• List of Articles Gadvan

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of Gadvan Formation in Binak, Gachsaran and Marun fileds by geochemical methods and thermal modeling.
        نغمه مرتاضیان
        Investigation on hydrocarbon source rock potentiality of Gadvan Formation in Marun, Gachsaran and Binak oil fields using Rock-eval pyrolysis shows that Gadvan Formation in Marun and Gachsaran oil fields is an effective source rock and is capable of generating hydrocar More
        Investigation on hydrocarbon source rock potentiality of Gadvan Formation in Marun, Gachsaran and Binak oil fields using Rock-eval pyrolysis shows that Gadvan Formation in Marun and Gachsaran oil fields is an effective source rock and is capable of generating hydrocarbon (oil and gas) , whereas the same formation in the Binak oil field has no hydrocarbon generation potential. The presence of organic matter in Gadvan Formation from Marun and Gachsaran oil fields suggests a mixture of kerogen type II/III and in Binak oil field kergen type III is dominant. Based on Tmax values derived from Rock-Eval pyrolysis, Gadvan Formation in Marun and Gachsaran oil fields is thermally mature and entered oil window stage but in Binak oil field this formation is immature and has not entered oil window yet. The results obtained from pyrolysis and virtinite reflectance measurements are in good agreement with thermal history modeling using PBM software program. Organic facies curve plotted for the Gadvan Formation indicates organic facies BC for Marun and Gachsaran oil fields and organic facies CD for Binak oil field suggesting marine persistent anoxic to oxidizing conditions prevailed during early deposition Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Source rock characterization of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations in giant Gachsaran oilfield
        Majid Safaei-Farouji Hossain Rahimpour-Bonab Buyuk Ghorbani
        The aim of this study is geochemical evaluation of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations as possible source rocks in Gachsaran oil field using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis manner. All of the studied samples possess migration index amounts lower than 1.5 showing indigenous n More
        The aim of this study is geochemical evaluation of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations as possible source rocks in Gachsaran oil field using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis manner. All of the studied samples possess migration index amounts lower than 1.5 showing indigenous nature of their hydrocarbons. TOC versus S2 and TOC against S1+S2 diagrams suggest fair hydrocarbon generation potential for the Fahlian and Surmeh formations and fair to good potential for the Gadvan formation. for the Fahlian and Surmeh formations type III kerogen and for the Gadvan formation mixed type II and II-III kerogens were identified. So, the Fahlian and Surmeh formations contain organic matter with terrigenous source (gas prone) and the Gadvan Formation possess both of marine and terrigenous organic matter (oil and gas prone). According to the cross plot of Tmax versus Hydrogen index (HI), the Gurpi formation is capable of mixed gas and oil, and gas generation and the Fahlian and Surmeh formations considered only gas prone formations. In terms of organic facies type, the surmeh, Fahlian, and Gurpi formations located in CD, C and CD, and BC and C zones of jones diagram, respectively. So, the Gadvan formation in compare to the Fahlian formation and the Fahlian formation in compare to the Surmeh formation, deposited under more anoxic conditions. In terms of thermal maturity, All of the Fahlian, Gadvan, and Surmeh formations located in oil window zone, but the Surmeh formation possess higher maturity than the Fahlian formation and the Fahlian formation have highr maturity in compare to the Gadvan formation. Manuscript profile