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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigation of Factors Contributing to Mental Health in View of the Quran
        Hasan Kharghani Rohollah Seidifazel Majid Hashemi Faezeh Abbasi
        The Holy Quran, in addition to its basic objective which is guiding human beings toward salvation, has also clarified issues necessary for improving the quality of their worldly life. Mental health in individuals and societies is undoubtedly one of the main issues of More
        The Holy Quran, in addition to its basic objective which is guiding human beings toward salvation, has also clarified issues necessary for improving the quality of their worldly life. Mental health in individuals and societies is undoubtedly one of the main issues of concern for contemporary human beings and has been the subject of much debate by theorists and experts in different eras. The inefficiency of their theories due to their lack of knowledge about humankind can be a factor leading to social harms and threats as a result of lack of mental health. The Holy Quran is rich in terms of fundamentals and content in this regard its teaching shave a major role in reducing and eliminating mental and psychological pressures. The strategies and recommendations provided by Islam help to strengthen people mentally and psychologically in society. From an anthropological point of view, the Quran has presented fundamental solutions for ensuring mental health. This research, using a library method, has investigated both the contributing factors and obstacles to mental health in view of the Quran, with an emphasis on Surah al-Baqara, and has assessed the mentioned factors for reaching complete and Manuscript profile