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        1 - Investigation of petrographical and geochemical characteristics of carbonate deposits of the Jamal Formation in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast of Isfahan
        Behrad  Zebhi Kamand محمد علی  صالحی Ezat  Heydari Ali Bahrami
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower More
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower boundary of this formation with an unconformity is underlained by the Sardar Formation which belongs to the Carboniferous period and upper boundary with an unconformity reaches to the Lower Triassic Sorkh-Shale Formation. Facies and microfacies studies of the Jamal Formation led to the identification of two petrofacies and 14 carbonate microfacies. According to the recognized carbonate allochems, petrofacies and microfacies of the Jamal Formation and some evidence such as transitional microfacies changes, we can consider a depositional environment of a shallow mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp platform. Petrographically, four types of dolomites are recognized in the Jamal Formation. The dolomitization model for the type I dolomite is considered forming in tidal flat and burial dolomitization for types II, III and IV. Geochemical studies including major and trace elements analysis comprised of elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe. Using ratios of the elements and also by plotting some of these elements cross carbon and oxygen isotopes in various diagrams have been used in determining the original mineralogy of carbonate deposits and efficient diagenetic system on the Jamal Formation. The results indicate that the dominant diagenetic environment effected on the carbonate deposits of Jamal Formation was occurred in a semi-closed system and the original mineralogy was aragonite. Evaluation of major and trace elements contents of the four types dolomites, confirmed different characteristics of theses dolomite resembling crystal sizes in petrographic studies. Carbon and oxygen isotopes data of dolomites also defined their diagenetic situations. Manuscript profile