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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Hotel Industry (Case Study: Parsian Azadi Khazar Hotel)
        jafar bahari mehdi karoubi Shahla  Bahari Samira Mohammadi
        In today's highly competitive world, organizations are looking for new methods to maximize the performance and effort of their employees. The largest and most important capital of any organization, is it's human capital, that overshadowes other investments of the organ More
        In today's highly competitive world, organizations are looking for new methods to maximize the performance and effort of their employees. The largest and most important capital of any organization, is it's human capital, that overshadowes other investments of the organization, and the achievement of the goals of the organizations largely depends on the proper functioning of the staff. Today, outstanding organizational performance can not be obtained merely from ordinary staff efforts. One of the reasons underling successes in large organizations is the fact that their staff performance is beyond their formal tasks. Present research aimed to Impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the hotel industry in Parsian Azadi Khazar Hotel Chalus has been done in the summer of 2019. The data required for this research is collected by simple random sampling method and with tools of questionnaire. Also, structural equation method has been used by the Smart pls software to analyze data. The method of research is descriptive and correlational and Statistical population of this research is considered all employees of Parsian Azadi Khazar Hotel Chalus. To determine the sample size, Cochran's formula was used and sample size of 89 people was obtained. Also, simple random sampling method was used for sampling. The results showed that the Emotional Intelligence (EI) and every one of its dimensions on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) have a positive and significant impact. and also it was shown that Social Awareness variable has the largest is path coefficient and its impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is higher than other variables. Manuscript profile