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        1 - Farabi and a Philosophical Reading of al-Huruf
        Ghasem  Purhassan
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important ph More
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important philosophical works of Farabi, and most of the studies conducted on this book emphasize that it is merely a commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. That is why Farabi’s innovations have been disregarded there. This book is of great importance not only because of its focus on linguistic principles but also because of its discussing the relationships between language and philosophy, religion and philosophy, and everyday language and philosophical language. Here, the writer also reveals the nature of the 200-year conflicts between kalam, philosophy, syntax, and logic in the world of Islam. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze two fundamental principles and evaluate the related views. Therefore, the writer initially attends to the general and philosophical status and writing style of al-Huruf and explains the related ideas. This book is, first and foremost, a reaction to the enemies of philosophy and rationalist trends in understanding religion. Farabi begins the book with linguistic discussions and, then, in the light of his introduction, spells out the intricacies of logical and epistemological theories, and finally clarifies the nature of ontological thoughts. In this book, he discusses how ignoring fundamental linguistic principles could harm ontological and epistemological discussions. He also illustrates how linguistic studies could demystify philosophical principles and grant them more depth and essence. Second, in addition to examining the structure of al-Huruf, the writer tries to explore Farabi’s fundamental doctrine of reconciliation. In doing so, he begins with an analysis of the two schools of Kufa and Basrah and then reviews the mentioned doctrine. In the second part of this book, Farabi demonstrates in two chapters on the unity of philosophy and religion (al-Silah bayn al-falsafah wal millah) that there is no choice but to defend the doctrine of reconciliation. He emphasizes that an irrational religion is nothing but fantasy and maintains that the fundamental principles of religion are based on the intellect and reasoning. In his view, neither Abu Bishr nor Abu Saeid had grasped the significance of this view. Matta Ibn Yunus was not merely a representative of logic and wisdom; rather, he and his companions and advocates relied only on autonomous reasoning, which Farabi found insufficient. In contrast, Abu Saeid was not merely a representative of syntax as advocated by the School of Baghdad, but, in company with several people who defended a purely religious approach, he opposed the role of reason in understanding and justifying religious beliefs. In this book Farabi tries to pose and develop a third theory based on analyzing these two approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Explanation of Waldorf's Spiritual Approach to Children's Education and its Critique with Emphasis on Islamic Teachings M
        Masomeh kiyani
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's More
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's spiritual perspective on children's education. Then, using the regressive analysis in Frankena’s method, the philosophical foundations of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children’s education are investigated. In the second part, Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education is criticized by using the method of critical philosophical enquiry emphasizing the Islamic point of view. The results of this research indicate that Waldorf's spiritual approach pays attention to features such as: the development of children's whole beings, strengthening their artistic potentialities, developing their spiritual perception, emphasizing meaning-making and finding meaning, and freedom as the goal of education. These features are based on philosophical foundations such as: The existence of a spiritual world beyond the material world, the existence of various spiritual beings, the unity of the universe in a spiritual sense, looking at the child as a spiritual being, the repeated reincarnation of humans, emphasizing the senses, intellect, inspiration and intuition as sources of knowledge, the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity in the pursuit of knowledge, and the matching of human "I" with "Christ" as the ultimate goal of human life. In criticizing Waldorf's spiritual approach based on the Islamic point of view, it became clear that Waldorf's views on the nature of the transcendental and the belief in reincarnation are not acceptable in the Islamic view. At the same time, some educational implications of the mentioned approach, such as looking at the child as a spiritual being and honoring him, paying attention to the development of the child's whole being and especially his spiritual dimension, emphasizing artistic education and education based on the stages of child development, have commonalities with the Islamic perspective. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Exploration and evaluation of the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia's educational theory: a view from the perspective of the Islamic approach of action
        narges sajadeh Zahra Saberi
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it More
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it based on the Islamic theory of action. In this regard, applying the method of conceptual analysis, linguistic analysis, and regressive logical analysis, we have deduced the basic components of the philosophical foundations of this theory and criticized them based on the Islamic theory of action. One of the results of this research is the inference of twelve philosophical components as the anthropological, epistemological, and axiological foundations of this theory, including the uniqueness and decency of children and the value of their intellectual and practical independence. In addition, the theory of Reggio Emilia has adopted a social constructivist approach to knowledge and has focused on the value of justice and democracy as its governing spirit. The results of evaluation suggest that while the Reggio Emilia educational theory has unique attributes and valuable educational advancements, it is necessary to have a careful scrutiny about it and resolve its challenging aspects before its implementation. Criticisms of this kind entail: taking a reductive approach and oversighting the spiritual essence of the child; an overly simplistic and idealistic portrayal of the child; a lack of clarity regarding realism versus constructivism, alongside potential risks of radical relativism in epistemology; as well as deficiencies in accommodating absolute and conditional values alongside the variable values in the axiological realm. To address these concerns, a reconstructive approach could entail: acknowledging an overlap relation between the spiritual and the physical dimensions, taking a balanced view on the child, positioning realism as a focal point while constructivism orbiting around it, emphasizing both absolute and conditional values, and maintaining a balanced emphasis on rationality and equity in democracy. Manuscript profile