• List of Articles Flows

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Role of Dairy Workshops in Formation of Spatial Flows The Case of Settlements of Hashtrud and Charoymagh Areas
        ِAbaas Saidi Mostafa Taleshi omid rafatkhah Amin Torkaman
        The spatial flows are based on rural-urban interactions and are defined through different flows of people, goods, products, capital, information and innovation. The formation of these flows requires structural-functional contexts. What is of particular importance in thi More
        The spatial flows are based on rural-urban interactions and are defined through different flows of people, goods, products, capital, information and innovation. The formation of these flows requires structural-functional contexts. What is of particular importance in this regard is to emphasize rural-urban socioeconomic integrity and to avoid approaches based on the separation of rural and urban settlements. In fact, what prevents the formation of these networks in developing countries is due to various factors and forces. However, state building and development facilitation, along with the serious involvement of villagers, can play an effective role. This article examines the function of dairy workshops in the areas of Hashtrud and Charoymagh (East Azarbaijan) to identify the role of these workshops in the shaping rural-urban relationships and linkages and formation of local and regional networks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Tectono-magmatic setting of diabase and basalt flows in north Makran ophiolite, southeast of Iran
        Azizollah Bazzi Mohammad Mahdi Khatib Mohammadhosein Zarrinkoub
        The north Makran ophiolite in southeast of Iran, as a part of Tethyan ophiolites, is located between Lut and Bajkan-Durkan continental blocks. Among the rocks of this ophiolite sequence, diabase and basalt flows are present more abundant in the outcrops in the eastern p More
        The north Makran ophiolite in southeast of Iran, as a part of Tethyan ophiolites, is located between Lut and Bajkan-Durkan continental blocks. Among the rocks of this ophiolite sequence, diabase and basalt flows are present more abundant in the outcrops in the eastern part of the studied north Makran ophiolite. Structural, petrographic and geochemical evidences suggest distinct geodynamic setting for the formation of these rocks. Based on geochemical characteristics, diabase and basalts fall into two groups: In the first group, tholeiitic diabase and basalt flows represent MORB-like affinity, and the second group include calc-alkaline basaltic to dacitic lavas with arc environment and supra-subduction affinities. These two lava types represent two major magmatic events: 1) MORB-type magmatism resulted from Early Cretaceous rifting/opening between two continental blocks and resulted in the formation of tholeiitic diabase and basalt. LREE enrichment, low La/Yb and relatively high U/Th ratios suggest continental influence in their melt source, and 2) subduction-related magmatism, that formed calc-alkaline basaltic, andesitic and dacitic lavas in Late Cretaceous. LILE, LREE enrichment, Nb and Ta negative anomaly, low TiO2 concentrations and relatively high Ce/Pb ratio document subduction influence in their composition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Effectiveness of Rural Entrepreneurship in Developing Rural-Urban Linkages The Case of Villages of Dalahoo Area (Kermanshah)
        abbas saidi bahram fathi
        Rural entrepreneurship can lead to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and, ultimately, to rural-urban linkages More
        Rural entrepreneurship can lead to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and, ultimately, to rural-urban linkages. This process, in turn, leads over time to the dynamism of rural areas and the creation of more opportunities for business activities as well as the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of rural settlements. This article examines the possibility of expanding rural entrepreneurship in the villages of Dalahoo district (Kermanshah province) and tries to show that expanding these activities and the relationships connected with them can not only lead to more interaction and connection of the villages with urban centers, but in harmony with urban centers, to the prosperity and development of rural settlements. The statistical population of the study consists of 139 rural settlements in the area, which were examined descriptively and analytically. To this end, library and field methods were used with surveying tools such as questionnaires and interviews to collect the necessary data and information. The indicators used to measure rural entrepreneurship and its effectiveness for sustainable local development included increases in employment and income levels, access to services and efforts to protect the environment. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and Spss and Excel software, as well as the t-test and the Pearson correlation test. The results of the study show that rural entrepreneurs in the rural Dalahu area, despite some of the area's natural potentials and socio-economic capabilities, have not been as successful and expanding as they should be, and apparently have not been able to properly bring about the rural-urban cohesion, to achieve relative sustainable development at the local level. It is mostly due to the unbalanced distribution of rural settlements and their critical distance from the regional centers, as well as lack of easy access to exchange Bazars, where improper mechanisms are overwhelming. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Facies studies and depositional environment of Sahand volcanic complex (NW of Iran)
        Farhad Pirmohammadi alishah Ahmad Jahangiri
        Sahand volcanic complex is located in the south of Tabriz and east of Urmia Lake and includes an alternation of lava, igneous materials and clastic sediments that were affected by many folds and fractures. Sahand volcano is relatively young in age (Miocene to Pliocene) More
        Sahand volcanic complex is located in the south of Tabriz and east of Urmia Lake and includes an alternation of lava, igneous materials and clastic sediments that were affected by many folds and fractures. Sahand volcano is relatively young in age (Miocene to Pliocene) and its structure is somewhat intact. Consequently, where there is a good lateral continuity, facies and volcanological studies can be carried out in the upper part of the complex. Based on these studies, it was determined that the Sahand volcanic structure can be divided into four central, near, medium and distant facies. Facies studies show that the structure of Sahand Volcano was created by several explosive phases, some of which were associated with water intrusion and there was not much time between eruptions. Characteristics, such as severe welding and discoloration of pyroclastic deposits show that these units had a high temperature at the time of formation and were formed on land. Overall, Sahand volcanic eruptions were more explosive, and thus, the number of pyroclastic deposits is much higher than lava flows. In the central, near and middle facies of Sahand, no traces of younger hydrothermal activities can be found, and only in the distant facies, there is a hot spring (Bostan Abad), the relationship of which needs further study to prove the connection of these springs with the Sahand Volcano. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A New State Estimator in Distribution Systems
        S. Sabzebin F. Karbalaei
        Due to the lack of measurement in distribution systems, state estimation has particular importance. Different methods are presented to improve the accuracy of system state with limited measurements. In this paper a new state estimator in distribution systems are offered More
        Due to the lack of measurement in distribution systems, state estimation has particular importance. Different methods are presented to improve the accuracy of system state with limited measurements. In this paper a new state estimator in distribution systems are offered. This estimator bases on backward forward load flow estimates system state with adjusting load consumption at each step. Voltage measurements in slack bus, loads and zero injection measurements are inputs of estimator. This estimator is compared with weight least square estimator and its results are shown. The estimator calculates voltage magnitude with less error and also faster than WLS estimator. 85-bus system is presented in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Multi-objective modeling of financial flows for sustainable supply chain and the Study effects of financial ratios along with sustainability factors
        morteza ghahramani
        In this research, a multi-objective model is presented to optimization financial flows in sustainable supply chain closed-loop. The objectives of this model include maximizing profits, minimizing environmental and social impacts, and maximizing financial ratios. The sup More
        In this research, a multi-objective model is presented to optimization financial flows in sustainable supply chain closed-loop. The objectives of this model include maximizing profits, minimizing environmental and social impacts, and maximizing financial ratios. The supply chain used in this research is the supply chain of production and recycling of polymer parts. In order to modeling and optimization in this research, the Memetic hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm has been used. Memetic algorithm is an algorithm that is obtained by combining genetic algorithm and refrigeration simulation algorithm. The proposed model includes production planning, distribution and waste collection and is designed for multi-period and multi-product. The financial analysis parameters of the model include the current ratio, the current ratio, the debt-to-equity ratio, the net profit margin, the cash ratio and the rate of return on investment . Analysis of the results shows that considering financial goals and indicators will lead to improved profitability. Manuscript profile