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        1 - Ethical and Behavioral Standards: Legal Reading and Their Social Effects
        Mohammad Reza  Vijeh Azad  Rezaei
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide More
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide the members of minor areas. On the other hand, in particular, our country faces a range of problems and challenges such as the water crisis, the environmental crisis, the crisis of public trust and other social crises which in many cases may threat the integrity of the country. It is believed that such problems are derived from inattention of moral values, preference of personal and group interests to public interest and corruption in general and etc,. Our assumption is that the adoption of professional standards in every kind and in particular, legal perceptions of them will lead to the rule of ethical values at the levels of occupation at first and then, lead to ethical excellence of a large part of society. In the meantime, we found through descriptive-analytical study that ethical excellence, fight against corruption and the strengthening of public trust, the safeguarding of citizenship rights, the strengthening of professional solidarity, the preservation of the dignity and integrity of the minor areas, and etc., will be prove to be true as the positive effects that can overcome many of mentioned problems. Manuscript profile