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    • List of Articles Faṣṣ ḥikmat ‘iṣmatīyyah fī kalimat fāṭimmīyyah

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Critical Study of the Book, The Bezel of Infallible Wisdom in the Word Fatemi
        Mahmoud Saidiy
        Faṣṣ ḥikmat ‘iṣmatīyyah fī kalimat fāṭimmīyyah is the title of a book by Hassanzadeh Amuli, which has been written following the method of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam and as a supplementary to this book. In this book, the writer has dealt with the mysterious and all-inc More
        Faṣṣ ḥikmat ‘iṣmatīyyah fī kalimat fāṭimmīyyah is the title of a book by Hassanzadeh Amuli, which has been written following the method of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam and as a supplementary to this book. In this book, the writer has dealt with the mysterious and all-inclusive character of Lady Fāṭimah (‘a) as a perfect and infallible human being. Such a discussion is an innovative move in theoretical gnosis from certain aspects; however, it suffers from some defects: 1) the related ḥadīths and their narrative proofs have not been quoted with sufficient accuracy; some of the mentioned ḥadīths cannot be found in narrative sources, and some others have been quoted from invalid ones; 2) the attribute of the queen of virtue is not solely applied to Lady Fāṭimah (‘a); therefore, it seems wrong to limit such a chapter to her; 3) Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam begins with the chapter of humanity and ends with the chapter of Muhammedan. Since the true heirs of the Holy Prophet (ṣ) depend on him in their nominal manifestations, the gnostic principles and problems regarding Lady Fāṭimah (‘a) can be sub-categorized under the chapter of Muhammedan and do not need an independent section. Manuscript profile