• List of Articles Reflection

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Improving the directivity of the plasmonic sectoral horn nanoantenna using lens in its aperture
        Masumeh  Sharifi Najmeh  Nozhat Ehsan  Zareian-Jahromi
        Horn antennas can result in good impedance matching between the waveguide and free space due to the gradual increase in the aperture size. In this paper, a novel plasmonic sectoral horn nanoantenna based on using lens in the aperture is proposed. It is investigated that More
        Horn antennas can result in good impedance matching between the waveguide and free space due to the gradual increase in the aperture size. In this paper, a novel plasmonic sectoral horn nanoantenna based on using lens in the aperture is proposed. It is investigated that in addition to improvement of the directivity, the reflection coefficient is also reduced using the proper lens structure. The maximum directivity improvement is about 2 dBi compared to the structure without lens. Also, it is shown that the radiation pattern can be controlled by utilizing electro-optical material as the lens Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analyzing the Iranian, Islamic and Creek reflection components in Souhravardi’s interpretation upon the Rustam and Esfandiar Story
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scat More
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scattered and little interpretation by Sanaie, the poet of the 5th century, Sheikh Eshragh, the mystic and philosopher of the 6th century is the last person interpreted and reflected upon the Iran ancient myths. He wants to make a concrete link between three separate dimensions of Islamic culture, Iranian ancient wisdom and Creek philosophy. For he, as a believer Muslim, is familiar with Islamic culture and its components including mysticism in one hand and he is the heritance to the pre-Islamic period as Iranian generated one on the other hand and so can not ignore the Creek philosophy as the result of human valuable reason and wisdom. Souhravardi, with his especial perceptivity, has found that the three mentioned apparently opposing cultures essence is the same and in case of their unification and harmony, Men can have a great experience in Human development and leadership. This article tries to show this great genius attempts for linking the Human thinking follows reflected in his interpretation from the Rustam and Esfandiar Story, revealing and the reasons for such interpretation while showing the elements of the cultures said above. It is clear that during Souhravardi day, this story and Shahname stories were famous in such a way that,deconstructing them was not an easy task except for some specified reasons but, Sheikh Eshragh could do so by his special thought background and broke the structure of this story aimed at finding his views within the layers of it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Hydro politic of Helmand River and its spatial reflections in relations between Iran and Afghanistan
        Mahdi Karimi Hadi Sayfi Farzad Ghasem Osuli Odloo Mojtaba Shoeibi
        Water is the origin of life on earth and there is no replacement for it. Unfortunately, transfer and desalination of seawater have a lot of costs. By increase in demands for water resource, and by contamination of surface and underground water, it is considered as impor More
        Water is the origin of life on earth and there is no replacement for it. Unfortunately, transfer and desalination of seawater have a lot of costs. By increase in demands for water resource, and by contamination of surface and underground water, it is considered as important factor in political relations between countries. This may lead to many conflict and dispute over water resource. Inconsistency between Political and natural boundaries caused that more than 40 percent of the world population living in areas that watershed areas are common with other countries. Since the water consumption in upstream of rivers has an increasing trend, subsequently, hydro politic conflicts between societies that living in the upstream and downstream of water resource is increasing, as well as. The Helmand river is a good example for above-mentioned problem. The mean annual Helmand river discharge decreased significantly due to drought events and dam construction in Afghanistan. These factors, result in many Economic, political, social effects. This study aims to investigate the consequences of conflicts over water in Sistan region and spatial reflections of this conflict using descriptive-analytical approach. The results showed that the hydro politic confliction of Helmand river have an important reflection in water crisis in Sistan region and have an important effect in political relations between Iran and Afghanistan. In addition, in inside of Iran have a spatial reflects in economic, social and political dimensions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - 4 Arts in Faithful Lifestyle Based upon Teachings of Imam Reza (AS)
        Hamed Pourrostami
        Lifestyle has been defined as the way individuals, groups or societies live in the face of their physical, mental, social and economic relations. Whether we call it a way of life or a manner originating from insight, one cannot ignore the fact that it is an art, or rath More
        Lifestyle has been defined as the way individuals, groups or societies live in the face of their physical, mental, social and economic relations. Whether we call it a way of life or a manner originating from insight, one cannot ignore the fact that it is an art, or rather, a set of arts that form a macro model and style. This paper investigates the qualitative and quantitative arts in the lifestyle of the faithful as the essence of this style is faith in God. The paper seeks to clarify four arts of reflection, Tawakkul (putting one’s trust in God), Tawaddud (being friendly toward others) and Talazzuz (seeking enjoyment). Reflection is the art of processing and editing one’s knowledge in light of the power of intellect, which is sort of wise interaction with oneself. Tawakkul is the art of trusting in God, who is the source of self-confidence. In fact, Tawakkul is a realistic interaction with God. Tawaddud is the art of loving others, which is a major criterion in the faithful lifestyle and kind of friendly interaction with people. And finally, Talazzuz is also an art, the art of enjoying life and benefiting from the world purposefully. It is a kind of smart interaction with the world and it phenomena and blessings. This research was conducted through descriptive-analytical method in three stages of planning, implementing and reporting. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Nasser Khosrow’s Literary Ways in Using Verses of Quran
        arash amraie ali bazvand
        As the Holy Quran is an infinite source of ethical, human and educational thoughts and teachings, many Persian language poets and writers have benefited from this treasury. This mingling of the Persian written heritage with Islamic teachings has made it difficult to und More
        As the Holy Quran is an infinite source of ethical, human and educational thoughts and teachings, many Persian language poets and writers have benefited from this treasury. This mingling of the Persian written heritage with Islamic teachings has made it difficult to understand the heritage without being familiar with the Quran and Hadiths. Nasser ibn Khosrow Qobadiani is among the poets who have put their poetry at the service of promoting their religious and sectarian beliefs. In order to gain this objective and fulfilling the religious mission of his poetry, he has embellished his poems with the glowing verses. Given the religious background of Nasser Khosrow, his poems involve ethical guidelines and many pieces of advice. Having good mastery over Quranic concepts, he has adorned his poems with the holy verses, most skillfully and with the best method benefiting from full verses or part of them and sometimes using their concepts and meaning. This has certainly enhanced the effect of his messages. This paper uses examines the Divan of Nasser Khosrow and, using statistical tables, analyzes different types of reflection of the Quran’s verses in his poems. It will also be shown that Nasser Khosrow’s main reasons for using verses of the Quran include his mental and language association with the Holy Book and his efforts to explain his objectives and thought using the influence and status of the Quran among Muslims. This way, he directs the reader’s attention to the need to accept his ideas because they actually originate from the Quran and are somehow a poetic expression of the concepts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Contexts and Components of Transformation in the Eorks of Mirza Fatali Akhundzade
        ali sadeghi firouz rad hossein marsa
        This paper delves into the theme of transformative inclination within the works and philosophies of Mirza Fath-Ali Akhundzadeh, with a specific focus on his theatrical productions. Modernization, in this context, denotes transcending the traditional status quo and embra More
        This paper delves into the theme of transformative inclination within the works and philosophies of Mirza Fath-Ali Akhundzadeh, with a specific focus on his theatrical productions. Modernization, in this context, denotes transcending the traditional status quo and embracing renewal. Employing a descriptive and analytical approach rooted in reflection, and utilizing library methodologies alongside qualitative content analysis, the socio-political, economic, and cultural contexts of the emergence and evolution of this trend are explored. Additionally, its manifestations within Akhundzadeh's theatrical and non-theatrical oeuvre are examined and dissected. The "reflection approach," alongside methodologies such as "shaping" and "works as social institutions," constitutes one of the three primary approaches within the literary sociology tradition. In this framework, literary works serve as mirrors reflecting social realities. Depending on whether emphasis is placed on the form or content of the literary work, it draws upon various established theories, such as Lucien Goldmann's theory. In this study, a combination of library research and qualitative content analysis was employed to investigate the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts underpinning the emergence of the discourse on modernization. The findings reveal that the rapid social, political, economic, and cultural transformations of the period under consideration have exerted both positive and negative influences on the formation and content of Akhundzadeh's works. Consequently, the juxtaposition of traditional social paradigms with those stemming from the ethos of renewal emerges as a central theme within his body of work Manuscript profile