• List of Articles Machiavelli

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Political Theology of Machiavelli; Seeking Metaphysical Bases Political Thought of Machiavelli
        مجتبی  یاور
        The purpose of this study is to find the metaphysical alphabets and suppositions in political thought of Machiavelli; the alphabets which have root in his political thinking and his special status in West Political Thought. In spite of considering Machiavelli thought as More
        The purpose of this study is to find the metaphysical alphabets and suppositions in political thought of Machiavelli; the alphabets which have root in his political thinking and his special status in West Political Thought. In spite of considering Machiavelli thought as the pure realism and to give him titles like the founder of political realism, and to bring him to the threshold of Political positivist (the start of New Era) by many thought scholars, this writing is to show that the empirical reflections of Machiavelli about Politics is under effect of categories which are mainly theological remained from past eras and its strings can be seen in his thought too (like other Renaissance Humanists). It is attempted in this article under three subjects, i.e.: the seminal principle, the connection between Fortuna and Virtu and Belief in Deliverer(Saviourism), to make the theological roots of political thought of Machiavelli clear and propose a theological reading from it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Liberal-Democratic Theology and the New Political Science: A Reflection on Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Spinoza Theological-Political Efforts as Pioneers of the New Political Science
        Shervin  Moghimi Zanjani
        The question of “what is the good?” was the main characteristic of the Socratic political philosophy. However, the modern political philosophy had to pass this question and like its enemy (namely revealed theology) present a definite and tangible definition of “the goo More
        The question of “what is the good?” was the main characteristic of the Socratic political philosophy. However, the modern political philosophy had to pass this question and like its enemy (namely revealed theology) present a definite and tangible definition of “the good”. In other words, they had to show that philosophy, in addition to being the authoritative source of knowledge, can and must be the basis for promoting human life and a guide for attaining the good in practice. The role of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Spinoza from this point of view is so prominent. It seems that the good they defended, was the true origin of the values of a liberal democratic regime. These philosophers recognized that the necessity of the dogmatic definition of the good necessitates a theological-rhetorical expression to persuade the addresses. Therefore, without comprehending this theological-rhetorical backbone, the values of a liberal democratic regime cannot be understood completely. The modern political philosophy, on other hand, is the forbear of modern political science that its main subject is behavior and action of the citizens in a liberal democratic regime. Therefore, we can say that modern political science cannot be comprehended completely without contemplating on the ambivalent effort of these philosophers: on the one hand, their theological defense of the liberal democratic values, and on the other hand, their defense of a new scientific politics distinguished radically from ancient political knowledge. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The "important and more important" principle, and the unethical theory of justification
        The subject of “ethics in governing and ruling” has always been of interest to scholars and thinkers of all societies. Ethics in politics or ethical politics is still a controversial issue among great thinkers of political and moral philosophy. Having a short look at th More
        The subject of “ethics in governing and ruling” has always been of interest to scholars and thinkers of all societies. Ethics in politics or ethical politics is still a controversial issue among great thinkers of political and moral philosophy. Having a short look at the theories of philosophers from different schools about the relationship between ethics and politics, and having made a comparison between Plato, Aristotle, Marx, and Machiavelli, this article tries to describe and present the viewpoint of the Qur’an and ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib about the matter. This article shows that the principal ruling method recommended by Niccolo Machiavelli, which is practically accepted by all rulers, and that is instrumentality in statebuilding –an approach represented by the saying “the ends justify the means.” Whereas, the Prophet of Islam's son-in-law, his closest companion, and his chosen successor; ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib, has explicitly rejected this idea, And then, we have refered to the views of Shia jurists on the topic, and rooted out the "important and more important" principle and the determinants in case of contradiction, showing that the Quran and Hadith have allowed employing forbidden means only in the exceptional case of "saving humans' life," and it cannot be generalized to all cases of two contradictory gains. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A letter for Iran; A Study of The Relationship Between Religion, Politics and Iranianism in "The Letter of Tansar" in the Framework of Machiavelli's Thoughts
        ali tadayyonrad sara najafpour
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanb More
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanbar, the circuit and clergies in Zoroastrianism, to strengthen and consolidate it. Sassanid politics is thus considered to be religion-oriented.. This research is an effort to rethink this familiar concept by re-reading the relationship between religion and politics in the light of the comparative study of the text "Letter of Tansar to Goshnasp" with the ideas of "Machiavelli" in this field. From this reading, it seems that the strategy and approach of the Sassanid founders in relation to the categories of religion and politics should not be considered religion-oriented, but rather as Iran-oriented and Iranist. The axis of their political action and thought is in consequence political and Iranian, using the tools of religion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Machiavelli and his Relation to the New Political Philosophy
        Masoomeh  Hajati Mohammad  Akvan Amir Mohebbian
        Machiavelli’s thinking opens a new window of politics on the world. The cornerstone of that world is independence and humanism. Machiavelli is the first political thinker who paves the way for modern political theory by defining the concept of politics as the function o More
        Machiavelli’s thinking opens a new window of politics on the world. The cornerstone of that world is independence and humanism. Machiavelli is the first political thinker who paves the way for modern political theory by defining the concept of politics as the function of power strategy. Machiavelli’s two main books are The Prince and Discourse of Livy. A study of Machiavelli’s The Prince defines politics in terms of power and law. Due to this reason, he advises politicians to have a strong army and a codified law. A strong army is to protect the territorial integrity and defend the borders of a country and the codified law is to keep people and states under a single flag. For law enforcement, he first recommends the study of history and then the correct conclusions of events to historians and politicians. This is because whoever knows history is in control of the situation of the people. Moreover, this is why historical events are usually repetitive. Machiavelli’s other book, Discourse of Livy, is an instruction for a prince or a president. This article deals with the influence of Machiavelli’s theories on later political behavior in five chapters and a conclusion. Manuscript profile