• List of Articles Neglect

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigating The Element Of Fault In The Civil Liability Of The Minor Guardian In Iran And England’s Law
        Maryam  Tafazoli Mehrjardi behshid arfania
        The objective of civil liability is to maintain the coexistence of individuals in society; If a person inflicts unlawful harm on other person, he is responsible for the effects of his harmful actions. Therefore, regardless of the injurer’s physical and mental conditions More
        The objective of civil liability is to maintain the coexistence of individuals in society; If a person inflicts unlawful harm on other person, he is responsible for the effects of his harmful actions. Therefore, regardless of the injurer’s physical and mental conditions, what he has done should be examined as being in conflict or compliance with the behavior of a reasonable or normal human being as a criterion of fault. In Iranian law, fault has a social meaning and therefore minors can be deemed guilty and responsible in this respect. If a guardian is responsible to maintain or to take care of a minor according to the law or the contract and commits a fault accordingly, the minor is not responsible but the person who has failed to maintain or to take care of the minor will be responsible for the compensation. Under English law, guardians, including parents and others caring for minors, have no representative responsibility for minors’ faults. The guardian is only responsible if he or she has personally failed to take care of or has motivated the minor to commit a fault. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Tusi’s Innovations concerning the Theory of Moderation
        Hossein  Atrak
        The theory of moderation is one of the common ethical theories among Muslim philosophers. According to this theory, all ethical virtues enjoy middle term, and all moral vices are rooted in going to extremes. Although the scholars of Islamic ethics were influenced by Pla More
        The theory of moderation is one of the common ethical theories among Muslim philosophers. According to this theory, all ethical virtues enjoy middle term, and all moral vices are rooted in going to extremes. Although the scholars of Islamic ethics were influenced by Plato and Aristotle in posing their theory of moderation, they also presented several innovations in this regard. Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi can be considered one of the innovators of this theory. His innovation in psychology consists of the four-fold classification of the faculties of the soul and designating justice as a virtue and as a function of the practical wisdom. However, his important contribution concerning the theory of moderation paved the way for presenting a new interpretation of the principle of moderation, adding the criterion of quality to it, and defining the concept of “malignity”. His other important innovation is determining three supreme genera of excess, neglect, and malignity for the vice, which, given the three faculties of the soul, will increase to nine in the number of supreme genera. It is worth mentioning that these novel contributions of Tusi greatly affected his succeeding philosophers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
        alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, g More
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, governments have become the most important political unit in the field of domestic and foreign relations, and their most important goal is to try to provide comprehensive security and expand its scope. On the other hand, people expect the most from the political institutions of society in terms of providing physical security along with economic well-being and social identity. Social security in the present age is one of the necessities of social life according to Islamic teachings and based on moral concepts in Islamic society. The present article examines the principles of social security in Nahj al-Balaghah and then proposes solutions to achieve this in society with a "neglect" approach. This article has been done in a library method with a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile