• List of Articles NO2

      • Open Access Article

        1 - assessment of tropospheric NO2 changes in Kermanshah using OMI sensor and its relationship with meteorological parameters
        Rasoul Bagherabadi
        Today, the increase and development of urbanization, industrial activities and the consumption of fossil fuels have increased air pollution in large cities. One of the indicators of air pollution is nitrogen dioxide. In this paper, the trend of changes in the concentrat More
        Today, the increase and development of urbanization, industrial activities and the consumption of fossil fuels have increased air pollution in large cities. One of the indicators of air pollution is nitrogen dioxide. In this paper, the trend of changes in the concentration of nitrogen dioxide related to the troposphere in the city of Kermanshah in the period 2006 to 2018 is presented. In this study, the monthly concentrations of nitrogen dioxide obtained show that the highest amount of nitrogen dioxide occurs in winter and the lowest amount occurs in summer. As the highest amount of nitrogen dioxide occurs in January and the lowest amount occurs in June, meteorological conditions can increase the severity and extent of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide pollution. The results of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide concentration with meteorological parameters showed that the correlation coefficient of Pearson nitrogen dioxide with wind and surface temperature are inversely related, respectively. Reductions an OMI sensor was used to monitor nitrogen dioxide. In this study, nitrogen dioxide using an OMI sensor in February and July 2016 showed that the amount of nitrogen dioxide was higher in February and lower in July. Manuscript profile