to examine the image of the city and its features and appearances in five fictional works of the war. For this purpose, five fictional works in the field of war literature were selected. Their content was examined in terms of urban elements and manifestations. The results of the survey showed that in these effects of war in cities, bombing, poverty and famine, destruction and destruction of the appearance of cities and urban elements due to war have the highest frequency. In all these works, the city has a dark and sad appearance. The cemeteries and hospitals are full of martyrs and injured people. Most of the people of the city have either migrated or those who remain, poverty prevents them from leaving. The elements of urban modernity are a tool in the war. Also, the approach to war fiction from the perspective of urban elements indicates that the names of the cities involved in the war have been used the most. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Survey on the Applications of the Graph Theory in the Information Retrieval
        Maryam Piroozmand Amir Hosein Keyhanipour Ali Moeini
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph- More
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph-based information retrieval algorithms have shown to be efficient and effective, this paper aims to provide an analytical review of these algorithms and propose a categorization of them. Briefly speaking, graph-based information retrieval algorithms might be divided into three major classes: the first category includes those algorithms which use a graph representation of the corresponding dataset within the information retrieval process. The second category contains semantic retrieval algorithms which utilize the graph theory. The third category is associated with the application of the graph theory in the learning to rank problem. The set of reviewed research works is analyzed based on both the frequency as well as the publication time. As an interesting finding of this review is that the third category is a relatively hot research topic in which a limited number of recent research works are conducted. Manuscript profile