• List of Articles Initiation

      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Introspective Analysis of Faith in Mulla Sadra’s Interpretation of the Qur’an
        Seyyed Muhammed Kazem  ‘Alavi
        Although faith constitutes the core of religious discussions, it holds its specific place in interpretive and kalami-philosophical discussions, and different scholars have dealt with it from different perspectives. Mulla Sadra also tackled the central problem of faith i More
        Although faith constitutes the core of religious discussions, it holds its specific place in interpretive and kalami-philosophical discussions, and different scholars have dealt with it from different perspectives. Mulla Sadra also tackled the central problem of faith in his interpretation. He founded his philosophical system, the Transcendent Philosophy, based on a thorough examination of various Islamic philosophical trends. However, in his interpretation, he was in a better position to provide a comprehensive view of this topic. The analysis of faith in Mulla Sadra’s interpretation manifests his transcendent approach. Here, the writer explores Mulla Sadra’s methodology in this regard. Given the kalami origin of the problem of faith, Mulla Sadra initially examines various kalami and religious views of this issue based on three kalami features: assent by heart, verbal affirmation, and practical action. From among them, he only sees assent by heart as a factor involved in the nature of faith. At the final stage, he presents a fundamental and transcendent analysis of faith in which he considers it an introspective truth and treats it like other inner affairs. This analysis consists of four parts: In the first one, faith is examined with respect to three areas of knowledge, state, and practice. In the second and third parts, by separating the two “initiation” and “return” processes, he explores the quality of the successive order of these two processes with regard to each other and acknowledges the superiority of the process of return and, as a result, knowledge. At the final stage, he distinguishes “transactive knowledge” from “unveiled knowledge” and considers the acquisition of unveiled knowledge as the main purpose of knowledge seekers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analytical study of Haft Khan Esfandiar's connection with shamanism, initiation and the world of the dead
        Ali Farzane Qasrodashti mahmood rezaei dasht arjaneh Farrokh  Hajiani
        Eliade believes the ritual travels of heroes is one of the main themes of epics. On the other hand, Iran is one of the most influential societies in shamanic rituals and shamanic manifestations are seen in many Iranian epics. Esfandiar's Haftankhan is one of the example More
        Eliade believes the ritual travels of heroes is one of the main themes of epics. On the other hand, Iran is one of the most influential societies in shamanic rituals and shamanic manifestations are seen in many Iranian epics. Esfandiar's Haftankhan is one of the examples of the connection between Iranian epics and shamanic rituals which includes the basics of ritual travel. In this story, Gogsar is a symbol of the novice guide shaman and the stories of Haftkhan are symbols of initiation, the arrival of the learned hero in the associations and his journey to the dead's world to bring back the souls of the sisters. In this article, an attempt is made to compare the manifestations of the initiation ritual in this story by comparatively checking the stories of Esfandiar's Haftkhan with the shamanic passage rites and show why this story is his initiation. The article will also show that Esfandiar in the third stage passed the rites of initiation successfully. And the stories that follow are a description of his journey to the underworld to restore the soul. This task was performed by shamans in ancient societis. Manuscript profile