• List of Articles Prophet

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        1 - Picture and Character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the Greatest in Persian Mystical Prose
        عفت  نادری‌نژاد mostafa gorji
        One of the main themes in the literary works of the world, particularly mystical and ethical texts, is to put the prophet’s states in writing, as the results of his experience and mystical intuition. In fact, mysticism as an artistic approach towards religion leads to e More
        One of the main themes in the literary works of the world, particularly mystical and ethical texts, is to put the prophet’s states in writing, as the results of his experience and mystical intuition. In fact, mysticism as an artistic approach towards religion leads to esthetic and artistic discussions about religious issues such as prophecy. Meanwhile, mystic Persian prose texts, which are more profound than the related poetry and more focused on the prophecy of Mohammad (Pbuh) as well as his states and statements, have the possibility to may proceed on the matter of the prophecy, specifically the last prophet’s message from different views and aspects due to the cultural and linguistic reasons. The Gnostics tried to match, on the one hand, a range of themes with holy book and prophetic tradition in a subtle way. Through referring to them, on the other hand, they aimed to achieve some credits for their speech and accounts. This paper is intending to investigate about the position, situation and state of the last prophet in the fifteen most important gnostic prose texts from the early days up to the 8th century as well as studying on the similarities and differences of Mohammad’s tradition, his speech and behavior comparatively and historically due to lack of enough comprehensive related sources. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Linguistic, Poetic, and Content Study and Analysis of the Verses in Khamsa (the Poetry) by Nizami Ganjavi Praising the Prophet
        زينب  نوروزي
        Praising the majesty of the holy prophet, relying on Qur’an and Ahaadeeth (the sayings of Moslem saints), is what Nizami does at the beginning of his lyric poems. To express admiration to Muhammad (pbuh) is a familiar discourse throughout the Persian poetry after Islam. More
        Praising the majesty of the holy prophet, relying on Qur’an and Ahaadeeth (the sayings of Moslem saints), is what Nizami does at the beginning of his lyric poems. To express admiration to Muhammad (pbuh) is a familiar discourse throughout the Persian poetry after Islam. An analysis of Nizami’s poetry and his views about Prophet Mohammad can help us develop an accurate understanding of eulogy in Persian poetry. To study the coexistence of religious thoughts and romantic thoughts in lyrics is the main focus of the present paper. The author tries to show the content of Nizami’s eulogy; however, since it has been employed in a poetic discourse, he will also focus on the poetic features of Nizami’s eulogy. Nizami has a unique style in writing eulogy; he uses poetic elements, like imagery, figures of speech to praise the Prophet in line with his lyrics. Of course, it is not just a means of decorating his poetry, but a canal to convey his (non)/verbal views on the character and manner of the Prophet. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Research on Hayati Gilani's "Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis" and Contrasting it with some Books on History, (Quran) Interpretation and the Stories about the Prophets, accompanied by the poet's biography
        یوسف  اسماعیل‌زاده سیّد مهدی  نوریان علی اصغر  بابا صفری
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one More
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one of the famous poets of the late 10th and the early 11th centuries. He was introduced to the Gourkanian court by Abolfath Gilani. There, he acquired a lot of respect. His Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis which is a meritorious work in lyric literature, has already been ignored. In this work, Hayati focuses on Quran's abbreviation in telling the prophets' stories. This lyric- religious Mathnavi is of high value due to the poet's focus on the prophets' chastity, not including Israiiliat, referring to the resources unavailable today, and the linguistic properties, as well. The present article reviews the poet's works first, and then his Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis , contrasting it with some of the books on history, (Quran) interpretation and the prophets' stories. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Examples of Prophetical Epigrams in Literary Texts
        مهين  پناهي
        This research intends to respond to this question; due to the fact that Quran says; "it was spoken to him", "he does not speak of lust and likes", and " you have an excellent morales", would Prophet Mohammad speak of epigrams and funny words? If so, then what category More
        This research intends to respond to this question; due to the fact that Quran says; "it was spoken to him", "he does not speak of lust and likes", and " you have an excellent morales", would Prophet Mohammad speak of epigrams and funny words? If so, then what category would Prophet's epigrams would fit in? What elements were mostly used in them? Has the Prophet considered any limitations for such epigrams? This research shows that at that time, Prophet Mohammad did mean to speak funny and witty words. However, he never violated moralities. The prophets' witty words are categorized in two groups; first are the wise witty words with a advice; and the second groups are the general witty words that are less complicated. The general witty words are two kinds; the witty words of "situation" and "phrasal" ones. The phrasal ones include linguistic rhetorical ones such as puns and ambiguities, brevity, creating wonders in the language and behavior, paradox and antithesis. Also part of these witty words is instructional. The prophetical witty words are mostly linguistic and phrasal ones, symbols, and emblems, intending to humiliate and insult others, and rarely seen in them. Nevertheless, since at times, the term "witty words" is used in the domain of offence, insult and humiliation or even the social matters, and the prophet's lofty character is superior to any of this, no one has ever categorized the dear Prophet's words at all. The writer of this research has called all the Prophet's witty linguistic points, comments and words "witty" to be polite within the religious borders without any exception. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Features of Prophet Mohammad in Khaqani Shervani’s Poetry Book
        روشنك  رضائي
        Prophet Mohammad’s life, manner, behavior, and lofty spirit counts as a valuable enchanting treasure for mankind. And the vast domain of his features finds a particular and especial manifestation in the mind, soul, spirit and the language of the Muslims. This paper inte More
        Prophet Mohammad’s life, manner, behavior, and lofty spirit counts as a valuable enchanting treasure for mankind. And the vast domain of his features finds a particular and especial manifestation in the mind, soul, spirit and the language of the Muslims. This paper intends to survey and analysis the portrayal of Prophet Mohammad in Khaqani’s Book of Poetry; in Persian known as the ‘Divan’. First, there is a brief introduction on the historical events, personal and social characteristics, and also the life of Prophet Mohammad and after that there are precise and clear poems taken from Khaqani’s Divan for further evidence. Also some of the quotes and speeches made by Prophet Mohammad-of notice in Khaqani’s poetry- are highlighted. This feature in Khaqani’s poetry clearly demonstrates to what extent this poet was sincerely devoted to dear Prophet Mohammad. While it can also be said that Khaqani as a matter of fact enriched his poetry through relating to Prophet’s life and words and furthermore blessed his own poetry by this element. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Prophet Mohammad in the Paraphrasing Attitude of Shams-Eddin Mohammad Tabrizi
        mostafa gorji
        Most of the Persian literary texts, speak about the prophets and their stories, and the mystical texts have focused on this issue seriously. In Shams's “Maqalat”, due to his paraphrasing mind-structure, the events mentioned in the history of the prophets' lives is parap More
        Most of the Persian literary texts, speak about the prophets and their stories, and the mystical texts have focused on this issue seriously. In Shams's “Maqalat”, due to his paraphrasing mind-structure, the events mentioned in the history of the prophets' lives is paraphrased and at the same time, their sayings are interpreted according to the author's beliefs and ideology. These Maqalat were written either on the basis of reasoning and solid proofs, and also for elaborating the author's attitude, or for blessing, rejoice, as flashes of mind or for introducing a perfect human in all aspects. In this regard, Prophet Mohammad is the high and superior example of such a human. This article discusses the Prophet's features from this perspective within Sham's Maqalat. It then shows the paradoxical points in Sham's works. The important point is that in this work, Shams has had in mind the most general topics in the domain of prophetical manners to even answers for some of the taboo questions; which are at times innovative and new. For example, there is even a comparison made between the author himself with Prophet Mohammad or other prophets and at times, he disagrees with them. The implicit comparison of Rumi with the Prophet of Islam is another one of the issues mentioned. The other matters discussed include; major features of Prophet Mohammad, Mohammad's obvious sciences, the value of the voiceless Quran versus the speaking Quran, the magnificence of the Quran for the sake of Mohammad and not for the sake of God, God's special guest, the beloved Mohammad in the cloth of the lover, Mohammad's spiritual light, Prophet Mohammad as the great starter of life in the universe, other people as wandering birds, God's need for Prophet Mohammad, the inherent knowledge imparted by God (known as "Elme-Ladonni") etc. The article surveys and interprets all the mentioned issues. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Reflection of Prophet's Character in Contemporary Persian Poetry
        سعید  بزرگ بیگدلی مریم  صادقی گیوی
        The high, lofty and the humane manner, in addition to the unique behavior of the Prophet Mohammad, have always been of notice to the poets and writers in the Persian literature. After Islam, the Persian poets praised that dear character due to a variety of occasions. Es More
        The high, lofty and the humane manner, in addition to the unique behavior of the Prophet Mohammad, have always been of notice to the poets and writers in the Persian literature. After Islam, the Persian poets praised that dear character due to a variety of occasions. Especially after rejoicing God and the creator of the universe, they have focused on the praise and the commemoration of this dear Prophet, the high rank of the Prophet; as the last Prophet and especially by emphasizing on one point; that Prophet Mohammad is the center of the whole universe. Based on Ibn-Arabi's interpretation and the mystics following him, they believe that Mohammad's truth lies at the center of the universe and is indeed the major reason for the creation of the world in the first place. The Iranian literary poets and writters have reflected the life events and the different aspects of this perfect and ideal character, as the perfect human and man's role model in all life in their works. This issue is observed in the traditional Persian poetry. This article intends to survey the contemporary Persian poets' works regarding the Prophets' character. The purpose of this study is to survey the quality of such reflections through comparing the traditional and modern poetry. this research reveals that the contemporary poets reflect the Prophet's character through four aspects; praise, incidental, narrative and illustrious within their poems. In addition, most of the prominent poets who have composed poetry in the four mentioned aspects are also analyzed and evaluated too. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Cultural’s techniques of opponents of the Prophets In Quran
        In many verses of the Holy Quran has been implied to the group's efforts that in all periods of history have tried to prevent people from joining prophets by applying a variety of cultural ,economic ,political ,physical and military techniques.Among these techniques, re More
        In many verses of the Holy Quran has been implied to the group's efforts that in all periods of history have tried to prevent people from joining prophets by applying a variety of cultural ,economic ,political ,physical and military techniques.Among these techniques, religious and cultural tricks had a privileged positionbecausetheir marks on the body of religion andbelieversby destruction of their thought and beliefwould be more painful,deadly and more lasting and also its treatment would be more difficult and expensive. These techniques are used in new forms in each era, as we see in this period of time some updated and deceitful tricks such as development, democracy, human rights and etc are currently being used to delude people and deviate them from the religion. Therefore, considering to the teachings of the Quran is significant to Muslim who his concern is to protect religion and religious community, it is a thing which has been presented in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The role of renunciation in Islamic training, concentraining Alavi and prophetic method
        Renunciation is one of the issues. Important in training people. That is to say overlooking one’s mistakes, man gives the opportunity to him to return and correct himself. Now it is the question: who is the role of renunciation in training others? And what is the prophe More
        Renunciation is one of the issues. Important in training people. That is to say overlooking one’s mistakes, man gives the opportunity to him to return and correct himself. Now it is the question: who is the role of renunciation in training others? And what is the prophet’s and his family’s life style in this regard? In this article, a descriptive and analytic method, a library method as well as a sampling method is used and concludes that overlooking method is useful in training other peoples and help the man to save himself in dangerous conditions. The prophet and his family also have practiced renunciation. Because although some people insulted the prophet (pbuh) and his family, they respected them apparently and they overlooked their impolite behaviors. And this method was useful in their correction and training. That is, the renunciation method helps the people to find the opportunity for penitence, causes munificence, hinders contumacy, attracts prophet’s family, etc. so the student’s parents can use this method. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Ethical and Educational Behavior of Jesus in the works of Kamal al-Din Esfahani
        ZAHRA SHEYHAKI habib jadidolaslam ghalehno
        In the treasure of Islamic literature, the Prophets, as the perfect fortunes of humanity, have a great place to be praised. One of these idealists in which the speakers and writers have mentioned the name of the merciless in their works, is Jesus Christ (AS), whose deat More
        In the treasure of Islamic literature, the Prophets, as the perfect fortunes of humanity, have a great place to be praised. One of these idealists in which the speakers and writers have mentioned the name of the merciless in their works, is Jesus Christ (AS), whose death and life are all marvelous. Kamal al-Din Isma'il Isfahani, the poet of the poet's book, in the middle of his speech, in order to express the mental and objective events of his time, as well as to increase the effect of the sentence and preaching and the guidance on the mosque and the hint, to the important events of his life, from birth to ascension, eye had. The basis of this great information is the Holy Quran, narrations, news and commentary, and Qur'anic stories. The complexity of the abilities allows him to concentrate on the subject. What Kamal al-Din Isma'il portrays from Jesus (AS) is an excellent example of the characteristics of the unclean existence of the Prophet. In the future, the evidences and documents gathered from the court of this great poet about the image of Jesus (AS) are based on such titles as: signification, marvelous birth, speech in the cradle, ascension on the planet, miracles, and so on. Classification and explanation. It's easy. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in the words of revelation and in the expression of the Prophet and the guardians of God "with a health approach in Islamic life"
        Asghar  Abedzadeh Andarian
        It is better to speak well than anyone else, but the word of revelation, with its moral and human scent, gives another vitality to the soul and spirit of man. Although our divine word is above the human word, its beautiful manifestation has been crystallized in the wor More
        It is better to speak well than anyone else, but the word of revelation, with its moral and human scent, gives another vitality to the soul and spirit of man. Although our divine word is above the human word, its beautiful manifestation has been crystallized in the words of the great prophets and the pure Imams (as) as the special successors of the last prophet of the order of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil are among the certain doctrinal and moral principles among the Islamic sect, and it has its own special place among other religious sects. This common inner desire among human beings indicates the unity of human nature. Benevolence, benevolence, and moral goodness are the scents of fragrance that come from the fragrance of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and are felt in the breath of healthy human beings. It is on this basis that a person has a desire for good things from within and avoids ugly things. Based on this inner desire, the implementation of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil seems to be a necessary and obligatory condition. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Prophet’s Sin’s Infallibility in Holy Quran with attention to Allameh Tabatabaee’s sight in Almizan
          Hamid Emamifar
        The issue of infallibility of prophets is from the issues that has an important role in proving or denying the other religious beliefs; hence, it has always been an intellectual concern for Muslims. Considering the importance of this issue, the Quran has also discussed More
        The issue of infallibility of prophets is from the issues that has an important role in proving or denying the other religious beliefs; hence, it has always been an intellectual concern for Muslims. Considering the importance of this issue, the Quran has also discussed it. In the meantime, some non-Muslim thinkers, have considered verses of Quran as a reason to deny the infallibility of prophets, while most Muslim scholars have acceptable justification for those verses. meanwhile, some Muslim scholars by offering some verses of the Quran have intended to prove the infallibility of prophets. In this article we examine the most important verses by witch the infallibility of prophets from sins is being cited. In the meantime, among the Muslim scholars, Allameh Tabatabai by the Quran by the Quran, interpretation method, has been independently proven the infallibility of prophets, from sins. Therefore, the centrality of this article, is examining the point of view of this great thinker, although in some cases we have cited to other thinkers' views as well. Based on the findings of this article, the infallibility of the prophets from sin, only on the basis of some verses of the Quran, can be proved. And most of the verses in this regard are not able to prove this doctrine Manuscript profile
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        13 - Similarity between the Qualities of God and Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Attar’s Works
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan M More
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan Mission and Light reminds us viewpoints of scholars and experts of the Intellectual Mysticism. This paper tries to explain and demonstrate the fact that for the creator of Mantiq-ut-Tayr (The Conference of the Birds) there is no contrast between name, qualities and essence of the Prophet and the divine essence and attributes. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Examining "Lo La Fatimah" narration from verbal view point
        ali emamifar
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well More
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well. In our time, fighting against this blight is one of the bonds of religious scholars and sages. Narration is one of the ways through which exaggeration infiltrates into religion. The famed following phrase is among the exaggerated narrations from the Holly Prophet Mohammad "upon him and his family be pray and peace" from Allah: Ahmad, if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence. If Ali had not existed, I would not have created you and if Fatimah had not existed, I would not have created you both. By precise examination, it was revealed that firstly; this narration does not hold a well-ground documentation and source. Secondly, in terms of content and significance, it holds serious flaws as well, since the mentioned phrase contains three parts, The first part (narrated by Shi'a), (if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence), is validated with accurate verses and narrations and common sense and the Sunni, but the other two parts is contradictive with Holly Quran, the Sunni and the common sense and consequently is not acceptable. Some has endeavored in order to justify it in one way or another. We have examined the justifications as well and it was clarified that the mentioned justifications from these two parts of the narration are unacceptable. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Jews Doctrinal Challenges and Verbal Conflicts during the Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy More
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy of the promised one, but Because of their hostility to the Prophet (PBUH) and obstinacy in accepting the truth, they forgot the basis of their own religion and tried to oppose the Prophet (PBUH) and prevent the spread of Islam. Secularism of the Jews led them to take military actions against Islam and intrigued against it. Also, by broaching verbal and religious issues, the attempted to hamper the spread of Islam. Verbal conflicts of the Jews and their religious questions, including the prophecy of Mohammad; the dignity of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH); and Qibla shift, during the life of the Prophet have been mentioned and appropriately answered in the Holy Quran to be a lesson for those who seek truth. Citing several verses, commentaries, and historical resources and through a library descriptive-analytical approach, this paper aims at evaluating those doctrinal and verbal challenges Jews used to confront the prophet and his followers. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Comparative Study on the infallibility of the Prophet from the viewpoint of Allame Tabatabie and Fakhr Razi
        One of the most important issues about the Prophet is the infallibility of the Prophet. Although, this is an ancient issue in the theological and ideological discussions, but it is the most important Islamic theological discussions among the theologians and Islamic comm More
        One of the most important issues about the Prophet is the infallibility of the Prophet. Although, this is an ancient issue in the theological and ideological discussions, but it is the most important Islamic theological discussions among the theologians and Islamic commentators. Some scholars believe that the infallibility of the Prophet is necessary for the mission of the Prophet, either before or after his appointment. This study intends to present an overview about the infallibility, definition of the problem, the history of infallibility, the main questions and sub-questions, hypotheses, research purposes and methodology. Then the research will involve in the theoretical foundations which include the scientific biography of Allame Tabatabaie and Fakhr Razi , research literature which comprises of semantics of infallibility, the literal and technical meaning of infallibility, infallibility in the Quran and infallibility from the viewpoint of two commentators as well. The conducive and origin of infallibility from the view of Shiite and Sunni commentator, the reasons for the need of infallibility of the Prophet and the comparative study between two views will be discussed here as well. At the end, the most important reasons about the mistakes and forgetfulness which attributed to the Prophet and a comparison between two views will be discussed. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Guardianship and its relation to prophecy and mission in mysticism
        Mohammad Ebrahim  Zarrabiha
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mystic More
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mysticism which realizes in perfect human. This world is the same as the appearance of God, and the Lord is present in his own manifestation. Therefore, human as a part of this world is the manifestation of God. Here, the concept of guardianship is meaningful. The perfect guardian is who has all the attributes of God, and this person is no other than the true prophet. The system of the world and the afterworld depends on the existence of the Muhammadiyah truth. Such a truth is the lord of all manifestations due to the credit of Guardianship principle. The truth of Muhammadiyah is the main pole of the universe, which all Prophets and Divine Guardians are the ranks of this great name. His prophecy includes all kinds of absence and intuition, and when it is realized in a person, it is divided into a special and popular guardianship. The special guardianship is the source of prophecy, and as one of the divine names is eternal, but prophecy ends over time. Perfect Guardian rule the world based on divine attributes. Therefore, the Guardianship position is the Great Divine Book and the version of great world. This study seeks to examine the connection between these three concepts of the guardianship, prophecy and prophetic mission and analyses the principle of prophecy and prophetic mission, which is the same guardianship position. Manuscript profile
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        18 - “FATRAT” in the table criticis
        Abdol Majid  Taleb Tash
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This More
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This research performed through Descriptive and analytical method. Three views as theological problems obtained. The famous promise is believed that time of FATRAT is three years. The second promise says that Gabriel’s downfall did not stop. The third promise says: Gabriel’s descending was stopped for three till forty days. Reference of the first group, that was the source of blame of Orientalists, and has concluded that the Prophet hesitated, was week. The second view was not correct either. The third view is acceptable which is agreeing with the narrative and historical reasons and in the process of descending is normal. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Criticism and examination of the doubts about the necessity of obedience to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
        najmeh ansari alireza mokhtari mohsen zarei jalyani
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it come More
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it comes with obedience to the Prophet. The word "obedience to God and obedience to the Messenger" has been explained. Has reviewed and answered based on Quranic arguments and narration. The result of this article is that obedience and obedience to the Prophet, like obedience to God Almighty, is obligatory and necessary under the command and words of the Prophet and the words of God Almighty. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A Study of Hermes in Suhrawardi’s Thoughts
        Seyyedeh Behnaz  Hosseini
        In Tabari sources, Hermes is one of the grandchildren of Sheth, the son of Adam. After these two people, he was the first to become a prophet. In Suhrawardi’s view, the history of philosophy and thought begins with Hermes. The Sufis have been truly called the most impor More
        In Tabari sources, Hermes is one of the grandchildren of Sheth, the son of Adam. After these two people, he was the first to become a prophet. In Suhrawardi’s view, the history of philosophy and thought begins with Hermes. The Sufis have been truly called the most important heirs to Hermetic tradition among Muslims. In many sources, the names of such figures as Hallaj and Suhrawardi have been placed among the names of the followers of this tradition. Moreover, Hermetic ideas have penetrated into the world of Islam through some sciences such as medicine, astronomy, alchemy, and the like. As a result, a group of Muslim writers, historians, gnostics, and philosophers have considered Hermes to be a pioneer in the field of wisdom and various sciences. Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, the founder of Illuminationist philosophy in the world of Islam, is one of the representatives of this Iranian symbolic and esoteric, interpretive tradition, which, in addition to honoring Hermes’ character, tries to connect him with Iranian mythology. He attributes some names derived from his own philosophical terms to Hermes, such as tiba‘ tam (perfect natures). Suhrawardi considers himself an heir to Hermetic wisdom. Through a study of Hermes in Greek mythology and later sources, this paper intends to show how he entered the domain of Islamic prophethood. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Compilation Crisis Management Indicators with the Approach of Removing the Quran from Forgetfulness (Case Study: Calf Worship Crisis People of Moses)
        Ali Nejatbakhsh Isfahani Ezatollah molaeiniya
        Social, political, cultural and ideological crises on the one hand and the need to guide and lead the human society on the other hand necessitate the need to use an original thought in divine sovereignty. Since the philosophy of verses of revelation is not specific to a More
        Social, political, cultural and ideological crises on the one hand and the need to guide and lead the human society on the other hand necessitate the need to use an original thought in divine sovereignty. Since the philosophy of verses of revelation is not specific to a particular society at a certain time, the safest way to guide the society can be extracted from the teachings of the Quran and its operationalization can be facilitated in the current era. In this research, enjoying the Quranic verses, the researcher has studied the life and tradition of Moses in the form of indices before, during and after the crisis along with providing a conceptual model developed by the researcher and validated by university and seminary professors. The research method is the seminary traditional deductive method. This means that the needed information is collected by analyzing the content of the verses Result: crisis management in his tradition According to the Quran, Moses had special features which made him a significant comprehensiveness. In fact, the most useful way to guide human beings and save them from the yoke of captivity, corruption, etc. is the adherence to the teachings of the divine, on the other hand the great event of prophetic movement of Imam Khomeini, the need to analyze issues related to management and leadership has become inevitable from the perspective of Islam. Therefore, by knowing Moses tradition and principles of crisis management on issues concerning the today's society and relying on the achievements of this research, the problems and crises can be faced simply. It is better to use these teachings in the face of crises to help the great leader in dispelling the management concerns, especially the demands of the spiritual leader of the Muslim world. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Ontology of the Spirit of Meaning in the Holy Qur’ān in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View and its Impact on the Discussion of the Quality of Coining Words
        Maryam  Kashefi Atiyeh  Zandieh
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words More
        The principle of “coining words for the spirit of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān” in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works is closely related to his philosophy. Therefore, considering the Sadrian ontology as the basis, one can learn about the ontological applications of the meanings of words and, thus, the quality of attaining the knowledge of them. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the world, the Qur’ān, and the holy prophetic existence are three dimensions of the world that share a single and simple existence at the level of their “unfolded existence”, “immediate divine word”, and “Mohammedan truth”. They have dispersed at the level of the lower kingdom and are manifested in the form of the world of particular Ideas, the verbal Qur’ān, and the existence of the Holy Prophet (ṣ), respectively, and then descend to the world of matter. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that each lower level is an example of a higher level, and words are not an exception to this rule. In order to access the highest level of divine words, one should employ the principle of coining words for different types of meanings (absolute and general). Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition of spirit of meaning conforms with his definition of the natural universal and Platonic Ideas. The application and generalizability of the spirit of meaning in comparison to the natural universal originates in the limitedness of quiddity, while, in comparison to Platonic universals, it originates in existential amplitude. A comparison of the spirit of meaning and natural universals indicates that coinage of words is a human phenomenon, and the criterion for coining each word is the truth. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Re-reading the definition of revelation in terms of miracles, knowledge and infallibility of the prophets
        Reza Najafi Ali Ahmad  Naseh seyed mohammad taghi mosavi keramati
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered arou More
        Knowledge and the possibility of revelation is one of the oldest Qur'anic, religious and theological issues that the scholars of Islamic sects as well as non-Muslims have dealt with. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and critique the various definitions offered around revelation; Which, of course, is the goal of this article. First, the possibility of revelation has been done by recognizing the prerequisites of its cognition, such as anthropology and prophecy. After that, the characteristics of the container of revelation, ie the building blocks of the structure of prophecy, which are miracles, knowledge and infallibility, have been studied. The study of the three axes of positive, negative and imposed dialogue about the definitions of revelation is not hidden from view, which has been evaluated by descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The analysis of the problem shows that the category of revelation is completely different from concepts such as religious experience. In addition, human genius can not deprive him of a revelatory relationship. Therefore, revelation will be achieved only with the full realization of the building blocks of prophecy. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Necessity of Social Life and Man’s Need to Religion in Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh
        Naser Mohamadi Gholamhossen Khedri Khalil Mollajavadi
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human More
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human needs warrants the existence of law and Shar‘ as well as an individual as a prophet. Following a philosophical approach, he explains that the concept of human species is realized in their “collective identity” outside their mind and in their social schematism. Ibn Miskawayh’s standpoint, which is worth more deliberation and is perhaps unique, indicates that man’s main need for collective life is due to the necessity of responding to their intrinsic need for mutual “love and affection”, while he refers to satisfying material needs at a later level. In his view, love provides the basis for life and formation of human collective society. Mullā Ṣadrā’s view enjoys a rational and philosophical essence, whereas Ibn Miskawayh’s explanation is merely based on the presence of love and affection among human beings. However, both thinkers acknowledge that the revealed religious theorems can respond to all human worldly and other-worldly needs. Nevertheless, none of them directly and clearly emphasizes the necessity of the purification of the soul for the prophet and the divine perfect Man. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Philosophy of growing up a gourd tree over the Prophet Yonah (PBUH)
        حمیدرضا  یونسی
        Objectiv(s):Jonah is ordered by God to city of Nineveh to preach. He boards at a boat. However, the craft was soon overtaken by a squall, for which Jonah admitted responsibility and persuaded the crew of the boat to throw him overboard. He was then vomited out on the More
        Objectiv(s):Jonah is ordered by God to city of Nineveh to preach. He boards at a boat. However, the craft was soon overtaken by a squall, for which Jonah admitted responsibility and persuaded the crew of the boat to throw him overboard. He was then vomited out on the shoreline. A fast-growing plant had provided him with much needed shade. The Hebrew name for the fast-growing plant that provided relief for Jonah is qiqayon and translated into English as gourd. In the Quran, the plant at Nineveh is identified as yaqtin. The nature of this plant is not well understand. Methods: The method used for this research is descriptive-analytical. Conclusion: 1-The yaqtin is identified with Lagenaria siceraria. 2-The identification of the Hebrew qiqayon as Ricinus communis, Arabic kharua’, is not accepted in Islamic tradition. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The problem of prophecy from the point of view of Farabi and Ibn Meimoun
        Mohammad Ali  Akhavian
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both More
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both philosophers, man was created to achieve true perfection and happiness, and the only way to reach true and lasting happiness is through the existence and guidance of the Prophet, and following the Prophet's instructions will make them reach It becomes perfection and happiness. In this research, firstly, we independently stated the views of both philosophers in relation to prophecy, and at the end of the research, we determined that their views are the same in relation to the truth, necessity, attributes, levels of prophets, duties and prophetic revelation. However, in the parts related to distinguishing a prophet from a non-prophet, divine law from non-divine, the best of prophets, and the ways of receiving revelation, their views differ from each other. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Critique of Montgomery Watt's theoretical foundations and assumptions about the revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet (PBUH)
        fatemeh javadiyan asl Abdorreza Farhadian Fatemeh  Khalili
        Every science has principles and foundations. Quranic scholars are aware of the fact that understanding the Quran requires certain principles, and ignoring them will lead to misunderstandings. By comparing and criticizing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic More
        Every science has principles and foundations. Quranic scholars are aware of the fact that understanding the Quran requires certain principles, and ignoring them will lead to misunderstandings. By comparing and criticizing the opinions of thinkers in the field of Quranic research, it is possible to achieve the growth and expansion of Quranic studies and to recognize the greatness of revelation. Based on the theoretical foundations of Muslims, revelation is the divine word. Revelation has a divine origin and is far from controversy, contradiction and distortion. According to the theoretical foundations of Orientalists such as "Montgomery Watt", the revelation did not have a divine origin and was made by the Prophet, who took it from the holy books of the Covenants and was a genius who wrote the Qur'an and influenced others according to his environment and time. Is. In examining this view, it should be said that there is no valid historical evidence on these claims. Applying the theoretical foundations and personal assumptions of the researcher in areas in which he does not have sufficient scientific mastery leads the wrong path of research. In this research, by criticizing Watt's views on revelation and prophecy, he has criticized and studied it, and by citing reliable sources, he has correctly answered the doubts and cleared the Qur'an of these deviations. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The moral principles of the Prophet (PBUH) in wars based on the history of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Qur'an
        mahdi abedi Mohamadreza Hosseni Mohammad taher yaghoub
        Ethics and moral principles are one of the important aspects of Islam and are of great importance. Therefore, in the Holy Qur'an, one of the goals of the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) is to educate and teach wisdom, and since the Prophet (PBUH) was in charge of the sove More
        Ethics and moral principles are one of the important aspects of Islam and are of great importance. Therefore, in the Holy Qur'an, one of the goals of the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) is to educate and teach wisdom, and since the Prophet (PBUH) was in charge of the sovereignty of the Islamic religion, he behaved ethically and adhered to moral principles at various times. Among the scenes in which the Prophet was placed were times of war when they tried to observe moral principles What is considered in this article is what kind of behavior the Prophet (pbuh) had when he was in different scenes of war, and in fact, this issue is examined through the Qur'an and the historical biography of the Prophet (pbuh). What is obtained from this research is that, contrary to the opinion of the Orientalists who interpreted the Prophet's campaigns based on violence and gaining booty, the Prophet adhered to moral principles in his wars and tried his best to perform moral actions such as They should teach Muslims compassion and kindness, keeping promises, patience and perseverance, etc. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Testamentary literature in the first two centuries of Hijri
        Tayebeh Ghasemi Mansour Dadash Nezhad Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        After the popular election of the caliph, the efforts of Imam Ali(a.s.)to remind him to return to the commands of the Prophet(s.a.w.)did not bring any benefit,and Imam Ali(a.s.)succeeded to the caliphate after Uthman.During the caliphate period, he addressed this issue More
        After the popular election of the caliph, the efforts of Imam Ali(a.s.)to remind him to return to the commands of the Prophet(s.a.w.)did not bring any benefit,and Imam Ali(a.s.)succeeded to the caliphate after Uthman.During the caliphate period, he addressed this issue again in his appeals. The issue of inheritance after Imam Ali(a.s.)was still in the spotlight during the time of Hasnain(a.s.),and people were reminded that after the Ashura incident,during the time of Imam Sajjad(a.s.),the Zaidiyyah political and intellectual movement was formed in the atmosphere of taqiyyah of the Imam.And they accepted the imamate of Imam Ali (a.s.) from the hidden text and the Imamate of Hasnain (a.s.) from the open text. In the era of Imam Baqro, Imam Sadiq (a.s.), many efforts were made for the issue of inheritance. and with the selection of Ismail as Imam's successor,they set a new trend in Shia.After Sadiqin,peace be upon him,due to the importance of this issue and Shia's special interest in establishing its example, the belief in succession became widespread in Shia.The role of determination The guardian in the political and intellectual developments of Shia,this research was intended to take into account the question that How has the idea of guardianship traveled in the age of Imams(peace be upon them)and what feedback has it had in historical sources?By using historical and sectarian sources as well as narrative sources,to investigate the existence of guardianship in the era of Hazrat Ahl al-Bayt and the work of the Kurds and its implications.and how to spread it. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Critical View on Skepticism about the Prophet of Islam and its criticism
        Abdol Vahid  Vafaie Fereshteh  Darabi
        The Prophet of Islam (PBUH)’s infallibility matter has a deep stem in Quran verses. From the First Days of Prophet’s prophecy opponents and antagonists were tried to offend his holy character. Because of that, they provided some doubts and uncertainty from Quran vers More
        The Prophet of Islam (PBUH)’s infallibility matter has a deep stem in Quran verses. From the First Days of Prophet’s prophecy opponents and antagonists were tried to offend his holy character. Because of that, they provided some doubts and uncertainty from Quran verses to downgrade the position of him and find the religious reason for their wrong thoughts. Besides that, the misunderstanding of some Quran verses causes controversy among Muslim’s wisemen. Therefore, the present research has done by library method in order to find the Prophets infallibility doubts and uncertainty from different sources. We used content analysis to categorize those founded doubts and certainty to set for general and private examples .the general examples include past sins, future sins, ask for forgiveness and the private examples include, Receiving and communicating revelations such as the legend of Gharaniq, and the field of action of revelations is divided into the execution of rulings, family issues, moral issues, and issues of political rulings. According to the verses, narratives and viewpoints of commentators and philosopher have criticized these doubts. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The degrees of adornment of the sky between the Holy Qur'an and the science of astrology
        Salih Nabi  Hamdamin Aziz  Javanpour Heravi Hossein  Nowrozi Teymourlouie
        The Prophet of Islam (PBUH)’s infallibility matter has a deep stem in Quran verses. From the First Days of Prophet’s prophecy opponents and antagonists were tried to offend his holy character. Because of that, they provided some doubts and uncertainty from Quran vers More
        The Prophet of Islam (PBUH)’s infallibility matter has a deep stem in Quran verses. From the First Days of Prophet’s prophecy opponents and antagonists were tried to offend his holy character. Because of that, they provided some doubts and uncertainty from Quran verses to downgrade the position of him and find the religious reason for their wrong thoughts. Besides that, the misunderstanding of some Quran verses causes controversy among Muslim’s wisemen. Therefore, the present research has done by library method in order to find the Prophets infallibility doubts and uncertainty from different sources. We used content analysis to categorize those founded doubts and certainty to set for general and private examples .the general examples include past sins, future sins, ask for forgiveness and the private examples include, Receiving and communicating revelations such as the legend of Gharaniq, and the field of action of revelations is divided into the execution of rulings, family issues, moral issues, and issues of political rulings. According to the verses, narratives and viewpoints of commentators and philosopher have criticized these doubts. Manuscript profile