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        1 - Afterlife from the perspective of Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin
        resurrection and afterlife are two main principles of Islamic belief among Muslims. This principles are of such a paramount importance that non-belief in them leads to infidelity and exclusion from Islam. The immateriality and immortality of soul form the foundation of More
        resurrection and afterlife are two main principles of Islamic belief among Muslims. This principles are of such a paramount importance that non-belief in them leads to infidelity and exclusion from Islam. The immateriality and immortality of soul form the foundation of resurrection. Before Mulla Sadra’s time, Resurrection as well as the type and quality of afterlife had been discussed from the perspective of Kalām and as one of its sub-branches dealing with soul, its mortality and immortality after death. Mulla Sadra discussed the afore-mentioned points from philosophical viewpoint and somehow links them to the Movement on the Transcendence of Human Soul as well as its powers and perceptions. He holds that partial perception takes place after death through imagination. Imagination power remains attached to soul after death. Thus, in the present study attempts are made to discuss this principle and the views of the philosophers in this regard. Manuscript profile