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        1 - Challenges of the Qur'anic Intellectual Principles in the Critique Shiites
        Mahdi Fathi Ahmad moradkhani Hosin Alavimehr
        Hadith is the second source of inference of Islamic laws for Shias and Sunnis after Quran and many jurisprudential laws of Islam are explicated by the Prophet (pbuh). Muslims, at the early years of Islam and after, following the command of God who says: (( وَ مَا ءَاتَئ More
        Hadith is the second source of inference of Islamic laws for Shias and Sunnis after Quran and many jurisprudential laws of Islam are explicated by the Prophet (pbuh). Muslims, at the early years of Islam and after, following the command of God who says: (( وَ مَا ءَاتَئكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَ مَا نهَئكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانتَهُوا (al-Hashr/7) “whatever the messenger gives you, accept it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain” obeyed his commands and were faithful to his words. Since, the great lord explicates that obedience from the prophet is obedience from me (مَّن يُطِعِ الرَّسُولَ فَقَدْ أَطَاعَ اللَّهَ) (an-Nesa/80) “whomever obeys the Prophet, therefore obeyed me”, the tradition of prophet (pbuh) has been a light for the Muslims. However, the thought that has been long established against the truth of hadith and tradition of prophet (pbuh) is known as Quranism, who believe that in Quran; no clear reference or emphasis is made upon obedience from traditions, also there are controversies among them that we cannot rely on them to build our social and religious life, as well as the jurisprudential laws. This group consider Quran as the only source of Islamic laws. In this study, it is tried to investigate their historical and geographical roots, express their intellectual principles, and criticize them with respect to Shia and Sunni point of views. Manuscript profile