• List of Articles Panel Data

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        1 - The Effects of Entrepreneurship and Innovation On Economic Growth: Panel Data Approach
        Kiumars Shahbazi akbar hassanzadeh behrooz jafarzadeh
        Based on the existing theoretical studies, Entrepreneurship and Innovation resulting from the creativity, as the assumption of economic growth, make favorable results of a dynamic economy. Main goal of present study is investigating the effects of Entrepreneurship and I More
        Based on the existing theoretical studies, Entrepreneurship and Innovation resulting from the creativity, as the assumption of economic growth, make favorable results of a dynamic economy. Main goal of present study is investigating the effects of Entrepreneurship and Innovation on economic growth in selected countries. For gaining this purpose, we used 30 selected countries’ data in the period 2001-2011 and panel data approach. Estimation results showed a significant positive effect of these two variables on economic growth in this countries, as one percent increase in Entrepreneurship index (TEA) and number of patents (as index of Innovation) result in change on per capita growth rate for 1.44 and 2.54 units respectively. Therefore for gaining economic growth, the better attention to these topics must be in countries’ programs. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The impact of money and capital market on entrepreneurship
        today's competitive and world-class market economy, entrepreneurship has been used as the "economic development engine", with the changing transformations of the international environment, the transition from industrial society to the information society and the transfo More
        today's competitive and world-class market economy, entrepreneurship has been used as the "economic development engine", with the changing transformations of the international environment, the transition from industrial society to the information society and the transformation of national economy into the global economy. In the decades of the twentieth century, with the transition from the national economy to the global economy and the tremendous transformations that emerged in modern technologies, the industrial age community gradually gave its place to the intelligence community. Given the many changes that have taken place in the information age, from the three digital, Internet and entrepreneurship revolutions, the entrepreneurial revolution has played an important role in the development countries, and the advancement of many countries is due to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurship is recognized as the main tool and engine for economic growth. Financial resources are one of the important requirements of the value chain of entrepreneurship so that acquiring the funds needed to set up businesses is one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs. In this regard, the main objective of this paper is to examine the impact of financial markets on entrepreneurship in the group of selected countries. The results of estimating the model using the method of generalized moments in the group of selected countries during the period of 2016-2001 indicate that financial markets have a significant effect on entrepreneurial decisions as indicators of entrepreneurship.   Manuscript profile
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        3 - The impact of Information and Communication Technology on Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries
        parvaneh salatin
        Information and communication technology (ICT) has been able to offer significant flexibility in entrepreneurship with various features and capabilities. Increasing speed and accuracy, reducing the physical volume of information storage systems, transparency in processe More
        Information and communication technology (ICT) has been able to offer significant flexibility in entrepreneurship with various features and capabilities. Increasing speed and accuracy, reducing the physical volume of information storage systems, transparency in processes, the possibility of remote work and reducing costs are examples of these features. In this regard, the main purpose of paper is to examine the impact of information and communication technology on entrepreneurship in middle-income countries and high-income countries. This articl is an applied research, causal and inferential research by methodology. The results of the models estimation are presented by fix effect method. Information and communication technology has a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurship Indic in the selected countries. The effect of ICT indicators on entrepreneurship in middle-income countries is higher than the high-income countries.     Manuscript profile
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        4 - Effects of the Knowledge-Based Economic Variables on
        Rohollah Shahnazi
        Knowledge based economies are more strongly dependent on the production, distribution and use of knowledge than ever before. Output and employment are expanding fastest in high-technology industries, such as computers, electronics and aerospace. High-tech refers to tech More
        Knowledge based economies are more strongly dependent on the production, distribution and use of knowledge than ever before. Output and employment are expanding fastest in high-technology industries, such as computers, electronics and aerospace. High-tech refers to technology that is at the cutting edge and the most advanced technology available. High technology industries and services are central part of knowledge-based economy, and one of the main economic indicators for measure the knowledge in economic. In this paper, we introduce the principles and indicators of high-tech industries and analysis effect of the knowledge-based economy variables (ICT, R&D and Education expenditures) on their production. We have developed a model of high-tech industries production. This model has been estimated for 48 countries in 2000-2007 with using GLS Panel Data Approach. The results of the analysis show a positive and significant effect of ICT, R&D and education on high-tech industries .Elasticity calculation shows one percent increase in R&D will result 0.48 present increases in high-tech industrial production, Also one percent increase in ICT will result 0.68 present increases in high-tech industrial production and finally one percent increase in Education will result 0.29 percent increase on high-tech industrial production. So we require a lot of attention to R&D, ICT and Education in program and policy development of high tech industries. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Measuring the Impact of Human Capital Promotion on Economic Growth in Selected Countries of OPEC
        Roya Al emran Seyed Ali  Al Emran
        One of the most important discussions in recent decades is human capital. Human capital, or in other words, quality of labor or institutionalization of knowledge in human, increases production and economic growth. Although human capital has been discussed since the clas More
        One of the most important discussions in recent decades is human capital. Human capital, or in other words, quality of labor or institutionalization of knowledge in human, increases production and economic growth. Although human capital has been discussed since the classical period in economics , modeling and presentation of national models of economic growth, in which, human capital is considered, captured the attention of researchers in recent decades. In classical models, production was assumed to be the function of labor and capital; however, the quality of labor or human capital must be also considered in this function as an effective factor. The impact of human capital and technological knowledge on economic growth is commonly accepted. This study aims to measure the impact of human capital promotion on economic growth in selected countries of OPEC. Economists have presented different indicators for measuring human capital, one of them is the amount of government expenditure on education. In this study, the growth rate of government total education spending, along with other influential variables (R&D expenditure, Investment) are analyzed through the panel data approach for the period of 1998 to 2007.The research results of this method, indicate that the impact coefficient of all variables are confirmed by theoretical bases, coefficients for all variables are significant, and human capital has a positive effect on economic growth. According to the research findings, improving human capital by increasing labor skills and capabilities, which leads to increase in productivity and production, along with enhancing research and development expenditure is recommended in order to achieve higher economic growth. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Research & Development vs. Iran's Exports
        Asghar Mobarak
        Although at present time trade can not be the engine of growth by itself but still can help developing countries a lot. A developing country can move from a non-efficient point to an optimum point in production through trade. That's why export of industry in each countr More
        Although at present time trade can not be the engine of growth by itself but still can help developing countries a lot. A developing country can move from a non-efficient point to an optimum point in production through trade. That's why export of industry in each country depends on exchange rates, research and development and productivity. The main purpose of this study is the role of R & D activities in the export industry with ISIC two-digit codes. For this purpose, a statistical panel (9 Industrial Groups during 2008-1995) within a logarithmic multivariate econometric model was used. Besides R & D expenditure variable effects of variables such as real effective exchange rate, the value of each industry profitability, firm size and the amount of square workforce, the share of foreign raw materials on export volume is also investigated. The results of this Regression Model indicate that within the study period, the real & effective rate of exchange, the amount of each industry's profits, labor force, and firm size has positive impacts on exports and the share of foreign raw materials (unlike Vernon cycle) does not affect exports, and R & D costs with some three-break codes have positive effects in some codes & in some other they make no sense. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Impact of Social Collaboration on Economic Growth
        Parvaneh   Salatin    
        Nowadays there is another producing element beside the human, financial and economic capitals, named social capital, which is an aspect of social cooperation. This concept refers to connections and communications of members of a network as a valuable source which cause More
        Nowadays there is another producing element beside the human, financial and economic capitals, named social capital, which is an aspect of social cooperation. This concept refers to connections and communications of members of a network as a valuable source which cause achievement of goals by creating norms and mutual trust. The governments need the cooperation of public, specially the elites, in execution of economic plans because the cooperation of elites and economic brokers in execution of economic policies of the government shall facilitate the achievement of goals and the feedbacks of the elites to the economic plans of the government may amend the weak points of the government plans and increase the efficiency of the performance of the government. On the other hand the trust of the people to the government may increase their partnership in execution of government plans and political support from the government in such a way that the government may perform its economic, political and social plans more effectively in case of partnership and cooperation of people. the main objective of this paper is analyzing the effect of social cooperation on economic growth in selected middle income countries. The results of the model using fixed effects and Generalized Method of Moments in selected countries in the 2013-1994 shows that the social cooperation has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in selected countries. Manuscript profile
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        مهدی  تقوی تیمور  محمدی عباس  شاکری Mohammad نصر اصفهانی
        The financial structure is always considered as a major factor responsible for economic growth in a country. Based on various economic theories, there would be a positive relationship between the financial system and economic growth rate. In fact, a country with a bette More
        The financial structure is always considered as a major factor responsible for economic growth in a country. Based on various economic theories, there would be a positive relationship between the financial system and economic growth rate. In fact, a country with a better financial system can generate a larger Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which stands for a positive economic growth. However, it should be noted here that in the real world, there is not homogeneity in financial mechanism and economic growth, hence, we cannot completely set theory in the reality. According to this brief state of the problem, the main purpose of this research is exploring the financial structure (i.e. Financial development and financial architecture ) – economic growth nexus through the Panel Cointegraiton approach, FMOLS and Panel LS estimations over 19802011 for eight countries in the MENA region. The empirical findings report clear support for the long run relationship between financial development and economic growth, while do not provide any statistically significant relationship between financial architecture and economic growth. Manuscript profile