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  • Lower Ratawi Fm. Esfandiyar Field
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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Petrophysical Modeling of Lower Zone of Ratawi Formation, using Neural Network Method in Assimilating Seismic and Geological Well Log Data
        Javid Hanachi Alireza Bashari
        Esfandiar field is located at the northern part of the Persian . This field is a single large anticline with Lulu field of Saudi Arabia, with , 20 KM length and 7 KM width. The field was discovered in 1966 by drilling of well E1, on the northern culmination of t More
        Esfandiar field is located at the northern part of the Persian . This field is a single large anticline with Lulu field of Saudi Arabia, with , 20 KM length and 7 KM width. The field was discovered in 1966 by drilling of well E1, on the northern culmination of the field. wells E3 and E2 were drilled at the top of structure in the southern part of the field. DSTs tests results of E1 proved that the top of Lower Ratawi formation contain 15 m oil column. E3 well test result regards as a dry hole DSTs test results of E2 were not conclusive due to inadequate testing plans . E4 Appraisal well contained, 14 m oil column at the Lower Ratawi. Log interpretations results indicated, E2 and E3 wells contains oil in Yamama formation in the southern part of the field which has not been tested properly. Lower Ratawi (Top oil-bearing zone ), Zone 'B' of Lower Ratawi (Oil bearing zone at bottom), Yamama were constructed based on the existing data. Petrophysical and geophysical data has been used for the Lower Ratawi reservoir, as a result the geological models (structural and porosity models), with applying, related software’s and neural network geophysical method are generated . At the conclusion, the recommended plan consists of horizontal drilling wells for oil production in Lower Ratawi in the north of the field has been proposed. Manuscript profile