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        1 - Modeling of the fold interference patterns from the northern Golpaygan metamorphic complex using MATLAB
        Mohammad Reza Sheikholeslami
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLA More
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLAB" is one of the softwares that is used with its extensive facilities for data analysis and modeling in various sciences, including structural geology. In this paper, possible models of interference patterns of the three generations of folds in metamorphic rocks of the Golpayegan area were reconstructed using the script written in MATLAB software. The required data include the attitudes of the mean axis and the mean axial planes of three consecutive generations of folds which were obtained during field measurements. Field studies show that the first and second generation folds are almost coaxial, however the third generation folds have a different axial trend. The results of modeling indicate that four classical fold interference patterns may be formed in horizontal (map view) and vertical sections in Golpayegan metamorphic rocks. Modeled fold interference patterns are closely consistent with the natural fold interference patterns observed in the outcrop and regional scales. Using the modeling, it can be determined that the different interference patterns of the folds in the northern Golpayegan metamorphic rocks are related to superposition of the related fold generations. Manuscript profile