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        1 - An Investigation of Effective Individual and Behavioral Characteristics of New Technology-Based Firms' Managers
        Gholamreza Malekzadeh Azadeh Kiyani nejad
        In the paper effective individual and behavioral characteristics of the new technology based firms' managers in a supportive environment such as Science and Technology Parkas and Technology Incubators are investigated and based on the results of the research, effective More
        In the paper effective individual and behavioral characteristics of the new technology based firms' managers in a supportive environment such as Science and Technology Parkas and Technology Incubators are investigated and based on the results of the research, effective individual and behavioral characteristics for success of these managers and also their companies are presented. Also, in this study, researchers have tried to determine effective characteristics and indicators which are used in selecting and appointing the managers of such firms, and therefore improve the process of managers' selection. Sample firms are located in Khorasan Science and Technology Park (KSTP) which is one of the new supportive environments in the country. For this study, among the multiple personality characteristics and features, six individual and behavioral indicators were selected and highlighted which include: 1) confidence, 2) leadership abilities, 3) creativity and innovation, 4) participation and devolution, 5) human relationship skills and 6) internal control. Selection of these individual and behavioral indicators and characteristics are based on the results of the other researches and studies. After determining these characteristics through the review of literature, an evaluation questionnaire was designed and distributed to sample firms' managers and necessary information was obtained. By analyzing these results, the effective indicators and characteristics for success of managers were identified. The results shows that the first and sixth hypotheses of the research hypotheses are correct, i.e. confidence and internal controls are most effective indicators for success of these firms' managers. This research has not considered Employees' satisfaction. Manuscript profile