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        1 - Contemporaneity of old poems in the novel "Jazire-ye Sargardani and Sareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver) of Simin Daneshvar
        asena abdali Jahangir  safari ebrahim  zaheri abdevand
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary wo More
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary works, their enrichment and the connection between culture in different periods. SiminDaneshvar is one of the storytellers who has used this method in creating her stories. In the novels"Jazire-ye Sargardani andSareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver), the poems of various poets such as Hafez, Moulavi, Saadi and Khayyam have been contemporaryized.The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of these poems and the way of their contemporaryization in the novel based on the descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that Daneshvar has used Hafez's poetry more in the mentioned novel and in the new reading of old poems and harmonizing them with the atmosphere of today's Iranian society, she has given them more meaning and social-political meaning. Also, these poems have become part of the structure of his novel and have a very important role in the characterization, showing the type of thoughts and mental dependencies of the characters in the novel, plot design, strengthening the themes, describing the place, the verisimilitude and connections between Iran's cultural and social past and its present time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Methods of Intellectual Education based on Plotinus' Emanation-Centered Approach
        gholami akbar Reza Ali Nowrozi Mohammad-Hossein Heidari MOJTABA Sepahi
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of intellectual life in Plotinus' grace-oriented approach in order to infer the methods of intellectual education in response to the challenge of marketization of knowledge in education today. The present study is a q More
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of intellectual life in Plotinus' grace-oriented approach in order to infer the methods of intellectual education in response to the challenge of marketization of knowledge in education today. The present study is a qualitative research using conceptual analysis and practical analogy of Frankna. Inference of methods in the form of practical deductions consists of a normative premise indicating intermediate goals or principles of education, a factual premise that expresses the techniques and methods of achieving education goals, and a conclusion being a normative recommendation of a method to achieve educational goals. The results of this study showed that the methods of rational training based on existential change included benevolence, activism, and methods based on epistemological transformation including rational and intuitive reflections and the method of insight and introspection and methods based on moderation and practical wisdom included the practice of wisdom and self-purification. Therefore, knowledge with the focus on true rationality and by applying the methods extracted in Plotinus' thought has the capacity to resist the phenomenon of commercialization of knowledge in education today. These methods can be used as a tool against the manifestations of instrumental rationality such as wealth-centered thinking, cultural industry, superficiality and power-centeredness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Researching on traditionary elements of Quran stories
        علي اصغر  حبيبي
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entert More
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entertainment, special and unique style from anecdote expression, with the goal of warning and guidance is adopt with profit of anecdote elements. In this essay by stressing on examples we research in diverse sides (technological. subjective, topical - semantic) in the stories of Quran with the goal of analyzing different dimensions of stories of Quran. And the particular method of writing stories of Quran investigates with comparison of it with writing stories. Method: The method used in this research is descriptive – analytical method. Conclusion: obtained that in spite of basic difference of Storytelling of Quran with what to be in mind in story literature, story elements in Quran are cause of ideal showing and artistically construction and it displays as special method in writing stories that is exclusive to Quran. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Integration of airborne magnetic and satellite imagery data to identify potential zones of iron occurrences using the prediction-area plot in the Esfordi area
        Fardin Ahmadi Hamid Aghajani Maysam Abedi
        The use of different geospatial layers In the exploration and determination of the mineralization zones, will lead to more reliable results. In this study, the investigation of iron mineralization zones was done using airborne magnetic data and three types of satellite More
        The use of different geospatial layers In the exploration and determination of the mineralization zones, will lead to more reliable results. In this study, the investigation of iron mineralization zones was done using airborne magnetic data and three types of satellite images (i.e. ASTER, Landast-8 and Sentinel-2) in the Esfordi area. The reduced-to-pole filter, the upward continuation at altitudes of 200, 500 and 1000 meters, the analytic signal, the horizontal tilt angle, and the first vertical derivative were then employed on airborne magnetometry data. Argillic, phyllic and propylitic alterations, iron oxide and gossan zones and structural lineaments were extracted through satellite imagery data processing. The analytical signal and horizontal tilt angle indicators were used as the main geophysics footprints to identify the magmatic intrusions and geological lineaments, respectively. In addition, three satellite imagery indicators were used in final identification of iron-bearing zones. The weight of each layer was calculated by simultaneous analyses of the concentration-area fractal curve, the prediction-area plot, and the use of 22 Fe-bearing occurrences in the studied region. Note that the analytical signal layer with the prediction rate of 76 % has the highest weight among all layers. In other words, this layer has occupied 24% of the study area as favorable zones by which 76% of the known Fe occurrences are delineated. Iron ore potential map was prepared from integration of all geospatial indicators through the weighted multi-class index overlay method. The generated map has an intersection point with a prediction rate of 78% which has higher weight than the other individual indicators. According to this map, new iron mineralization potentials are observed in the east and southeast of the Esfordi area. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A Comparative Study of the Problem of Evil in Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā (With a Focus on its Historical Aspect)
        Mahmud  Seidy
        The present paper deals with a comparative study of the views of Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā regarding evil. In spite of the existing differences concerning this problem in their philosophies, there are also some similarities, and Ibn Sīnā is influenced by Plotinus with respe More
        The present paper deals with a comparative study of the views of Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā regarding evil. In spite of the existing differences concerning this problem in their philosophies, there are also some similarities, and Ibn Sīnā is influenced by Plotinus with respect to his response to the problem of evil. Among the similarities between them in this area, one can refer to the self-evident nature of the existence of evil, exclusivity of the realization of evil to the world of matter and the impossibility of its realization in the immaterial world, and the non-existence nature of evil and good nature of all beings based on a general view of the world. However, unlike Plotinus, Ibn Sīnā does not consider matter as being essentially evil and non-existential. Rather, he maintains that matter is a correlative, analogical, and existential thing. Plotinus views the relationship between good and evil of the type of opposition, while Ibn Sīnā sees it as a non-existential and habitual one. Moreover, according to Plotinus, matter or the same essentially evil thing is created from the particular spirit. Nevertheless, Ibn Sīnā argues that the essential possibility of the Active intellect causes the emanation of matter, and its otherness necessity aspect results in the emanation of form, on which evil sometimes occurs to. Manuscript profile