• List of Articles Kangan

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Electro-Facies and Rock Type Comparison in the One of Gas Field’s Kangan, (Iran)
        حیدر صائمی
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Core More
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Core data, Gamma -Ray, Density and Neutron Porosity petrophysical logs of one of the Field’s wells. Rock Types determination can be a practical solution for categorizing reservoir’s facies aiming assesment of reservoir rock’s petrophysical properties and diffrentiating high potential producer zones from low potential ones. Hence clustering method based on Multi Resolution Graph-Based Clustering (MRGC) which is a “Non Parametric” statistical method, of umpteenth near value and graphical presentation of data, was implyed on Neutron Porosity, Density and Gamma-Ray logs to re-construct equivalent electro facies to the ones obtained from core. At the end, final clusters are formed by combining small clusters where five facies were recognized. The used method in this research eleminates the need of repeated coring and leads to a major cost and time saving. More over the Rock Types were also determind by Hydrolic Flow Units method. Hydrolic Flow Units is a method for categorizing the variety of Rocks according to their flowing properties based on geological and physical flow in pore scale. Five Rock Types were determind by this method also, which had good conformity with the ones from previous method in many locations. In some locations of course the results were not as good which could be as a result of non uniform sampling and human error. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Electro-Facies and Rock Type Comparison in the One of Gas Field’s Kangan, (Iran)
        حیدر صائمی وحید توکلی حسن  اشراقی
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Co More
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Core data, Gamma -Ray, Density and Neutron Porosity petrophysical logs of one of the Field’s wells. Rock Types determination can be a practical solution for categorizing reservoir’s facies aiming assesment of reservoir rock’s petrophysical properties and diffrentiating high potential producer zones from low potential ones. Hence clustering method based on Multi Resolution Graph-Based Clustering (MRGC) which is a “Non Parametric” statistical method, of umpteenth near value and graphical presentation of data, was implyed on Neutron Porosity, Density and Gamma-Ray logs to re-construct equivalent electro facies to the ones obtained from core. At the end, final clusters are formed by combining small clusters where five facies were recognized. The used method in this research eleminates the need of repeated coring and leads to a major cost and time saving. More over the Rock Types were also determind by Hydrolic Flow Units method. Hydrolic Flow Units is a method for categorizing the variety of Rocks according to their flowing properties based on geological and physical flow in pore scale. Five Rock Types were determind by this method also, which had good conformity with the ones from previous method in many locations. In some locations of course the results were not as good which could be as a result of non uniform sampling and human error. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Electro-Facies and Rock Type Comparison in the One of Gas Field’s Kangan, (Iran)
        حیدر صائمی وحید توکلی حسن  اشراقی
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Co More
        Abstract Kangan Formation in the Study Area is about 444 meters thick and is mainly composed of Limestone and dolomite with randome interbeds of Anhydrites. In this article, Rock Types are determind by Electro Facies and Hydrolic Flow Units (HFU) method using the Core data, Gamma -Ray, Density and Neutron Porosity petrophysical logs of one of the Field’s wells. Rock Types determination can be a practical solution for categorizing reservoir’s facies aiming assesment of reservoir rock’s petrophysical properties and diffrentiating high potential producer zones from low potential ones. Hence clustering method based on Multi Resolution Graph-Based Clustering (MRGC) which is a “Non Parametric” statistical method, of umpteenth near value and graphical presentation of data, was implyed on Neutron Porosity, Density and Gamma-Ray logs to re-construct equivalent electro facies to the ones obtained from core. At the end, final clusters are formed by combining small clusters where five facies were recognized. The used method in this research eleminates the need of repeated coring and leads to a major cost and time saving. More over the Rock Types were also determind by Hydrolic Flow Units method. Hydrolic Flow Units is a method for categorizing the variety of Rocks according to their flowing properties based on geological and physical flow in pore scale. Five Rock Types were determind by this method also, which had good conformity with the ones from previous method in many locations. In some locations of course the results were not as good which could be as a result of non uniform sampling and human error. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Study of Petrography & Petrophysics of Permian- Triassic carbonate sediments in Qatar –South Pars Arch
        Ali reza Bashari
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zo More
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zones: K1 to K4. Each of the four succeeding zones have been divided into different subzone. This Studies identified different facies-types on the Dalan and Kangan formation in this region. Petrophysical & Petrographycal studies indicate that the best reservoir unites are found in: Dolo-grainstones, Dolowakestones/Packstones and Grainstones. Isopach maps and Depth maps show variations in thickness and depth of different zones in this region. Depth map on top of Kangan formation shows this formation getting deeper toward north- west and south east in the Persian Gulf. Continuity of marker beds in Permian/Triassic sediment and paleontological evidence support diachroneity of these sediments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Dalan and Lower Kangan units in Persian Gulf with special emphasis on the Permo/ Triassic boundary
        سعیده منیبی نواب خدائی زیبا  زمانی پژوه
        Abstract The Upper Dalan and Lower Kangan stratigraphic units with 225m thickness were studied in one of the subsurface section in Persian Gulf area. According to the biostrarigraphic investigation on the dolomitic and limestone successions of the Upper Dalan unit, th More
        Abstract The Upper Dalan and Lower Kangan stratigraphic units with 225m thickness were studied in one of the subsurface section in Persian Gulf area. According to the biostrarigraphic investigation on the dolomitic and limestone successions of the Upper Dalan unit, there are more than 30 index foraminifera and non-foraminifera species. One Paradagmarita/ Paraglobivalvulina/ Baisalina Assemblage Zone that divided to three distinct sub- assemblage zones 1. Rectostipulina quadrata/ Globivalvulina vonderschimitti Assemblage subzone 2. Dagmarita chanackchiensis/ Ichtyolaria latilimbata Assemblage subzone 3. Hemigordiopsis renzi/ Paradagmarita flabeliformis Assemblage subzone have been distinguished in the stratigraphic section representing the Julfian to Earleast Dorashamian stage. The identified microfauna' assemblages can be corresponded to the Late Permian regional biozonation in the Tethys realm. The latest microfauna assemblages in the latest part of Dalan Formation exhibits a significant chronostratigraphic hiatus, just was cited in the Dalan/ Kangan (Permo/Triassic) boundary. There is no any evidence about Latest Dorashamian sediments in the study area. The Permo/Triassic boundary is a paraconformity type in the latest Permian biozones, which can be corresponded to other areas of the world. The Lower Kangan stratigraphic unit can be attributed to the Schytian age (Early Triassic age) on basis of presence of some index fossils such as Bivalves (Claraia sp.) and Serpulids (Spirorbis sp.). It should be stressed that the similar microfauna associations can be seen in other Iranian places such as Central Iran and Alborz areas, which is documented a distinct palaeobiogeographical relationship between the above-mentioned areas and Zagros realm on Permian and Triassic ages. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Permeability improvement calculated from Stoneley-FZI method in Kangan reservoir, one of Iran's gas fields
        hossein rezaie yegane doost
        Permeability in fluid flow is for a porous rock, which is exactly what causes the problem. core analysis and well testing are two most commonly used methods of permeability measurement, but in-vitro measurement of permeability by applying core analysis on all wells in a More
        Permeability in fluid flow is for a porous rock, which is exactly what causes the problem. core analysis and well testing are two most commonly used methods of permeability measurement, but in-vitro measurement of permeability by applying core analysis on all wells in a specific field is very time consuming and costly and even impossible when dealing with Horizontal wells. Wells testing, on the other hand, is not cost-effective for reasons such as; High costs and zero production during the testing process. Therefore, thanks to their low cost, comprehensiveness and availability, permeability estimation methods developed according to conventional logs land DSI diagrams are of critical importance. Taking this into account, in the present study, permeability was first estimated using multi-resolution graph-based clustering (MRGC) and the results were compared with permeability rates obtained from core analysis. In the second stage, permeability was measured by ST-FZI method and the results were compared with permeability rates obtained from core analysis. In the third stage, the multi-resolution graph-based clustering (MRGC) method was used to improve the permeability calculated by the ST-FZI method and overcome the reservoir heterogeneity. First the flow units were identified, and then the ST-FZI method was applied on each flow unit to calculate permeability and finally the calculated permeabilities were combined to obtain an accurate permeability graph of the studied well. The correlation coefficients of permeability rates estimated via core analysis in the multi-resolution graph-based clustering method (R2 = 77), ST-FZI method (R2 = 47) and improved method (R2 = 84) were measured. The afore-mentioned method was able to improve the permeability calculated in the previous step by 37% and was recognized as the best permeability measurement method in the Kangan reservoir of the well subjected to study. Manuscript profile