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        1 - Providing a Model for Continuing the Use of E-learning in Work Environments (Case study: Headquarters of the State Tax Administration)
        Hanieh Shami zanjani Mostafa Niknami Nadergholi Ghorchian Amir hosein Mohammad davoudi
        This research aims to provide a model for the continued use of e-learning in work environments (Headquarters of the State Tax Administration). The present study is a descriptive survey type in terms of the applied purpose, in terms of the type of mixed data. For collect More
        This research aims to provide a model for the continued use of e-learning in work environments (Headquarters of the State Tax Administration). The present study is a descriptive survey type in terms of the applied purpose, in terms of the type of mixed data. For collecting data, a library method, a semi-structured interview, a researcher-made questionnaire, and factors affecting continuity were used. The formal validity of the questionnaire was obtained through pilot implementation, content validity through comprehensive literature review and judgment of experts, and construct validity using a confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was estimated to be 0.93 by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Qualitative data analysis was done through coding. Quantitative data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL software. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including exploratory factor analysis to determine the factors and components of the model and the confirmatory factor analysis using the structural equation modeling technique for presenting the model through LISREL software have been used. The findings showed that the quality of the system experts, organizational support and expected performance with frequency 12, have the first priority, respectively, in system factors, organizational factors and individual factors. Also, the age of 7 is among the demographic (demographic) factors of the first priority. The share of "system factors", "organizational factors", "human factors" and "demographic factors" was 48%, 36%, 28% and 19% respectively for continued use of e-learning. Finally, a model for continuing use of e-learning in the headquarters of the State Tax Administration was presented based on its effective factors and its components. Manuscript profile